Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 749 Civil Service Craze! (Please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Chapter 749 Civil Service Craze! (Please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

I sincerely thought that if that woman couldn't give birth to a son, then I would give him an adopted son.

It's just that for this matter, the wife, the black husband, and the boy must all agree.

After the three people paid their respects, they drove the carriage back down the mountain.The sky was cloudless when we arrived, but when we came down the mountain it was rainy and white mist rose from all sides.

But from the top of the mountain, you can see the golden farmland below.

As soon as we got down the hillside, the heavy rain started again, and a mountain wind came, and the dark clouds in the sky were swept away, and fell into the blue sky again.

When going down the mountain, Heifu asked, "I heard that the imperial officials are now transferred back and forth. If you do well in the local government for three years, you can be promoted if you return to the customs."

"What, you're going to work outside the customs as an official?"

"I have learned how to read and write in the army over the years. If my brother and fellow villagers recommend me, I should be able to go."

"Are you doing it to get a salary?"

"I've been home for a long time, always idle, I'm not feeling well."

"Then you can do something in the local county government. Wouldn't it be great?"

"His Majesty the Emperor has issued edicts many times to recruit knowledgeable people to serve as officials in Guanzhong to appease the local people."

Zhong was getting older and his hair turned white. He sighed and said, "It's good to be thoughtful, but people from other places are still reluctant to disobey. I heard from Jiao Er that local forces are very powerful in the Sanchuan area. With your personality If you go there, maybe they will surround you and beat you."

After hearing this, he was so surprised that he drove the children out of the car and asked them to follow the carriage and count the sheep.

Zhong patiently advised Heifu, "With the recent re-division of land in Hanoi and Shanxi, the Han and Chu people in the Nanyang area of ​​mountains and rivers are very worried and cannot listen to the slightest disturbance. Hanoi and Shanxi merchants are unwilling to receive them when they go south."

"Does His Majesty the Emperor know about this?"

Zhong shook his head, "I don't know. I heard that no one among the current Yu Shicheng dared to report the knowledge. Nanyang and Sanchuan were originally Zhou people. They were most disgusted by His Majesty's imposition of culture and education on the world. But they didn't dare to rebel. , we can only make a fuss about these things. The local magistrates and county officials are all in a difficult position."

"But Sanchuan and Nanyang have fertile land, thousands of acres of land, and are irrigated by rivers. The people there are also very fierce."

"You don't have to worry about it. A big snake swallows an elephant. It takes time to digest. Now His Majesty the Emperor is working hard to digest Guanbei. Guannan is surrounded by four sides, and any grievances can only be kept in the stomach. Swallow, we won’t cause any big trouble.”

Heifu sighed, "His Majesty, the current Emperor, is quite a chronic man."

"It's better to take your time and eat slowly."

Hei Fu raised his head, looked at the blue sky of Qin State, and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

Heifu said again, "Then I'll go to Hanoi and Shanxi. Qin officials are needed there."

Zhong Fuxu pondered, "Why do you insist on being a Qin official? Now the Qin official's work is more arduous than before."

"In the year of great rule, I also want to contribute. Besides, His Majesty the Emperor is kind to the people. If he hadn't ordered us to go home, I'm afraid we wouldn't be able to meet each other in this life."

"Your idea is good, but have you ever thought about it? Your child has not been born yet. If you are going to take office, do you have to take your pregnant wife with you? Or, in other words, you have to leave mother and child behind. She is a Chu person. , came to our Qin country and didn’t understand the local accent. Without you, we couldn’t understand what she said.”

Hei Fu listened and stopped talking. The more he spoke, the more excited he became, "We three brothers were born in poverty. In order to survive, we had to work separately. You have been guarding the border for a long time, and we three brothers have always been together less and more apart. Now we three Aren't you happy that people are finally reunited?"

"I'm very happy. I've lived half my life, and the happiest thing is that this year His Majesty the Emperor has graciously pardoned me. We three brothers are reunited, and the whole family is happy."

"So the best place in the world is none other than home. I have also worked as a clerk outside, and I know how hard it is to work outside. My family is outside, there is no one to help me, and I have to look at other people's eyes everywhere."

Heifu hurriedly took Zhong's hand and persuaded, "Brother, I also know that it has not been easy for my eldest brother to be outside these years. What I say today is also for my own good. But I do this not only for myself, but also for What about the Chen family?"

Heifu touched the back of his head and said with emotion, "Once upon a time, I had to have a penman write my letters, but now, I can already write a thousand words. If it weren't for the Second World War, most of the soldiers in the army would be writing for them throughout their lives. I don’t know how to write. For this, the entire army is grateful to His Majesty the Emperor.”

"We heard about it when we were stationed in Jingchu. In the early years, many soldiers returned home and chose to become civil servants. Our family has been in the army for generations, especially my father. He fought hard all his life and died on the battlefield, but there was no one at home. Accumulate wealth, not to mention position and wealth.”

"Now His Majesty the Emperor is promoting great governance in Guanzhong. The situation is very good. I can read and write again. I should rush to this pass to become a civil servant. You also know that the empire now needs a large number of civil servants to serve in Guanzhong. As my brother said He said that in the past, the number of Qin officials was not enough, and it was inevitable to look at the faces of the local people outside the customs."

"But now, His Majesty the Emperor has sent five times the number than before, and His Majesty the Emperor has promoted light corvee and low taxes. The local people have gone on to live a normal life, and they will no longer have the tense relationship with you as in the past. of."

"Being a civil servant is originally an extremely difficult task. It is not enough to be able to read and write, and you also need to be familiar with the law. But now, His Majesty the Emperor has mercy, we have another way to go. That is to serve as a resident soldier. Become a civil servant. If you go to Guanzhong to be a civil servant, the salary given by His Majesty the Emperor will be higher than inside the Guan. Not only that, once you come back from working as a civil servant outside the Guan, you will definitely be promoted."

"Brother is too old, but Jing and I still have a chance. If we can persist in serving as officials for three years and come back, we will not only get a large amount of property, but also a lot of wealth."

Hearing this, loneliness was written on his face. At his age, he had to endure the pain of family separation again, just like autumn frost hitting the fallen leaves.

"That said, I'm going to leave in shock."

"Yes. This time, we will go for three years and come back after three years. At that time, the two of us will definitely apply to return to Chen County, and then go home to serve my brother. We are just family members, and we have to rely on my brother to take care of us. "

Zhong saw that Hei Fu had already decided to leave and it was hard to keep him any longer, "It's natural."

Before the three brothers came down the mountain, they saw their own house in the distance. In the courtyard, their wife and sister-in-law were sitting and mending clothes.

Zhonghu said, "I didn't believe in fate before, but now I start to believe it. My father worked hard all his life, and in the end he only got three acres of thin farmland, but the three of us brothers were able to build a three-in house together."

"The country is prosperous! We will also benefit from it!"

(End of this chapter)

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