Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 752: A single tree cannot make a forest (Abe is dead, everyone crawls out and subscribes)

Chapter 752: A single tree cannot make a forest (Abe is dead, everyone crawls out and subscribes)

The Second Emperor knew that Feng Jie was unconvinced, and Fusu had heard enough of their arguments.If people like Feng Jie understood what is the right way in the world, then the empire would not need him to govern.

"Feng Jie, please change the name of Xian Yushi to Guojiu in the future."

Fu Su clearly supported Wang Wu, so Feng Jie naturally did not dare to say anything more.

"Although there is currently no suitable position for my uncle in the DPRK, I plan to allow my uncle to join the DPRK as a senior minister from tomorrow to discuss government affairs."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Feng Jie naturally looked depressed.As soon as Wang Wu came back, with the current status of the Wang family, he would naturally be suppressed to death.

Wang Wu naturally had a proud look on his face, but he had just started to feel happy when he heard the Second Prince say, "I and Feng Shilang have important matters to do. Uncle Guo, please step aside first."

When Wang Wu heard this, his face disappeared.

"My minister retire."

After leaving the palace gate, Wang Wu's face was full of dissatisfaction.He was originally a figure at the center of power. If he had not led Wang and Feng to be tough in the party struggle, His Majesty would not be where he is today.I thought that when I came back, even if I couldn't serve as prime minister for a short time, His Majesty would discuss things with him, but he would actually send him away.

There is something going on in the court that the Wang family cannot participate in.And the person handling this matter was actually Feng.He could tolerate His Majesty quickly making Meng Tian the censor, or he could tolerate His Majesty forgiving the Feng family and continuing to appoint Feng Jie.

However, he must not tolerate being excluded from the center of power by His Majesty.If His Majesty really did this, wouldn't it be burning bridges across rivers?

Wang Wu left Zhangtai and originally walked out of the palace along the palace road.This visitor's order was supposed to see off Wang Wu, but Wang Wu suddenly said, I haven't seen my nephew for a long time, and I want to see His Highness the Crown Prince. Could you please help him lead the way?

"Uncle Guo has gone to the land of Jingchu, and His Highness the Crown Prince misses him every day. Now that Uncle Guo goes to see the Prince in person, the Prince will definitely be delighted when he comes down the mountain. I will lead the way for Uncle Guo."

So Wang Wu shook his broad body and walked to Huayang Palace.

Prince Yao couldn't sit still at first, so he waited at the palace gate. Sure enough, the person he had been thinking about day and night finally arrived.

"Uncle! I knew my uncle would definitely come over to see me."

Wang Wu felt happy looking at Prince Yao who was now as tall as him. "Time flies. I only come here and there, but you have grown so tall now. If you have fallen in love with a girl from another family, my uncle will go and help you find a matchmaker."

"Uncle, what nonsense are you talking about? I am a noble prince. I want to get a wife. How can I need my uncle to be a matchmaker for me?"

"You are my only biological nephew. If you want to get married, I must make the decision for you."

"That has to be decided by Mr. Jun. No one can do anything about my affairs."

When Wang Wu saw Yao talking about him, he knew that he already had a girl he liked.The important matter of the prince's marriage is related to state affairs.Wang Wu knew the pros and cons.

"You are the only one who still wants to lie to your uncle. Your expression has already given you away. Come on, tell me whose girl it is."

Yao is indeed still a boy, but he is no longer the boy he was before.The important matter of his marriage is related to his future.What's the point of marrying someone who can't help him.

Seeing that Prince Yao had reservations about him, Wang Wu said naturally, "It's been three years. I've been away for three years, and all my nephews have become estranged from me."

"Uncle, what are you talking about? Although I have many uncles, you are the only one I like and respect the most."

"Although I'm out of town, I'm most worried about you."

"Uncle, you are the one who worries all of us. I am in this palace, and I have a father and a mother. Who can touch me Fenhao."

"Okay, okay! I think you have grown up and know that you are in a high and powerful position, so you no longer look down on your uncle, who has no official position."

"Uncle, this is the first time you and I have met in three years. How can you say such unpleasant things as soon as we meet?" Yao said, suddenly seeing a hibiscus tree next to the corridor, "Uncle, look at this tree. Three years ago today, it looked like this."

Wang Wu noticed that the prince already had a palace, and his speech and behavior became reserved, so he didn't dare to look at him like before. He just followed his line of sight and couldn't see anything. "My uncle has been gone for a long time and I can't remember him."

"It doesn't matter if you don't remember. What's important is not the tree, but the people. Yao discovered that the growth of trees is visible to the naked eye, but the growth of people is invisible to the naked eye."

After Wang Wu heard this, he was stunned on the spot.

What this kid said was so philosophical.



... Zhangtai——

"This matter of civil servants is related to the local rule of law and cannot be taken lightly. Even if the returning soldiers have this request, they must be carefully screened."

"Your Majesty, I think this matter should be dealt with leniently rather than harshly. As the saying goes, a single tree cannot make a forest. No matter how good a civil servant is, he will not be able to shake the forest if he has no party members attached to him in other places. Only when he leads Only by recruiting a large number of civil servants and forming a group of their own can the local powerful landowners obey their orders."

"I have some countermeasures here. I wonder if Your Majesty is willing to listen to them?"

"Go ahead."

"My minister believes that the selection of civil servants by Taixue is still as strict as ever and cannot be relaxed. It is also an indispensable way for the people to recruit soldiers to serve as civil servants. After all, the hearts of the old Qin are towards the old Qin people, and they will not embarrass each other. The main force is the main force, and the soldiers are the auxiliary ones. This move strengthens the ranks of Qin officials and helps to intimidate the local area."

"If those soldiers could read, they wouldn't have joined the army in the first place. What could they do if they were asked to be Qin officials? The empire needs to popularize writing everywhere and needs professional Qin officials. If it were not to unify the language, I would not do it. It takes so much time to select civil servants.”

"Your Majesty, I have also thought about this issue. Therefore, although the civil servants selected by Taixue and those recommended by the countryside are all civil servants, there are differences in the levels of officials according to their paths. Those who are from Taixue obviously have higher status. If you are higher, you can maintain your temper and do mainly clerical work. But when veterans transfer to another job, they mainly do auxiliary work."

"But if you do this, the number of the entire empire's civil servant group will expand several times. By then, everyone in the world will have no intention of serving as soldiers, and will only want to shed their armor and serve as civil servants."

Feng Jie insisted, "Your Majesty, the number of civil servants is completely under the control of the Ministry of Civil Service. I think your Majesty does not need to worry about this at all. Although soldiers can be converted into civil servants, strict selection of commanders is still required. I thought that I could ask the doctor Cheng Miao to choose the words commonly used by civil servants and compile them into a list. If those soldiers can pass the review of these cousins, they can be civil servants. And only retired soldiers in the world can participate in such an examination."

"At that time, the number of civil servants will be adjusted according to the examination results, and the number of civil servants can be controlled at that time. As long as the threshold for civil servants is raised, then there will be no need to worry about the expansion of the number of civil servants."

(End of this chapter)

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