Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 757 A scholar dies for a confidant (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Chapter 757 A scholar dies for a confidant (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

"Son, there are many people here, so let's go back to the hotel early. I'm afraid today's incident has alarmed the Handan County Sheriff and the County Lieutenant."

The two returned to the post house, and it happened that Chen Pi was also reporting.

"I didn't expect that when I asked you to investigate things separately, it turned out that it was all done by one person. This Liu Ji is very unusual."

Sun Ao frowned, "Sikong, this is not a good thing!"

Xiao He remained silent.

Chen Pi stepped forward and said, "Why is this? This person has such prestige, which shows that he has a noble character, and he is good at speaking and knows the art of contingency. In my opinion, this person can be used by Sikong."

Xiao He was playing with a piece of jade, pinching it again and again, "There is no way for blessings and misfortunes, only people bring it to themselves. I shouldn't have interfered with this matter in the first place, so I turned a deaf ear and waited until the limelight passed. I just felt happy to hear someone boasting about it. Being complacent will ruin things."

Chen Pi and Sun Bing were both stunned.

"Sikong, you mean that Liu Ji is a person, but he cannot be used by Sikong?"

"If I use him, I might be in big trouble in the future."

"Why is this? I have never seen anyone with such a high appeal. In just one day, we found forty Chu people in Handan City, Guanzhong."

Sun Ao then came out to explain, "To be fair, haven't you, Bing'er, seen this person before?"

"Father, what does this mean?"

"Please also ask Mr. Sun to reveal the reason."

"You all should remember the prison gate in Huaiyang, right?"

"Of course I remember."

"How do you think the Huaiyang prison gate compares to the Handan prison gate?"

Chen Pi said:
"The Handan prison guard is outgoing, easy to make friends, and a bit warm-hearted; the Huaiyang prison guard is conscientious and less heroic."

Sun Bingdao said: "The Handan Prison Gate has a chivalrous spirit in his heart. Although he is just a prison gate, he has a bright foundation in his heart, like a dragon and a tiger; the Huaiyang Prison Gate drags his family with his family to guard the city gate, which seems to be too selfish, like a snake or a rat. Such people cannot be put on the stage."

Xiao He burst out laughing after hearing this, "You kid, what you said is quite accurate."

Sun Ao shook his head and said, "You made the Duke laugh."

"It's okay, it's okay."

When Sun Bing saw this, he felt that he had said the wrong thing and naturally blushed. "Junior is so presumptuous, but I don't know where I went wrong?"

Sun Ao looked at Sun Bing, "My silly son, why do you think Huaiyang Prison Gate should be a prison gate?"

"Of course it's to support the family. The salary of a prison guard is not low."

"What about Liu Ji? Isn't the Handan prison gate a prison gate? Since it is a prison gate, how can it be that you know so many people? Have you really never seen such people?"

After hearing this, Sun Bing suddenly realized, but he also suddenly became frightened. "I heard that there are often rebel activities in the Wuyue area. They usually do nothing but form gangs. They want to make friends with all the local famous heroes and warriors."

"That's it. He is just using the Qin State's Handan prison gate as a cover, but what he thinks in his heart is still the same as the political counselors more than ten years ago."

"A strategist?"

"When you get angry, the princes fear, and when you live in peace, the world goes out."

Sun Bing was shocked and fell to the ground, "This..."

"You're right. He has great ambitions in his heart, but he is worried that he has no place to display them. If Handan County Sheriff hadn't given him the post of prison guard, I'm afraid he would have done bigger things."

The three of them were all in a daze, and Xiao He sat alone in the upper seat with a gloomy look on his face.After a while, Xiao Hecai sighed:
"From this point of view, Duke Zhao, the governor of Handan County, is really a capable official in governing the world. I'm afraid he saw the thoughts of this old boy Liu Ji early on. The old man is restless and has great ambitions. According to the laws of the Qin State, gathering people for no reason is chaos. Ji. I think that when Liu Ji led an uprising for the first time and claimed to establish a county, Zhaojun had already noticed him."

