Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 746: Reassign Xiao He (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Chapter 746: Reassign Xiao He (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

"Major water conservancy projects have always been presided over by Shangqing Zheng Guo. Perhaps such major water conservancy projects, which are related to the country's people's livelihood, should not be under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Industry in the first place."

The officials were all admonishing each other. Although they all had their own positions, the Second Emperor heard it. No one thought Ji Hao was the person who could handle this flood prevention project well.

"Okay, doctors. I already know your opinions. I just don't know what Zheng Shangqing thinks about this matter."

Zheng Guo, a 70-year-old old man, has always been the hardest of drudgery in the water conservancy project he holds in his hand. Although he has a high position, he has little authority.

The Ministry of Industry was established and many people were borrowed from Zheng Guo.

Zheng Guo slowly stood up and moved around.

"Your Majesty, if it wasn't for the old minister's age, he would have personally directed the prevention of summer floods this time. However, judging from the current trend, the temperature is rising year by year, which means that every year in the future, the flood will Disasters are likely to be more serious than before. The situation is critical, and the veteran believes that we must send reliable people to the riverside to deal with the matter in person."

"For this trip, I have to stay on both sides of the Yellow River until the end of autumn before returning. And the minister of the Ministry of Industry has a lot of general affairs in his hands, so I'm afraid he has no time to spare."

The second generation took the initiative and said:
"Your Majesty is absolutely right. This flood is coming fiercely. It was just a first sign a few years ago, but it will probably be even more troublesome in the future. So we must send someone to deal with it."

"Your Majesty is wise. This is exactly what the old minister meant. Rather than fiddle with food and grass to help a small number of refugees relocate every year, it is better to concentrate human, material and financial resources to solve this problem. The current population of Kanto is twice that of the past. The people are like chicks waiting to be fed. Your Majesty is in urgent need of appeasement. If this matter cannot be resolved at one time, I am afraid that the people will be angered, and the reputation that Your Majesty has accumulated in the hearts of the people in the world, I am afraid that this matter will be destroyed in one day."

After hearing this, the second generation was naturally troubled.

What happened this time was a test from God to the entire Qin Empire. This was not politics. Fusu had no chance to learn from history.

Fusu glanced past Ji Hao, who immediately understood.

"Your Majesty, I think carefully. I have no experience in dealing with floods. Although I have officials who specialize in dealing with this matter, they have been sent abroad for many years. They only come back to report after completing the matter. Although I have been managing my subordinates for many years. , but I am not sure about the rising water level of the river. Your Majesty, please choose someone else."

"Yes." Fu Sufu looked at the ministers, "I wonder if you have anyone else to recommend."

The mission to the Western Regions was stopped by Prime Minister Wei Ji.

The talent that Meng Tian wanted to introduce to the emperor is still by his side.

"Your Majesty, I recommend someone."

"Could it be Xu Youbing?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, it is this person."

"As I remember, he was born as a military commander, and later became Yushi Cheng."

"I didn't expect His Majesty to have remembered him."

"General Meng Tian recommended this person several times, so I will naturally remember him."

Many of Meng Tian's censors in Taichung were generals who were as loyal to the empire as he was and later became civilian generals.

This is the reason why the Yushitai of Qin State is so famous.There is no one in Taichung who can't ride a horse. They receive the inspection appointment in the morning and can set off on horseback in the afternoon. Because they usually have strict military discipline, they can withstand the temptation.During the period when Meng Tian was the censor, no one in the entire empire dared to openly bend the law for personal gain.

The Meng clan had a very high status in front of the emperor, but that was obtained by their absolute loyalty and obedience to the emperor.

It's just that outsiders can't understand that in their view, the Great Qin Empire is a world dominated by the two Meng brothers.

When the ministers heard this, they all showed displeasure.

Sitting in the hall, the second generation can naturally see clearly.Anyone who can sit in the hall is not a showman.

Now everyone is showing their unwillingness, which is already a statement.

