Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 745 The arrival of the second warm period in Chinese history (please give me a monthly recom

Chapter 745 The arrival of the second warm period in Chinese history (asking for a monthly ticket recommendation ticket!)

In the first month of the fourth year of the Second Emperor's reign, Emperor Qin II issued an order to re-chronologically record the empire from the beginning of its unification to the present, which is the Imperial Chronicle.That is to say, when the First Emperor unified the world, it was the empire for one year, and now it is the empire's 16th year.

The past history has finally been concluded and officially designated as the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period.The conclusion of the past history symbolizes the elimination of the old era.From this moment on, the people of the entire empire looked up to their supreme emperor as they had in the past.

The emperor system is the crystallization of the political wisdom of the Central Plains people that was finally condensed from the blood and tears of the past seven kingdoms.

They did not create myths and fabricate fictitious gods, but created a supreme emperor.

The second generation stood on the Zhangtai Hall, looking far into the distance.

Pang You followed the second son's gaze and saw that it was the late emperor's mausoleum. His Majesty had never done this before.

Perhaps, only the king can understand the king.

In this year, the 16th year of the imperial calendar, the rumors about Yinghuo Shouxin were completely put to rest in Kanto, and the world gradually returned to peace.

To govern a country, the master of the empire is required to be patient, and for the empire, it takes time.No matter how good a major policy is, it will take time to complete.

What happened next was not expected by the entire empire.

The first cold period in Chinese history has ended. With the demise of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty and the stabilization of the Qin State's regime, the second warm period in Chinese history has also ushered in.

This second warm period historically spanned the Han Dynasty and now the Qin Empire.

At the alternation between the cold period and the warm period, the world is changing, the undercurrents are surging on the earth, and people are everywhere fighting for power.These things are invisible to the naked eye.

The changes brought about by the alternation of cold and warm periods are truly visible to the naked eye and tangible to the body, but at this time, they are shaking the empire's newly stable state.

The Ministry of Industry ordered Ji Hao to report:

"Your Majesty the Emperor, since the beginning of last year, the weather has warmed up, and the glaciers in the upper reaches of the rivers have melted, causing the rivers and rivers to overflow. People on both sides of the river have been forced to move their fields back because of the rising river water. Tens of thousands of people have been forced to relocate because of the overflowing river water. Family migration.”

"At the time when His Majesty ordered the redistribution of land in Hanoi and Guanzhong, Guanzhong and Hanoi are now in chaos. It is only March. If we wait until the turn of July and August, the world may be like a steamer, and the water levels of the entire river and rivers Increased several times.”

The Second Emperor remembered that there were no less than [-] records of floods in the Han Dynasty in the history books.

The most famous of them is that in the summer of 185 BC, the rivers and Han Rivers overflowed, causing floods in Hanzhong (ruling today's Ankang, Shaanxi Province) and Nanjun (ruling today's Jiangling, Hubei Province), flooding more than 4000 households.

As for the Qin State, because it had occupied the Bashu area early on, it was deeply irrigated by the river basin.This river originates from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, and changes in temperature often have a serious impact on people in the middle and lower reaches.

It's just that Qin State has many skilled craftsmen, and there are also great talents like Zheng Guo.They have long established a set of water level standards, with clear scale measurements of water levels in important river channels, and detailed data records.

The continuation of the political power allowed the Qin State's experience and wisdom in managing major water conservancy matters to survive.

Predict future water levels according to seasonal changes.For example, it is spring now, but the water level suddenly rose higher than last year.So if the temperature is higher this fall, the water levels will grow even more, and by summer and autumn, there will be floods everywhere.

"I heard that in the season of great peace, the sky is harmonious and the temperature rises. Therefore, in the Xia and Shang seasons, floods flow across the country; but in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the Zhou Dynasty and the world are in chaos, and the world is freezing. The coastal area will enter the cold weather in October. "

"I think that the warming of the world is a good sign, which means that the empire will last for thousands of years. And the floods are caused by the empire's water virtue. But since the natural disaster has come, I must go to the Ancestral Temple in person to pray for the people. These two things must be done. Tell the world, this is to appease the people."

