Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 750 Wang Wu returns to the court (please give me a monthly ticket recommendation)

Chapter 750 Wang Wu returns to the court (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

In the autumn of the same year, soldiers returning home from the nine counties of Hangu Pass reported a large number of requests for soldiers to be converted into civil servants, and these letters were submitted to the Ministry of Personnel.

In order to invite favors, Feng Jie was serious about his work in the official department.When he saw the mountains of documents, he realized that the problem might be serious, so he hurried to Xianyang Palace to see the emperor.

Coincidentally, on this day, he met an old acquaintance in the palace.

Feng Jie was waiting outside the hall when he suddenly heard a burst of laughter coming from inside the hall.Feng Jie was wondering who was laughing louder than the Emperor in His Majesty's Zhangtai Hall.

After a while, Prince Yao rushed over wearing a shining red robe.

"Feng Jie pays homage to His Highness the Crown Prince."

Yao took a closer look and saw that this person was Feng Jie. I heard that he frequently gave good advice in the court. In less than a year, he was in charge of reorganizing the official department, and the entire official department was managed by him.

"Shilang Feng, get up quickly."

At this moment, the visitor came out and announced, "Shilang Feng, Your Majesty has invited me."

In the palace, Wang Wu said to the Second Emperor, "Your Majesty is going to discuss politics with Feng Shilang. It's not appropriate for a villain to be here. Wang Wu will retire first."

Villain?Wang Wu felt aggrieved that he ended up without an official position.

"No need. Since I have called you into the palace, there is no need to be secretive."

Wang Wu looked at the second generation, his mouth moved slightly, and then he lowered his hand and stayed in the palace.

Seeing Prince Yao, Feng Jie guessed who the visitor was. Sure enough, it was him - Wang Wu.In the past year, His Majesty has brought back many capable ministers and generals from other places. There are so many talents that the DPRK is no longer dominated by the Meng brothers.

Feng Jie came from a distance and saw Wang Wu.It seems that the food in the barbarian land of Jingchu is good, and the way he is dressed is so ostentatious.Wearing a purple robe under a purple gold crown, the purple robe is also embroidered with python patterns.The python is an existence secondary to the dragon.

"I pay my respects to Your Majesty." Feng Jie paid his respects to the second generation, then bowed to Wang Wu and said, "His Majesty -"

When the words came to light, Feng Jie stopped talking.

Wang Wu knew that the Feng family was like this from top to bottom - cunning.He was clearly testing whether His Majesty would grant him an official title.

Fusu naturally knew what he meant, "Get flat."

"Thank you, Your Majesty. I don't know when the first censor returned to Xianyang City?"

Censor first?With Wang Wu's old and naive character, he naturally felt smoke rising from his head when he heard this kind of address, but he had already promised the emperor that he would not have any more disputes with Feng.

Feng Quji's death is inseparable from Wang Wu.It was the two of them who were fighting to the death in the court.

"I just came back. I didn't expect that General Feng would take up the post of minister. I remember that the Prime Minister was very careless about the four ministers."

"You bastard! You openly slandered my father!"

Seeing this, the Second Emperor stepped on the case with his right foot majestically, very casually.When Feng Jie and Wang Wu saw it, they subconsciously stepped back.

"It's not easy for both of you to enter the palace. In the future, you will have to serve as officials in the same court. You can't be entangled in old matters."

Wang Wu was overjoyed when he heard that he would become an official in the same dynasty in the future.He missed the court very much, but he already knew that he was a loser in the political struggle.From now on, it’s better to listen to His Majesty.

When Feng Jie heard the words "old things from the past", he was so angry that he almost vomited blood. However, his status today was hard-earned and he chose to keep silent.

Seeing that both of them lowered their heads in displeasure, the Second Emperor said to him, "Give me a seat."

At this time, Prince Yao spoke.

"I pay my respects to your father."

"I have important matters to discuss with the Minister. If there is nothing serious, I will leave first."

