Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 754: The Gentleman among Gentlemen (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Chapter 754: The Gentleman among Gentlemen (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

At this time, Fan Kuai and others chased after him.

"Brother, what's the matter with you again?"

Liu Ji crossed his arms and looked down at Fan Kuai from the cart. Fan Kuai was so frightened that he backed away, but even so, Liu Ji still gave him a kick.

"What are you talking about? Am I, Liu Ji, the kind of person who makes trouble out of nothing?"

"But I just saw everyone surrounding you in the distance. Aren't they worried about you, brother?"

"I didn't provoke others, it was others who provoked me."

"Who messed with you?"

"Da Sikong's groom."


"Da Sikong's groom, that Da Sikong's groom who came to control the water."

Fan Kuai was horrified, "You have offended Dangtang Sikong, and you haven't been sent to jail yet!"

Liu Ji suddenly darkened his face, "What can't be offended! I tell you, I would rather offend ten gentlemen than offend one villain. Who is Xiao He, the Great Sikong? He is a gentleman among gentlemen and a clear stream among clear streams! If a gentleman acts fairly, how can he cause others to offend him?"

"The groom insulted me for a trivial matter, and I taught him a lesson. The reason why I taught him a lesson was because the groom thought he was Sikong's groom, so he thought he was superior to others. Such contempt for others is not the true nature of a villain. Xiao People are just villains after all, and if I don’t fight back because he is a villain who serves a gentleman, then I look down on the gentleman.”

In just three days, these words spread throughout Handan City, and people in the streets and alleys were spreading these words.

Sun Ao heard about this and went to find Xiao He, "Da Sikong, I heard that your carriage hit a person on the road not long ago?"

Xiao He was sitting in his study looking at the water conservancy project drawings drawn up by the craftsmen of the Qin State. When he heard these words, he just raised his head and thought for a moment, shook his head and said, "No such thing!"

The official Chen Pi asked, "Why does it sound like someone is slandering Sikong?"

Sun Ao said quickly, "Not only did no one slander Sikong, but there were also people who praising Sikong in a different way?"

After hearing this, Xiao He put down the album and asked, "What news did you hear?"

"Sikong, there are people in Handan City now praising Sikong as a gentleman among gentlemen and a clear stream among clear streams!"

Chen Pi was surprised and asked, "What is going on?"

Sun Ao then told the whole story.

Xiao He then stroked his beard and said, "Someone scared my horse that day, not me who knocked him down."

"I'm just a native, so it's inevitable that rumors will spread. But no matter what, Sikong has become famous all over the world because of this incident."

Xiao He dropped the book, walked out of the hall, and took a look into the courtyard, "I came to Handan City on your Majesty's orders to control the flood. Now the fortifications have not been completed, and the people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait are in urgent need of comfort. Your Majesty also sent a censor. People from Taiwan came to supervise me, and the governor of Handan County was my deputy, which shows that His Majesty attaches great importance to this water conservancy project."

"But now that I haven't done anything for the people on both sides of the river, why are some people fabricating my good name out of thin air? I have always kept your words in mind. Don't accept favors from others for no reason, otherwise you will be indebted to them. .”

Chen Pi advised, "Sikong, you are now a dignified Sikong, ranking among the ninth ministers. What do you owe these common people?"

Xiao He said, "I remember Mr. Sun said that that man once threatened, 'I would rather offend ten gentlemen than offend a villain.'"

Sun Ao nodded, "That's right. Being able to say these words shows that he has some knowledge."

Xiao He stroked his beard, "I think this person is not only knowledgeable, but also a gentleman. He made me a gentleman, which shows that he is also a gentleman. It is better to offend ten gentlemen than one villain. He is determined I won't embarrass him."

Xiao He said and couldn't help but smile.

Sun Ao put his arms around his belly, he knew why Xiao He was so happy.

Xiao He always wanted to be a gentleman with integrity, but no one understood him.So although many people flattered Xiao He, Xiao He never took it to heart.Because they would only talk about Xiao He being loyal to His Majesty the Emperor, Xiao He being upright and honest, and Xiao He being just in dealing with officials, but no one could ever see that Xiao He wanted to be a gentleman.

Although he comes from a commoner background, he has always pursued being a gentleman.

"Sikong, there are many talented people in this world, but there are not many people who are both talented and gentlemanly. As Sikong said, this person can tell from Sikong's behavior that Sikong is a gentleman. Gentleman, it shows that this person is also a gentleman. Since Sikong is happy with this person, then I, Sun Ao, will personally go to Sikong and find the person who said this."

Xiao He was a little nervous after hearing this.

"I have met many people in my life. But now, as Sikong, I summoned someone here just because I heard someone praise me. If this spread, wouldn't it appear that I am too frivolous."

Immediately, Xiao He waved his hand and said hurriedly, "No, we can't just summon him like this."

Sun Ao understands Xiao He. Xiao He attaches great importance to other people's evaluation of him and does not want his reputation to be damaged in the slightest because of this incident.

So Sun Ao took the initiative and said, "Sikong, can you think about this from another angle? Maybe he wants to gain Sikong's favor, and he himself wants to meet Sikong more? Sikong, you are now a high minister, and your position is as high as the three princes. Look at the entire Handan In the city, no one has a higher status than you, it should be others who seek help from Sikong."

When Sun Ao said this, Xiao He suddenly became unhappy.

"Sir, do you mean that this person wanted to ask me for help, so he deliberately boasted about me and made the whole city a storm so as to attract my attention?"

"Sikong, you can't think about it this way. All mortals have selfish desires. But although people all have selfish desires, the ways to satisfy their selfish desires are different. How many people brazenly brag about Sikong in order to gain Sikong's favor, and some even make things out of nothing; but He and Sikong have never known each other, but this person can say such things, which just shows his innocence."

"Oh——" Xiao He stroked his beard, "Where does the idea of ​​an innocent heart come from?"

"It is a fact that this person knows Sikong's name, but because of a trivial matter, he described Sikong as a gentleman. This shows that he deliberately wants to please Sikong. But why does he want to please Sikong alone?"

"And judging from the fact that he was dissatisfied with your coachman's unreasonable insults, it seems that he is a man of integrity. When faced with your carriage, Da Sikong, he chose to ask for an explanation with reason, rather than like other people Just like nodding and bowing, he was fooling around with this matter."

"This shows that he is not only a gentleman, but also an extremely arrogant gentleman!"

"Firstly, he is arrogant in his heart, and secondly, he is a bit smart. Such a person will not bow down to others easily, let alone flatter others for no reason."

"However, he said that you, Sikong, are a gentleman among gentlemen and a clear stream among gentlemen. It can be seen that he admires you and wants to make friends with a gentleman like you, Sikong."

(End of this chapter)

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