"Your Majesty is wise!"

"In addition, I have to spend a lot of manpower to dredge the river in advance. Ji Hao, I will leave this matter to you, Yao Jia."


"Do you have anything else to report, sir?"

There was silence in the hall, and no one answered.

In spring, warblers are flying and grass is growing, the weather is getting hotter, the sun is shining brightly, and the air is filled with a sense of laziness.

Fruits and fragrances have been placed in the main hall.

Such a big event happened in the empire, but no one in the court showed any emotion.

For some reason, starting this year, Meng Tian has more and more white hair on his head. He has to go out to patrol and monitor the place every three months.There are more and more wrinkles on my face nowadays.

Even Sikou Mengyi, who had always been arrogant, had a slight hint of white hair on his temples.These white hairs are particularly dazzling in the black jungle and are the most eye-catching.

"Sikou, what happened at Dali Temple recently?"

Only then did Meng Yi come back to his senses and bow:

"Your Majesty, these are just minor cases, nothing major happened."


Fusu looked at Mengtian again,
"Dazhu Kingdom, Yushitai monitors all the officials, have you found any abnormalities?"

"Your Majesty does everything personally, and all the governors and magistrates of the empire also work together, and there is nothing wrongdoing."

These two are the most honest people in the court, and now they both say that there is nothing important in the court. This is really a strange feeling.

But at this moment, Feng Jie took the initiative to step forward and said:

"Your Majesty, the temperature in the world is getting warmer, and Guanzhong will face severe flooding. I believe that your Majesty needs to assign special people to deal with this matter. The Ministry of Industry has now taken over the follow-up repair work of the entire imperial tomb, and also has to internally supervise the entire empire. Craftsmen. I am worried that the Minister of Industry will not be able to complete such an important task alone."

Ji Hao naturally gritted his teeth slightly after hearing this.

This Feng Jie is now close to Zhang Han again.Now that the Ministry of Industry has taken over the imperial mausoleum project, Zhang Han's power has been repeatedly weakened. Feng Jie is venting his anger on Zhang Han.

But what surprised Ji Hao was that his old minister Zheng Guo helped Feng Jie speak:

"Your Majesty, this is what I mean. I think someone else should be chosen to take charge of the flood prevention work this time. This flood prevention matter is more dangerous than war. When the flood comes, all people and houses will be swept away by the water. Even the bones of the dead were not found. And when the water came, there was no warning at all. Even sending [-] scouts would not help."

Only then did whispers arose in the court, and it was clear that this incident had caused disagreements.

The second ordered:

"What do you, the admonishing officials, think of this matter?"

When the admonishing officials heard this, their eyes gleamed.Behind Ji Hao was the Shangqing of the State of Zheng. Now that the Shangqing of the State of Zheng is saying this, he is naturally against him.

"The Order of the Ministry of Industry has a background in building palaces and temples, and the construction of imperial tombs can only be a fill-in job. If this important matter of preventing floods is handled by the Order of the Ministry of Industry, wouldn't it be asking a blind man to light a lamp?"

But some people refute this.

"The fortifications to prevent floods are under the management of the Ministry of Works. Just let the Ministry of Works hire people. The most important thing for the great governance of the empire is to straighten out the rules of the court. Now the four branches of Lihu, Li, and Gong have decided that order in the court is in order. Why should it be because of This thing breaks the rule."

"But one thing is not the other. Although it is to build flood defenses, once a flood occurs, it will endanger people's livelihood. And the Hanoi area is in need of comfort now. If a flood occurs, people in Hanoi will definitely boil with resentment. We must send troops People who understand this matter will go to deal with it."

 I won’t write about the emperor anymore. Mad’s rule will be short-lived!

(End of this chapter)

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