Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 755 Liu Ji opens his mouth (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Chapter 755 Liu Ji opens his mouth (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

After hearing this, Xiao He naturally asked, "Does he want to make friends with me?"

"Yes. Otherwise, why would he say these things for no reason? However, do you have an idea that can help Sikong recognize this person's true identity?"

"tell me the story."

"This person said good things about Sikong for no reason, either because he admires your reputation and simply wants to praise Sikong; or he wants to get benefits from Sikong. It is not difficult to prove the difference between the two. "

"I thought that Sikong could secretly send someone to look for this person, first inquire about his personality, and then I would personally go and test him. Now is the time when Sikong is employing people, and he needs trustworthy people as his confidants. Why don't Sikong give it a try? How about a try?"

Xiao He thought about it and realized that this was the truth.Moreover, it was Sun Ao who came forward to test this person's character. If this person was just trying to flatter him, he would not need him, and he would not have much to lose.

"Yes. Let's do it like this. It's just that although I have always had a good reputation, I have never been so sought after and boasted, and actually made it known all over the city. I came to control the water, but I didn't achieve any actual results, but the streets and small People in the alley are praising my good name, and I really feel ashamed."

Sun Ao thought for a while, "This is the suspicious point in this matter. How can he praise you alone so that your reputation is spread all over the city? Why don't you ask your subordinate Chen Pi to check it out? , who is deliberately spreading this matter?"

Chen Pi also said, "Sikong, this matter is abnormal and it is indeed worthy of investigation."

"Then this time, it's all your fault."

"Sikong said nothing, it is our duty to serve Sikong."

The two said goodbye to Xiao He, and then divided into two groups to find out the root cause.

As Xiao He's retainer, Sun Ao was originally just a consultant, but now that he went out to ask people in person, he would naturally be recognized, so he sent his son Sun Bing to inquire.

To inquire about this, you must find the right place. A wine shop is a good place, but most of the people who go there are from well-established families and are easily noticed.

Apart from that, it is the female concubine.There are also many beautiful women in Handan City.

When Sun Bing went there, he not only found out the reason, but also met the real owner.Big cities have their own culture, and small counties have their own unique style.In Peixian County, there are many unexplained differences between men and women; but in big cities, having free money to visit women's houses is a serious matter.

Liu Ji soon followed the local customs.

On this day, Liu Ji, carrying Lu Fei on his back and several brothers, brazenly came to this female village in Handan City.

What surprised Sun Bing was that as soon as this person appeared, everyone looked at him.

Sun Bing pointed at the seven-foot tall man wearing brown gauze clothes and asked, "Who is he? His voice sounds like he is from Chu."

Sun Ao's son Sun Sun Bing's accent was refined very well, and it sounded like an authentic Guanzhong accent. The locals were happy to answer, "This man's name is Liu Ji. He moved here with the Liang people last year, but his accent is not Heluo accent, but Chuyin."

"He was not originally from Handan, and was assigned to be a pawn elsewhere. But later he did something big that shocked the government and the public, and then he was transferred to Handan City by Zhao Gong, the governor of Handan County, to guard the city gate. "

After hearing this, Sun Bing laughed naturally, "Sir, could it be that I'm a foreigner and think I'm talking nonsense after drinking. How can a mere pawn do such earth-shattering things?"

A few people were sitting on the attic talking without disturbing too many people.

"Don't underestimate him. He is the one who said he would set up another county and call himself the county magistrate."

"An arrow shoots a bird in the head. After doing such a thing, he can still survive."

"You don't know this. Fortunately, I met the Ming Lord of the time and sent the best county governor in the world to appease him. If it were other county governors, he would have chopped off their heads without saying a word, but what? Our county magistrate is different, he actually went to hear this matter in person. This is really treating our common people as human beings."

"I don't remember Duke Xiao doing such a thing."

"What Xiao County? I'm talking about our Handan County Governor Zhao Jungong. He has been an official for thirty years, and he does not want to share the wealth with the people of our Handan County. After His Majesty came to the throne, the first thing he did was to give the Zhao Xie Gong family to Come on!"

Sun Bing was slightly embarrassed. He did not expect that the people here did not recognize Xiao He, but instead recognized the local governor Zhao Wan.

Upon hearing the news, all the Zhao people on the second floor gathered around.Sun Bing's heart was racing. He originally kept a low profile, but he didn't expect there were so many ears around him.It can be seen that they can usually hear it, but they just pretend not to know.

"His Majesty the Emperor, you are such a good man. I knew about it as early as when Your Majesty was the crown prince."

A strong man wearing Gebu clothes said this and drank Sun Bing's wine.

"Stop bragging! Hindsight."

Sun Bing said and took the bowl from his hand.

Everyone gathered around and laughed at the big man in Gebu clothes.

The fabric of clothes symbolizes social status.

Those who wear Gebu are soldiers and traders, those who wear gauze clothes are from good families, those who wear dark clothes are rich and powerful, and those who wear silk clothes are princes and generals.

When the big man wearing Gebu spoke, everyone naturally didn't take it seriously.

"That's it, stop bragging."

"Hey! Don't believe it. No one here dares to forget the Battle of Changping, right?"

When this was mentioned, everyone's eyes were filled with anger and they kept silent.

"But after a hundred years, the remains of our Zhao people are still left in Changping. During heavy rains, the bones of hundreds of thousands of warriors are washed down from the upper reaches. Living south of Handan People from Zhao can see white bones floating in the river every rainy season. Every time it rains, the whole pass is sobbing, and 40 innocent souls cry together."

"But when His Majesty was the crown prince, he ordered tens of thousands of soldiers to bury these bones. Just from this incident, I can tell. Sure enough, when His Majesty succeeds to the throne, the first thing he will deal with is those bastards who oppressed us. Egg."

When everyone was chatting in full swing, Sun Bing interrupted, but no one listened to him at all.

Sun Bing had no choice but to withdraw, and then he spent another three days and three nights squatting everywhere before he figured out the matter.

It turns out that Sikong is famous only because the person who said those words was none other than Liu Ji.

Just because he guarded the city gate, he made friends with many people.As long as he opens his mouth, at least dozens of people will be willing to listen.

When Sun Bing returned home, his father was lying on his side on the mat reading. It was going to be autumn at this time, and the stove was already lit at home.

"Father, I'm back."

Sun Ao jumped up from the table and asked, "How is it? Have you asked me?"

"Asked, there's more than one thing!"

So Sun Bing told what he had learned exactly.

"Then let's put it this way, this Liu Ji is very unusual."

"It's very unusual. Handan County Duke, General Wei Tong, everyone has discovered this. So Sikong can't get him."

"What's the meaning of this?"

"Zhao Jun promoted him and made him the Handan Prison Gate."

"Prison gate, a little official as big as sesame seeds."

"Father, although this official is very small, it is not as small as my father thought. Handan is known as the second largest city today, and this is not for nothing. As the prison gate of this city, Liu Ji is in charge of hundreds of No. [-]. But even if he is a small official, he still makes a splash."

"how do I say this?"

"Although he is a prison gate, you can recognize him as long as you pass by him once when traveling on business trips. Over time, although he is a prison gate, his reputation is comparable to that of the local generals. In addition, Duke Xiao is originally from Zhe Chu, and his reputation is only In the Jiangdong area, Handan County's reputation is indeed not very high now. The reason why it caused the whole city to be in trouble this time is because of Liu Ji's mouth."

After hearing this, Sun Ao stood up and walked around the mat several times.

"Is there such a person in the world? I would like to meet him in person."

(End of this chapter)

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