Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 758: Candidates for the Emperor’s Chancellor (please give me a monthly recommendation vote!)

Chapter 758: Candidates for the Emperor’s Chancellor (please give me a monthly recommendation vote!)

Handan County Prefecture.

It is autumn at this time, many leaves are yellow, but the sky is as clear and quiet as the lake.

Zhao Wan was sitting in a pavilion in the backyard of his home, next to a well. Zhao Wan threw a fishing line into the well, not knowing what he was fishing for.

The piano player was playing the piano nearby, and a delicate cigarette was burning in the copper stove.

At this time, Fan Shuan, Zhao Wan's retainer and close friend, came over and said, "Tai Gong Jiang is fishing, and those who wish to take the bait will take the bait. The Duke is in high spirits today."

Zhao Wan saw him coming and asked him to sit down quickly.

"You all go down."

The sound of the piano stopped and everyone retreated. Zhao Wan's fishing line was still in the well.

"The fish are all in the sea, lakes and streams, but the prince is fishing in the well. I'm afraid it will be all in vain."

Zhao Wan narrowed his eyes slightly, "Are you hinting to me that my ambition will fail again this time?"

"My lord, I personally went to Xianyang and stayed there for three full months. I finally got some news before I left."

"Don't tell me soon."

"This matter of the Prime Minister was brought up several times by the ministers in the court, but in the end it was ignored. However, the Minister of Civil Affairs recommended someone, and this person is Da Sikong."

After Zhao Wan heard this, the hand holding the fishing rod moved slightly.

"Sure enough, it's him. I've heard his name a long time ago, and this time he was directly worshiped as Sikong. Nowadays, the court is still the three princes in name, but there are four people with real power. I am very curious, what does he have? What kind of ability can become a great Sikong?"

"Regarding this matter, I met a person this time. He is an old subordinate of Captain Chi Wu. This time I asked the right person. Because Chi Wu and this Xiao He have both served His Majesty in the Crown Prince's Palace before."

After Zhao Wan heard this, he breathed a sigh of relief.He thought it was because this person was more capable than him, but he didn't expect it to be because of this.

"So, he is considered to be His Majesty's confidant today."

"It is because of this that it is said that he recommended him in front of the late emperor several times. Feng Jie, the minister of official affairs, recommended him precisely because he knew these things. But for some reason, the minister of official affairs said it in person, but his majesty did not promise."

"Secretary of the Ministry of Civil Affairs?"

"Exactly. He is now in the favor of His Majesty in Xianyang City, and he is very proud of himself."

"Feng Xiangyi passed away, and the atmosphere of the Feng family is no longer good. Moreover, when His Majesty was in Handan City, he was in a hurry to leave. I heard that it was because the Prime Minister was rebelling. Let me see, the fate of the Feng family will not be as good as Feng Jie's here. , it’s considered used up.”

Zhao Wan had no intention of fishing anymore and took a walk in the courtyard.

While walking, Zhao Wan stopped in front of a pepper tree with yellow leaves.

"Another year has passed and I'm getting older."

"My lord, you are still in good health and look like you will live a long life. I think there is no need to be impatient about this matter. The more impatient you are, the more unjust it will be."

"I thought about it carefully, maybe this is my delusion. How can I, an ordinary Qin official, become the emperor of the empire?"

"The Duke of the county is now in Shangqing, so don't underestimate yourself at this time."

"Then tell me, what else can I do for His Majesty? Even Feng Jie, a genius, can see that the Prime Minister in His Majesty's heart is Xiao He. What do I have to fight for? At the same time, I have spent my whole life on it. I’ve lost all face.”

After hearing this, Fan Ming said, "Actually, I have a different view on this matter. If the Duke fights, there may not be anyone who will support the Duke. What I'm afraid of is that the Duke refuses to fight and wastes this opportunity." Lose."

"What do you mean by this?"

"My lord, have you forgotten how your Majesty won the hearts of the officials of the Qin State when he was the crown prince?"

"His Majesty advised the late emperor to give priority to protecting the interests of the old Qin people. As a victorious country, Qin has conquered the world, but other countries are defeated countries. If we treat everyone with the same rules, it will only be counterproductive and hurt us. He won the hearts of the old Qin people."

"That's it. Although Duke, you are born as a commoner, you are an out-and-out old Qin person. Your ancestral home is Xianyang City and you have been a Qin person for generations. But what is Xiao He's identity? He is an out-and-out Qin person. As a native of Chu, everyone knows what happened a few days ago. He is a Chu man, and when he comes to Qin, he has no one to rely on except Your Majesty. Whoever guarantees him, he can only become a vassal."

"But I have met him several times, and he doesn't look like the kind of person who flatters those in high positions just for the sake of power. Besides, in terms of title level, he is higher than me. As a great Sikong , he will not vassal anyone."

"Mr. Jun, you are too fair in your heart. Seeking a good fortune is a major matter of fighting for power and profit, and kindness and soft hands cannot make things happen. At this time, what good things do you say for Xiao He?"

After hearing this, Zhao Wan just shook his head.

"You have to know that after the unification of the world, the courtiers of the Great Qin not only did not receive the rewards they deserved, but experienced the most terrifying ten years. The monarchs and ministers were divorced, and the ministers were busy fighting for power. Although I am far away in Handan City, I also listen to Many people have said that in the years after the war, there was a fierce struggle between military families and civil servant groups. The atmosphere in the court has always been bad."

"When His Majesty was in power, what he hated most was the struggle for power. Anyone who is smart knows that the death of the Prime Minister is not simple. Now why has he not been Prime Minister for a long time? It is obvious that His Majesty does not want anyone to compete for power."

"If I take the initiative to advance at this time, I'm afraid I'm going to be in trouble."

Fan Huang twitched the corner of his mouth, "But if His Majesty has to choose between you and Xiao Sikong, it must be you."

After Fan Huang said this, he sat on the steps of the corridor and tapped Erlang's legs casually, looking like he was sure of victory.

Most capable people have a temper, so Zhao Wan tolerated Fan Quan's behavior.

"I don't know what your opinion is, sir?"

"You are an authentic Qin person, and Xiao He is an authentic Chu person. If His Majesty the Emperor has to make a choice, His Majesty will definitely choose you. Otherwise, His Majesty will abandon the old Qin people, and the ministers in the court will not agree. I think the officials The reason why the minister failed to recommend Xiao He was that the emperor saw clearly that Xiao He was not liked by the people of Qin. The Qin clan has always been afraid of the people of Chu."

"If you put it like that, I understand." Zhao Wan stroked his beard, but then he started to frown again, "But even if it weren't for him, no one in the court would recommend me."

"My lord, listen to me. You have already done this. Your Majesty definitely knows what your Majesty wants. But at this time, no one can recommend the lord. Otherwise, you will form a clique and fight for power." Tao, the distance is far from the phase."

"But I have been waiting for three years, and I can't give it another three years. Time is running out, and time is not waiting for me!"

(End of this chapter)

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