Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 748: The ideological consciousness of the people of Lao Qin (please give me a monthly recomm

Chapter 748: The ideological consciousness of the people of Lao Qin (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Li Yafu objected, "Father, you must have really misunderstood this matter. Chi Wu is a declining aristocrat who is the son of the pre-Qin prince Chi Wei. Your Majesty has great respect for him. How is it possible?"

"What do you know. Behind Chi Wu, there are all the nobles of the pre-Qin Wang family who have declined. These nobles came from the court, but they were gradually marginalized by power. But in terms of patriarchal clan, these people are the elders of the second emperor. Therefore, His Majesty let Chi Wu participate The military affairs of Longxi are to bring these fallen nobles of the pre-Qin Dynasty back to power."

Li Yafu also said, "But didn't His Majesty say that nobles are not born nobles, and common people are not born common people. In the new era, everyone's thinking needs to change. Hasn't His Majesty been attacking the nobles and supporting the common people. In order to support the common people, even the late emperor Several edicts have been abolished. The most famous one is not to abolish the title of the head of Guizhou for the common people in the world, and change the common people to the common people."

"Common people, that was the original title of nobles. Your Majesty's move is already intended to eliminate the boundaries between nobles and common people."

After hearing this, Li Xin burst into laughter, and then suddenly stopped, taunting Li Yafu mercilessly, "So you are too young. Common people don't want to be common people, that's because they want to be nobles. Nobles. You oppress the common people because you are afraid that the common people will rebel. Do you think that if the distinction between nobles and common people is abolished, the world will be peaceful? It seems that you are not serious about reading military books. "

It seems that the second son is not as mature as the eldest son.

"My father taught me that my children must study the art of war diligently in the future."

"What you want to study is the art of war, not the art of war. Managing the army and governing the country are often intertwined. Only by understanding the art of war can you understand Your Majesty. Your father and I are the captain of a country. In this position, so Everything I think is very different from the past. In the past, I only had to think about how to fight the war, but now, I have to think about how to build an army for the world."

When Li Xin said this, it immediately seemed that he was a big personality and a high level person.

Li Yafu looked at his father with admiration.

"Since my father became a Taiwei, his words and deeds have demonstrated the majesty of our Great Qin Empire."

"You boy, you really know how to flatter your father and me."

"These are all my true words." As he spoke, Li Yafu frowned, "Then your Majesty now lets Chi Wu intervene in the military affairs of the northwest. Doesn't it mean that the old nobles of the entire empire are returning to power?"

"Yes. You're finally smart."

"My father taught me well. But what will we do in the future?"

"Your Majesty wants Chi Wu to intervene in the northwest military affairs. Naturally, I can't sit back and wait for death. You know, not everyone is qualified to become the Dazhu Kingdom."



In the summer of the 16th year of the Imperial Calendar, the rivers on both sides of the river overflowed, and civilians on both sides moved north.

In the same year, there was an uprising in the land of Wu and Yue in the east of the Yangtze River. Princess Yaoman exposed the rebellion. The Second Emperor commanded an army of 20 and arrived in Jiangdong along the Chi Road in half a month. The people of Jiangdong surrendered without a fight.This rebellion lasted for two months and was the only rebellion in the history of the Qin Empire during the lifetime of Qin II.

Jiangdong's rebellion was like a restless carp that flicked its tail and made waves in the vast lake and sea. The waves just stirred up ripples, but were soon flattened by the tides of the lake and sea.

At this point, no one in the world dared not to submit to the emperor.

In the autumn of the 16th year of the Imperial Calendar, a white wolf appeared in the Shanglin Garden of Qin Dynasty. The Taishi of the Qin Dynasty made a memorial and said: "The appearance of the white wolf is a sign that the king will be benevolent and wise."

All officials gathered to congratulate II.The second generation was also happy and once again granted amnesty to the world. Those who committed minor crimes were released after serving their sentences, and those who committed serious crimes had their sentences commuted.

Throughout the Dazhi period, people's enthusiasm for supporting the second generation reached an unprecedented height.Stimulated by the dual policies of light corvee and low taxation and permission to open up wasteland, grain, population, and farmland throughout Guanzhong showed an increasing trend.

The Qin State's road projects are still in progress. The roads in Guanzhong can be said to be extending in all directions, and waterway transportation has also made great progress.

For a time, the original vegetation area dropped sharply, and people could be seen everywhere building houses, digging wells, breaking iron, mining, and smelting iron.




Guannei, Hanzhong County, and Chen County.

The situation in Guanzhong is excellent, and Guan Nei is no exception. As a citizen of Guan Nei, you only need to pay one-tenth of the tax every year, so that every household has a surplus of food.

On this day, the three brothers Zhong, Heifu and Jing drove a carriage to a hilltop together.

This mountain is full of sheep. Groups of goats are crowded in the mountain road. A spotted cow rushes into the sheep group. The sheep in a river beach are frightened and run down the river like crazy.

It is already autumn at this time, the weather is cool, the rain is decreasing, and there is no water in the river valleys and beach ponds. Grasshoppers and butterflies are jumping and flying in the dense forest and grass.

The three brothers took the boys in their families and held the sacrifices in their hands. They walked upstream along the river beach and finally found a group of cemeteries on a hillside.

These cemeteries are not as grand as those of noble houses, but graves are still erected.

The three of them came to the grave of their parents. The eldest brother Zhong knelt at the front. The second eldest brother Heifu and the third eldest child knelt in surprise at the back, followed by the grandchildren.

The children were ignorant. Although they were kneeling, there was no look of piety on their faces. They all lowered their heads and played with crickets.

The three sturdy men knelt in front of the grave, not whimpering, but just pouring wine and toasting.

"Father and mother, are you okay underground? The three brothers are all safe. Don't worry about your parents being underground."

Heifu poured the wine, sprinkled the sacrifices, kowtowed and said, "Heifu is not filial, and he failed to serve his parents until the end of his life. But Jing and I have fulfilled our duties as soldiers and fulfilled the edict of the late emperor. Parents also died underground. But he is an upright person."

Jing was the youngest, but with a full smile on his face, "My parents have spirits underground, everything should be fine. Although Jing and his second brother were guarding Chudi, they would pay tribute to their parents from a distance every time they died. I know if my parents can receive it. Now it's better. The world is really peaceful and there will be no more wars. This time we returned to our hometown with my eldest brother after he resigned, specifically to pay homage to my parents. From now on, we will come here every year to visit my parents' graves."

"Besides, my son has a successor, so my parents don't have to worry about me. My second brother has married a new wife and is about to give birth to a baby. I hope it will be a boy."

Heifu interrupted, "Jing, please stop talking. I should tell my parents these things myself."

"It's your turn to speak just now. If you don't say it, you won't want to if I help you."

Hei Fu married a Chu woman and a widow. Hei Fu didn't want to say it here, and the baby in his wife's belly might not be a baby boy.

Zhong also thinks that the second brother's new wife is not a good wife, but he is old, and it is a good thing to have children in his old age.

(End of this chapter)

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