Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 747: Big Taboos for Generals and Ministers (please give me a monthly recommendation!)

Chapter 747: Big Taboos for Generals and Ministers (please give me a monthly recommendation!)
Listening to the ridicule of the second generation, all the civil and military officials in the court laughed.

Li Xin's face was naturally dull.

As an emperor, making a joke is naturally an edict, and Li Xin is equivalent to being dismissed from the court.

"Your Majesty calmed down because in the spring, the end will be difficult to control."

He dared to fall asleep in the court hall, which shows that Li Xin has no respect for Qin II.The second generation knew that this was because he praised him too highly.

When the late emperor died, millions of troops lost their faith.Only by supporting generals like Li Xin can we stabilize people's hearts.

But to deal with people like Li Xin who rely on their own merits, there is no need for the second generation to do it himself.

This incident was just one of the episodes when the emperor and ministers II and Li Xin got along in peaceful times.

Today, when Li Xin returned to his house, he locked himself up and sulked without eating or drinking.

The second son, Li Yafu, was indulging in the gentle country at home. When he learned that his father was furious and refused to eat or drink, he decided to come over to visit.

Li Yafu opened the door and went in. He saw his father taking off his court clothes, with a wine jug and a wine cup next to him.

Li Xin said nothing, and went on one count after another.Li Xin's thick beard was already wet.There were maids and servants on all sides. Li Yafu came in and drove these people away.

"What are you doing here? Disturbing my pleasure."

Li Xin cursed and looked unhappy.

"Yafu came to drink with his father."

Li Xin looked at Li Yafu's young and handsome face, and half of his anger disappeared.

The two of them drank halfway before Li Yafu got down to business.

"Yafu heard about what happened in the court today. My father should not be sleeping in the court hall."

Li Xin listened and put down the wine prince.

"This is nothing more than a trivial matter. I am willing to accept the position of Taiwei, which has given me enough respect."

Li Yafu squeezed Jiu Jue tightly, "I have been patient with some of my words for a long time, because I was afraid that my father wouldn't want to hear them."

"What do you want to say?"

"My father is now a lieutenant, and has reached the rank of Third Duke. No one in the court dares not to give my father face. But father, at times like this, I think my father should keep a low profile. How can I still go against His Majesty?" "

Li Xin scolded:

"You bastard! How dare you teach me a lesson!"

Li Yafu suddenly became frightened and remained motionless.

"Father, calm down. My son is also worried about his father."

"Your hair has just grown, but you have a lot of thoughts. Do you think I don't understand what you are saying?"

Li Xin has a high crown and a tiger behind him. Although he is wearing ordinary clothes at home, his heroic spirit is fully displayed.

"My father was originally just a centurion in the army. Because of his outstanding riding and shooting skills and his bravery in killing enemies, he was promoted by the late Wuchenghou Wang Jian and became a captain at a young age. At that time, the imperial court was about to attack. The Yan State is attacking the Chu State, and it is the right time to hire people, so I can become the youngest captain."

"Later, the late emperor summoned me and praised me greatly. At that time, I served the empire wholeheartedly. Later, I captured Prince Yan Dan and avenged His Majesty's shame. Later, I led troops to attack Qi and Chu. I know , the glorious first half of my life was given by the late emperor."

"It's just that ministers are like dragons when used, and insects when not used. When the world is settled, the past prince, and now His Majesty set off a wave of reforms, and the status of civil servants in the court will suddenly be much higher than ours These generals. I was arrogant at that time and didn't know how to bow my head, so I suffered a lot."

"But it was only after I experienced those things that I understood what kind of existence I had for the empire. Seeing that the late emperor was obsessed with the art of immortality and allowed the two major groups of civil servants and military personnel to compete, I became more and more disappointed with the empire, so I returned To the land of Longxi."

"I understand now that I am alive. No one is born to be an emperor, a general, or a doctor. Things in the world will change with the situation. There is a balance of power between the monarch and his ministers. The emperor is the supreme existence, but if the ministers take the Handing your trump card to the emperor is tantamount to committing suicide."

"If a king wants to be powerful, he must exploit and oppress his ministers."

When Li Xin talked about these serious matters, he looked calm and calm, no longer like the domineering major general in the past.

Li Yafu understood, but did not understand.

Only then did Li Xin speak his mind:
"What makes me angry when I go to court today is not that the Second Emperor ridiculed me, but that the Second Emperor wanted to weaken my influence in the Longxi Army. For a general, this is a taboo."

“Isn’t this burning the bridge?”

Li Xin snorted coldly, "I'm used to it. Emperors are like this."

"But isn't my father still the Imperial Lieutenant now?"

"Silly son, this is your majesty's brilliance - rising and falling secretly. It's like a gorgeous piece of clothing or a beautiful woman. Outsiders only think it looks good when they see it, but it is actually of no use. This is your majesty You expect your father and I to look glamorous in court, but it is actually of no use."

"But this kind of thing can't be done too obviously, otherwise it will cause the soldiers to mutiny. So II asked me to pack it into a drum, with only an outer layer of skin and an empty inside. Knock it hard twice, and it will make a deafening sound. sound."

Li Yafu understood now.

"So the second son gave his father such a high position in order to hollow out his father's power. But why did your majesty do this? What is the purpose of making a fuss about my father? It can't be because he is unhappy."

Li Xin frowned, "This is not the first time that your Majesty has attacked a family with military merit. Looking at the current empire, the soldiers have long been tortured and have no intention of training, but this is the purpose of the second generation. There are already many people in the court It can be seen that the second generation is playing a big game, and the second generation wants to separate the political power and hold the military power in his hands."

Li Yafu felt that as a general, his father's considerations had now completely risen to the level of the empire.
"Why is father so sure of this?"

"Don't look at the differences between me and His Majesty. In fact, I admire your father from the bottom of my heart and understand him best. As the saying goes, God is watching what people do. The second generation is in the minds of all ministers. He is recognized as a model king in China. Your Majesty has been stabilizing the court for so long. When did you see me holding His Majesty back?"

"If we, the mighty generals, hadn't secretly supported His Majesty in eradicating the old military nobles, would the empire be so peaceful today?"

Li Yafu nodded repeatedly.

In Li Xinxin's eyes, from the first time he came into contact with the second generation, he felt that the second generation was good, at least he had a big heart.

"Chi Wu, His Majesty gave Mrs. Yu's mother to him as a concubine. The reason behind this is intriguing. A mere concubine is nothing. But you have to think carefully about the seniority ethics involved. Your Majesty, if If I didn't have respect for Chi Wu, why would I slap my head and marry my wife's mother to him?"

(End of this chapter)

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