"This matter is different from previous major events. Even Ji Hao, the Minister of Industry, doesn't think he can handle the matter well. And Xu Youbing is just the censor. He has only led soldiers and inspected. I'm afraid he is not qualified. This matter."

At this time, Meng Tian gradually understood that perhaps Xu Youbing could not be reused by the emperor, not because of his ability to win the respect of His Majesty. The important thing is that Xu Youbing, as the person recommended by Meng Tian, ​​would not be accepted by the ministers in the court. .

Meng Yi looked at the loneliness written on his brother's face and lowered his head in silence.

"In this case, I don't have anyone to recommend."

The second generation looked at Feng Jie again:
"Do you have any candidates for Minister of Tobe?"

Feng Jie originally wanted to push Zhang Han, but now Zhang Han is training the prisoner army and is working hard all day long.But this must not be said openly, otherwise he and Zhang Han will be exploited by the emperor again.

"Your Majesty the Emperor, I believe that to deal with major flood issues, it does not necessarily have to be done by those who know how to control floods. To control floods, we need to coordinate the overall situation. If someone who can assist with the overall situation comes forward and leads the small officials who know how to control floods, Go ahead, I believe we can get this done."

After Feng Jie said this, all the officials in the court gave him blank looks.Those who didn't know thought that he was speaking nicely to Xu Youbing.

It's just that the second generation can naturally tell that Feng Jie has learned from his father and is always used to trying to win over people.Fusu knew that now the entire official staff belonged to him, Feng Jie.

The Feng family and his son are indeed very charismatic in some aspects and can make many people willing to follow them.

But as an emperor, Fusu likes officials who, while taking state affairs as their top priority, fight each other to the death, rather than forming cliques one by one.

"What Feng Shangqing said makes sense. I wonder if you have any other candidates?"

This is good news. Some people in the court recommended their uncles and brothers, and some also recommended themselves.

From what I heard, I heard that they were all worthless idiots.

Seeing the second frown, Sima Wuyi played:
"Your Majesty the Emperor, I do have a candidate for the position."

The court suddenly became quiet, and the eyes of all the officials fell on Sima Wuyi.

"I asked you to appoint Zhao Wan, the governor of Handan County, to take charge of major water control matters."

"Zhao Wan?"

"Exactly. Zhao Jun has a delicate mind, but he has both courage and broad-mindedness. Moreover, Zhao Jun handles the affairs of the land and has a better understanding of the topography of Guandong. Therefore, I recommend Zhao Wan."

The Second Emperor turned his attention to the government and the public, and asked:
"Do you have any other candidates?" There was no response from the audience. The second generation looked down and finally issued the decree that changed the direction of the empire.

"To control the flood, I actually have a candidate, and this person is Xiao He, the governor of Chen County."

As soon as the second son said this, all the civil and military officials in the court looked at each other.

"I have decided to appoint Xiao He as the Great Sikong to deal with this flood. Yushi Cheng Xu Youbing will supervise the water control, and Handan County Governor Zhao Wan will assist Xiao He. The three of them will jointly handle the matter."

The court was quiet for a while, and then the mountain call sounded:
"Your Majesty's order."

"In addition, Huo Cheng, the commander of my Jinwu Guards, has served me for many years and is loyal. I would like to worship him as Lang Zhongling."

"I used to worship General Chi Wu, the captain of the army guard, as the general. He led 20 troops and was stationed in Longxi."

After hearing this, Li Xin woke up immediately.

He was about to fall asleep at first, but since he entered the political era, he, the captain, has been at leisure, and he has nothing to do with him.

But now the emperor wants Chi Wu to intervene in the northwest military affairs, which will ruin his son's future.

Li Xin woke up suddenly, and his movements were so great that all the officials behind were laughing when they saw it.The Second Natural Reprimand:
"When does the champion usually rest? If he doesn't get enough sleep at home, he will come to court after he has had enough sleep."

(End of this chapter)

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