Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 753: Fateful Encounter (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Chapter 753: Fateful Encounter (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

In the autumn of the 16th year of the imperial calendar, Handan City, Handan County, Qin Dynasty, in just three years, this city was known as the second city of the Qin Empire, second only to Xianyang City, the imperial capital of the Qin State.

[Xianyang actually means Duyang, which is surrounded by the sun.So when you see Xianyang City, you can translate it as Duyang City by yourself.It sounds better that way, and more like the capital of the empire.The ancient and modern Chinese have changed, so when you see Xianyang, you don’t have the feeling of the imperial capital.In fact, this is not the case. In the minds of people at that time, Xianyang City was Duyang City. Not only did the name sound nice, but it also had a meaning. It was the most impressive name in the pre-Qin era. 】

When the rooster crowed for the first time under the city gate opening, the gate of Handan City was opened, and the crowd crowded into the city from outside the city like a tide.

After the autumn harvest, it is the slack season again. The weather is cool, the markets are interconnected, and the grass market business is booming.

Most business trips are by horseback.They tied black and red strips of cloth on the horse's forehead, hoping that their business transactions would go smoothly.

The business traveler was wearing a light-colored dress, with a ruddy complexion and a broad body, shaking as he walked.

There is also a group of people who wear dark and coarse Gebu clothes and drive fat bulls.As the livestock power for plowing the fields, cattle are the objects of special protection by the government. Basically every household has one or two.But cattle are terrible as a means of transportation.

Who can drive cattle if they can ride a horse?

So those who ride bulls to the market are mostly farmers, pulling a cart behind them, with a row of children sitting on the cart, all tied up with cloth and iron chains, for fear that the children will run away.

It takes a whole day for the farmer to stagger out of the village and return to the village.At the market, the main purchases are wine for sacrificial offerings and edible salt. If there are women who love beauty in the family, they also need to buy cinnabar appropriately.

Cattle herders are the lowest class of people in society, and Liu Ji understands this very well.He grew up herding cattle, and when he grew up he often drove cattle to the market.But the world's eyes taught him that the common people sitting on the bullock cart were the nobles sitting on the carriage.

It took me more than [-] years to get the qualifications to travel in a carriage.But the wind in the world suddenly changed again. Riding a horse-drawn carriage is not considered fashionable, and riding a horse is the boss.Real men go to ride horses, and those who ride in carriages are all old.

However, fashions changed, and Liu Ji discovered that those who were the bosses were still the same people, but they changed the rules themselves, with those on horseback as the superior and those in carriages as the middle.

The trip to Xianyang made him start to reposition himself. He never knew that the world was so big and his own status was so small.

Back then, he took a sneak peek at the scene of Qin Shihuang's eastward tour. The army was vast and the war horses were roaring. After entering Xianyang City, Liu Ji finally understood what kind of position the pavilion chief was, it was just an official with a big head.

Even if he said hundreds of kind words, the officials in Xianyang would not give him a good look.

People with status in the world are divided into five levels: emperor, minister, doctor, scholar, and pawn.And he, Liu Ji, was simply a pawn, and his status was far inferior to that of a Qin official.

With his status in Xianyang City, the most he could do was enter the gate of the Imperial City and submit a document. As for the gate of Xianyang Palace, he was not qualified to see it.

The palace gate that Liu Ji didn't see became Liu Ji's heartache.Because he discovered that there was something in this world. It was clearly standing in front of him, but he couldn't push it away.Such a thing has no shape or color, but it actually exists.

It not only prevented him from pushing open the palace door, but also placed restrictions on his riding.

He began to think about what this thing was without thinking about food or tea.
After thinking about it, Liu Ji actually abandoned all the rules he had followed in the first half of his life. He suddenly realized that such a thing was power.

Without power, there is no status. Without status, you have to listen to others.

When Liu Ji discovered the key to the problem, it was as if he had opened the door to a new world. Everything he had heard and learned from others in the past was denied.Liu Ji began to rethink and define the world.

He no longer thinks it's cool to have a piece of grass in his mouth.

"I didn't expect that after half a lifetime of hard work, I didn't get anything."

Liu Ji lay on the ox cart, burying himself in the crowd. The ox walked forward aimlessly, and Liu Ji followed suit.

But he will not be willing to live like this for the rest of his life.

"I have to do something earth-shattering, otherwise my life will be in vain. Since I am a seven-foot man, I must be a man, surrounded by people in front of me and admired by thousands of people."

Liu Ji suddenly sat up from the car, but frightened the driver of the carriage who was coming towards him.

The person in this carriage driver is none other than Xiao He.

Liu Ji sat up suddenly, making the coachman jump up in fright, startling the horses, and immediately causing a commotion in the street.

But the coachman quickly controlled the horse's head, and Liu Ji himself bowed in the car and apologized, "I'm sorry."

This carriage was pulled by only two horses. At first glance, it looked no different from other carriages, so Liu Ji didn't pay attention.

But just because Liu Ji didn't care, it didn't mean that others didn't care.

The driver immediately got angry, "You bastard! Do you know who is in this carriage? How dare you sit on an ox cart to apologize and be so perfunctory and rude?"

Liu Ji crossed his arms over his chest and sat upright in the carriage, "Hey - I said your eyes are covered with cow dung. No one in the carriage is angry. Why are you, a horseman, angry?" A thing that relies on human power!"

The coachman was naturally angry after hearing this, "What did you say? Say it again if you dare."

Liu Ji stood up majestically and cursed again in front of everyone, "I said that no one on the carriage said a word. What are you, a slave groom, so clamoring about? You are a bully!"

Liu Ji's posture naturally attracted a lot of people, and suddenly a group of people came to watch.

What kind of person is the most hated in life? It’s someone who looks down upon others.

Liu Ji's words were very accurate, and the onlookers came over to criticize the groom.

More and more people were watching outside, and the people in the carriage said, "Okay, Old Ding, don't embarrass him anymore."

"Yes, Da Sikong."

When Liu Ji heard that the person on the carriage was actually Xiao He, a notoriously honest official, his eyes immediately went straight.

Xiao He, it is said that he is cleaner than the sky. He never bullies others and never embezzles or plunders. Wherever he goes, he is praised.

"Da Sikong, is this the Da Sikong sent by His Majesty to control the floods?"

"Oh! Isn't the person sitting in that car none other than Xiao Sikong?"

(End of this chapter)

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