Chen Pi didn't understand, "Since Zhaojun found out that Liu Ji had such ambitions, why didn't he execute him directly from the beginning?"

"This Governor Zhao, I have heard his name in the early years. He is a relatively moderate faction among the Qin officials. He appeases the soft and gentle. He strongly supported His Majesty the Emperor's New Deal earlier. He belongs to the opposition faction that supports the New Deal. He does not need to use harsh punishments in the first place. It’s a set, and this matter can’t be completely solved by killing.”

"You know, when I came here as a local Qin official, I met a lot of people. There are many people like Liu Ji. Isn't that the case with Song Yi in Chu? But after killing one Song Yi, there is still another Liu Ji. Ji, kill another Liu Ji, and tomorrow there will be another Zhang Wu."

"His Majesty had anticipated the things he is encountering now more than ten years ago. Those who threaten the overall situation of unification of the world are not only the old nobles of the six countries, but also those who want to be promoted but have no chance. If this kind of thing is solved No, then the two will fight to the death."

Chen Pi responded, "Then according to your opinion, Zhaojun arranged for Liu Ji to be a prison guard. Is Liu Ji satisfied? Since he was almost in a desperate situation, how could he still be the governor of Handan with peace of mind. "

"This is what I admire about Duke Zhao. I have heard people say that he has the theory of conspiracy and conspiracy. The so-called conspiracy is to use the general trend to overwhelm the other party and make the other party convinced; while the so-called conspiracy is to use the general trend to overwhelm the opponent, so the so-called conspiracy means that he has no general situation, so he uses the Get rid of the trick."

"There are people like Liu Ji everywhere nowadays. If you want to solve these things once and for all, you must use conspiracy. Let him be the prison gate. Firstly, it will let him see that the empire has the intention to reuse people like them; secondly, The first one is to control him from the position of the prison gate; the third one is to let him see what kind of life the people of the empire live under the great rule."

"This is what I, Xiao He, admire about Duke Zhao. I didn't expect that he could also use conspiracy in such a thing. Liu Ji is a smart man. When he became the Handan Prison Gate and got to know so many people, there were some things that he would not be able to let go of. of."

After hearing this, the three of them naturally admired Zhao Wan.But they also looked up at Xiao He with surprised eyes.

"Why are you all looking at me like this?"

"My Lord, my subordinates have discovered that you have completely changed since you became the Lord. Your conversation has become very elegant, and you never stray from the Empire when you talk to us."

"A gentleman will die for someone who knows him, and a woman will look good for someone who pleases her. I am just doing my duty for those who understand me."

After hearing this, Sun Ao looked at Xiao He with admiration. "Sun Ao is not talented, but he does his duty for those who know how to appreciate his talents."

Chen Pi smiled and stepped forward and said, "Pi has little talent and little knowledge, but he has always admired and admired Sikong's conduct. Pi does his duty for the people he admires."

After the three of them finished speaking, they laughed together, and the laughter resounded throughout the courtyard of the post house.

Sun Bing has always remembered this afternoon, and the conversation and smiles between the three of them have been engraved in his heart since then.No matter what big event Sun Bing encountered later, he would often think of that afternoon.Deep in Sun Bing's heart, the seeds of loyalty to the empire were planted.

It turns out that in this world, there are not only people like Xiao He and Da Sikong who defend the empire, but also Duke Zhao, whom he has never met. At the same time, in this world, there are people who are ready to act for their own selfish purposes, and there are also people who travel at night in the snow to repay their close friends. No regrets, just enjoy it.

In the Handan County Post House that year, there was a courtyard full of colorful apricot trees, with yellow apricots growing on the treetops, yellow and golden.And above the courtyard, there is the ever-expanding blue sky.

(End of this chapter)

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