Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 751 Enemies meet (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Chapter 751 Enemies meet (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)
"However, the Qin officials in the empire are managing according to the law, but there are always people in other places who refuse to obey. There are only two situations when Qin officials strictly enforce the law. Either they issue orders and no one follows them; or they anger the local people and make the situation inconsistent. It’s out of control.”

"As time goes by, local Qin officials will either be too lazy to report the matter, or they will look at the wishes of the local people."

After Wang Wu heard this, he retorted, "These are just minor officials doing things poorly. As far as I know, there are many Qin officials in Jingchu who enforce the law impartially and win the favor of the local people. I am grateful to Your Majesty for this."

After hearing this, Feng Jie immediately sneered, "My uncle actually took the initiative to talk about the administration of Jingchu. Doesn't he know that there was a rebellion in Jingchu a few months ago? The captain of the guard personally led it. The troops attacked and the place was calmed down, but now Zhao Hujun has not returned."

"It was the land of Wu and Yue that rebelled, not the homeland of Jingchu! As far as I know, the reason why the Wuyue area rebelled was precisely because the officials in Jingchu were in charge of the rule of law, and rebels had nowhere to hide, so they had no choice but to raise troops. And General Feng has never been able to stand it. The suffering on the border is that we don’t know the situation clearly, so we make wrong judgments. So I think we should stop making a fuss about government affairs and just implement it according to the current system. Over time, it will be effective."

"But I heard that Xian Yushi has been in Chen County. Xiao He, the governor of Xian Chen County, is a well-known honest official in the world. But don't forget, there are 30 troops stationed in Chen County. Even if you change a pig to be the governor, you will still win. Such a good reputation.”

The Feng family has never had a good impression of Xiao He. The former Prime Minister Feng Quji had met Xiao He.Xiao He's words and deeds severely flashed the old Shangqing's face.

After Wang Wu heard this, he was immediately angry. The conflict between him and Feng Jie was that the Feng family liked to do things behind the scenes. They retreated when they lost and became arrogant when they won.

"Hmph! Some people seem to have been generals, and they don't understand the political and geographical interests behind it."

Feng Jie was naturally angry after hearing this. He had been scolded many times by Wang Wu's insinuations.If the emperor hadn't been present, he would have committed the crime long ago. Feng Jie looked at Fusu, and his majesty was taking a leisurely look today, as if he was watching a show.

When Wang Wu talked about this, he became more and more excited. He always believed that the peace in the empire today was largely due to the Wang family.After the death of his father, Prime Minister Wang Wan, it was Wang Wu who, against all odds and under great pressure, ordered the entire Wang family to support the II New Deal.

"Chen County includes Huaiyang and Huai'an. At that time, the whole country unified the Chu State, and Huaiyang was a battleground for military strategists. In the battle of Huaiyang, the empire launched a large number of troops. At that time, in order to quickly destroy the Chu State, the late emperor ignored We had just captured the state of Qi and the people of Qi were unsettled, so we ordered Li Xin to send 20 troops to the south, and General Meng, Yang Duan and the old generals to garrison 40 troops to the east to defend, and they were able to capture Huaiyang in three months."

"Since then, Huaiyang, Huai'an, and Shouchun, the new capital of Chu, have been connected together and established as Chen County. Chen County has a large population and has been alienated several times, but there are still riots from time to time. Such a county A large army must be stationed in the county. Once we retreat, the consequences will be disastrous."

"Speaking of which, some people actively opposed His Majesty's policy of truce and farming for the people, and secretly supported Ren Xiao and others' request to raise troops to attack Qiannan. If Your Majesty had asked General Wang Ben to withdraw the army at that time, I am afraid that Jingchu would be in a terrible state now. There will be a bigger rebellion."

[This refers to the infighting in the court at the time. Feng Jie, as a general, opposed Dongyang Lord's policy at that time and supported the southward attack on Qiannan.The rebel generals Ren Xiao and Tu Wei went to rebellion after this struggle.Because when Qin Shihuang chose to consolidate the land of Jingchu, Qilu, and refused to send troops to attack southern Guizhou, he ordered Meng Tian to lead troops to attack Beihu. This double-standard behavior won the Meng family praise, but it also cost Tu Wei and Ren Xiao Bury the resentment. 】

Feng Jie was exposed to the central issue, so naturally he was embarrassed!

"The root cause of local rebellion is that the local nobles have not been eradicated. What does it have to do with whether the army is stationed? If hundreds of thousands of troops are all stationed in the pass, do you know how much manpower and material resources the empire has spent on building imperial mausoleums and Chidao? The army must be outside and weaken the local people through expenditure!"

When Wang Wu heard this, he became angry!
"The dignified minister of the empire has little understanding of the world's situation. There are less than 3000 nobles in the world, but there are only [-] million common people. How do you think that a few down-and-out nobles can stir up a rebellion in the empire? The minister looks down on the common people, that's because he thinks that The minister doesn't understand the common people at all, and thinks that the common people are just stupid people."

"When I arrived in Jingchu this time, the biggest feeling I felt was that I discovered how tolerant the people are. Although those who are rampantly causing chaos are instigated by others, they are a minority after all. The people who have a real impact on the empire are those people who have always endured the humiliation. If these people are not appeased, then they will definitely choose to follow those with evil intentions."

"But Shilang Feng can't see this. Perhaps in the eyes of the Shilang, only nobles understand etiquette, and only nobles know how to fight for power."

After Wang Wu said this, Feng Jie's face was full of shame.

Some people cannot be woken up because they have been pretending to sleep.In fact, there are also noble scholars among the common people. This is a consensus, but the nobles refuse to admit it and intensify their attacks.

Feng Jie wanted to refute, but he searched hard in his stomach and couldn't find any evidence to refute him.

The Second Emperor suddenly put away his legs and sat upright on the throne, "The debate between the two of you today was really wonderful. It's a pity that we are not in the court today, and the ministers did not have the opportunity to hear the story of my uncle who has settled in Jingchu for three years. Really, it’s such a pity.”

After hearing this, Feng Jie stopped and the anger on his face disappeared.

"With people like Uncle Guo, the empire can last for hundreds of years."

"I would like to thank Your Majesty very much. If Your Majesty hadn't reprimanded me to go to Jingchu, I would never have been able to truly understand the truth that water can carry a boat but also capsize it."

"Good. My uncle has gained a lot from this trip. In my opinion, he can now be the emperor's teacher."

"Your Majesty is ridiculous. I have indeed benefited a lot from this trip. I know that there is really no difference between the common people and the nobles. If the empire cannot treat these common people well and instead despises them, the empire will never have great luck."

"I will keep your words in mind." After saying this, the Second Emperor looked at Feng Jie, "Servant Minister——"

"His Majesty--"

"It's a coincidence that I came here today. What do you think after hearing what uncle Guo said?"

Feng Jie naturally refused to let go. If there was no difference between nobles and common people, then Feng Jie would be the same as those untouchables.

"Your Majesty, what the imperial censor said is very clear and logical. I am also deeply moved. I am willing to go to the countryside to feel the suffering of the people and see how smart these people are."

(End of this chapter)

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