Prince Yao originally came to see his uncle. I heard that his uncle was issued an imperial edict by his father today, and he is likely to be reinstated. Prince Yao came to congratulate his uncle.

Seeing this, Prince Yao said, "Wei."

But when Prince Yao came to see the second prince, the second prince himself also had a guess. If he came to see him to meet his uncle, it meant that he had deep feelings for the queen's natal family.Especially, he missed his uncle.

People's mentality when they gain power and when they lose power are completely different. Although Wang Wu is so well-behaved today, when the late emperor died and he became the censor, he was not what he is today.

The second generation couldn't help but frown, "Stop."

Prince Yao looked at Fusu's face and felt that something was wrong, so he naturally lowered his head.

"How old is the prince now?"

"Replying to your father, my son is eighteen years old this year, including his spare years."

"Eighteen - when I was eighteen, I had already returned from a mission to Qi with Feng Yushi."

"If the king and father are willing to give his sons and ministers a chance, the sons and ministers themselves can do it."

"Okay, what you said is what you said. According to etiquette, I will hold a crown ceremony for you in another two years. But you are the future prince of the empire, and now that you have such an idea, I will naturally give you a chance to practice . Xinzheng is the old capital of South Korea. I want you to go there and take charge."

When Feng Jie heard this, he noticed something fishy.He mentioned the matter in the hinterland of Old Korea to the emperor, and his majesty actually chose the prince as the scapegoat...

It's incredible.

Prince Yao heard that he was leaving Xianyang City and happily accepted the errand, "Wei."

"Go back."

After Prince Yao turned around, he looked back at his uncle with a smile in his eyes.When Wang Wu saw it, his eyes turned into a smile.

Others can clearly see the small movements of these two people.

Feng Jie glanced at it, feeling slightly jealous.But at this time, he suddenly remembered that he still had a sister who was a wife in the palace, and maybe he should visit her.

When Prince Yao went out, Feng Jie and Wang Wu sat next to him on the left and right, but the atmosphere in the palace suddenly became serious.

Feng Jie reported to Fusu that the retired soldiers from the DPRK requested to be transferred to civil servants.

The Second frowned slightly, "Did you just say how many letters you received?"

"There are more than 500 seals in the nine counties of Guan Nei. And this is just for the past few days. It is estimated that there will be more in the future."

"More than 500? Most of the soldiers in the army are not very literate. They don't stay at home and farm the land properly when they come back. They actually want to be civil servants. Don't they know that civil servants in the empire have to go through strict selection?"

"Your Majesty, I forgive you. This happened because of me."

"Because of you? When did you gain such high prestige in the military?"

Feng Jie, however, knew nothing about fighting, and he stabbed Li Xin in the back and got himself lost.

Feng Jie naturally couldn't help but look embarrassed.

"Your Majesty, my original intention is to attract and encourage everyone to serve in Guanzhong, but in order to ensure the cleanliness of the administration, the selection process of civil servants specified by Your Majesty is very strict, and Taixue is also guarded by Si Kou, Minister of Hubu, Chunyu Shangqing, etc. Although the selected officials are of extremely high quality, the number is too small."

"Although Wei Chen is not talented, my father had some friendship with officials in various places during his lifetime. Therefore, Wei Chen knew the situation of local officials early on. Local officials everywhere outside the customs have poor control, and the root cause of this situation is The number of Qin officials was too small. Three or five of them went to serve, but they had to face thousands of local people."

"This leads to the fact that the officials of the Qin State must look at the faces of the local people. The longer you stay, the wives and concubines will be in groups, and there will be a lot of children, the hearts of the local Qin officials will change."

"Weak ministers manage the civil service, and the main thing they manage is the transfer and promotion of local civil servants. According to the actual situation, the empire now needs to control the time when officials go out to serve, with a three-year term; it also needs to make a fuss about the number of people. , In the past, there was a serious shortage of officials in the Qin Dynasty, and they were all officials from the old days."

(End of this chapter)

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