Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 759 Eyepiece (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Chapter 759 Thousand Mile Eyepiece (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Zhangtai Palace, Xianyang, Qin State.

Whenever autumn comes, looking west from Zhangtai, you can always see a large golden wheat field.

At this time, the Moon Festival has just passed, and the wheat fields have already been harvested. The wheat seedlings in the fields have turned green, and the wheat seedlings have turned yellow. In areas that can turn green, the local people naturally protect the new wheat seedlings.

But on those withered fields, farmers drove their cattle and sheep to eat autumn grass in the fields.

The leaves of the willow have fallen off, but they are still green.There are dots of red dates on the Elaeagnus trees, and the maple leaves are golden and red. Each leaf is as big as a palm. When the wind blows, they all wave and make a rustling sound.

Autumn and spring are both times when the weather is cool, but autumn has a different mature charm.If spring is like a girl who has just begun to fall in love, then autumn is like a gentle and quiet woman who has settled down after years of passion.

It understands all your needs and can satisfy everyone's needs with just a click of a finger.After all, autumn is harvest season.

Looking west from Xianyang Palace, the mountains and plains are filled with various colors, but they are exceptionally peaceful and harmonious.Those houses are closely together. Although they have earthen walls and courtyards, they are still shelter from the wind and rain.

Around dusk, the cattle and sheep were driven down the hillside by the shepherd boy and the old man, and then they were kept in the backyard of his house. Then, green smoke began to come out of the chimney.

There was a sound of rapid footsteps, making the floor behind Fusu creak.

"General Huo Cheng pays homage to His Majesty."


"What are you looking at, Your Majesty?"

Fusu put down Qianlimu, turned around and sat on the upper seat.

Huo Cheng wears a feather helmet, gold-plated armor, and black boots with leather soles, combining domineering and courage.But at this moment, in front of the emperor, he restrained all his sharpness and became gentle in his speech.

"This is the Thousand Mile Eye that Wangyi Palace built for me. Take it and have a look."

This was the first time Huo Cheng saw this thing. It looked like a bamboo tube made of pure gold. He played with it for a while, but he didn't know how to use it.

"Your Majesty, I am stupid and don't know how to use this thing."

The Second looked at Pang You and said, "Go and teach him."

So Pang You took Huo Cheng to the west gate.

The three doors, nine doors high and two doors wide, were all open, and Fusu was sitting in the west hall drinking tea.Pang You led Huo Cheng to a side door on the left and gently turned the ring on Qianli Mu.

"Commander Huo, please take a look."

Pang You helped Huo Cheng aim the golden bamboo tube at his left eye. Unexpectedly, he saw something fifty miles away.

Not only that, this thing is actually retractable.In the emperor's ceremony, logically one shouldn't think too much about it, but when these grown men saw that this thing could be retracted and had similar sizes, they naturally thought wrongly.

The guards in the palace couldn't help laughing.

"It's really strange! What on earth is this?"

"The name of this object is the telescope, and it was presented by the royal craftsman of Wangyi Palace. With this telescope, you can see the scenery fifty miles away. I gave him a nice name, Qianlimu."

[Wangyi Palace, mentioned earlier.The Second Emperor concentrated some highly skilled craftsmen in the palace and asked them to develop some relatively advanced technological inventions.Simon already has one, and now this is the diorama.Since then, Wangyi Palace has been the name of the Science and Technology Development Institute of the Qin Dynasty, not just the residence of the emperor.

The craftsmen of Wangyi Palace are under the jurisdiction of the Shaofu and not the Ministry of Works.The Ministry of Industry is responsible for people's livelihood matters, and Wangyi Palace serves the emperor and is responsible to the emperor.The craftsmen of Wangyi Palace are highly skilled and are mainly responsible for developing ancient high-tech products for military use and providing entertainment products for the emperor and concubines.

Qianlimu is a military project. In addition, there are also some craftsmen responsible for the research and development of crossbows and firearms. 】

Huo Cheng played with it for a while, and he quickly took down the Qianlimu.

He looked at His Majesty and said, "Such a treasure must be His Majesty's masterpiece."

Pang You also looked at Fusu with admiration. Although His Majesty is an emperor who doesn't like fighting, he has established a different image of an emperor in his own way.

"This thing was developed in the early years when I was still in Huayang Palace. It just took too long. No one had ever made this thing before. It actually took a full ten years to finally have it. The craftsmen made a thousand miles of eyes that satisfy me."

Fusu said, looking at this Qianlimu, a stone fell in his heart.The Qianlimu was an artifact designed by his order. However, during the Qin Dynasty, although the level of craftsmanship was advanced, it was really difficult to make such a high-tech quiet instrument.

Most things in the world are mixed with joy and sorrow. Think about the days when Fusu, as the prince, was semi-imprisoned in the palace by the First Emperor. He could not interfere in the affairs of the government or extend his hands outside. If he wanted to make achievements, he could only "work behind closed doors." .

Huo Cheng knew these things.

"General, congratulations to your majesty. Your majesty's efforts in the early years have finally come to fruition. Your majesty is truly a god, and he can actually create such a magical weapon."

Fusu heard too many compliments, and it felt like drinking tea that had been brewed hundreds of times.Not only was it tasteless, the tea leaves were rancid.

"I have come here with an imperial edict, but I still don't know what your Majesty's order is?" "I want to set up a divine machine office in Wangyi Palace to be responsible for the research and development and design of these artifacts. Ji Hao selected some responsible for the design of the Lishan Pavilion for me. I also want the outstanding craftsmen who developed the Imperial Tomb to be moved into the Divine Machine Pavilion, so I will assign a group of capable warriors to be responsible for the confidentiality of Qianji Pavilion."


Huo Cheng accepted the order, but did not want to leave. His eyes stayed on the golden bamboo tube on the emperor's wooden case.

"What? You like this baby."

"Your Majesty, this treasure is a sacred weapon in this world. Generals will never dare to take it. If such a sharp weapon is used in military affairs -"

After hearing this, Fusu relaxed his lips and smiled loudly.

"The one who knows me is Commander Huo. I ordered people to build such a thing, not just for the scenery. Ren Xiao, a traitor, started a rebellion in the second year of my coming to power, causing people in the court to panic, and people all over the world to panic. The uneasy generals have damaged my majesty, and I will always keep this account in mind."

"It is not a wise move just to capture the rebel generals and conquer the rebels based on the current situation of the empire. However, Clairvoyance can help me get twice the result with half the effort. The southern Guizhou area is an undeveloped wilderness, where it is humid and hot. As for Ren Xiao, he is a veteran who has experienced hundreds of battles. If my army goes south, it is impossible to end this war in a few months."

"But the war to exterminate the rebels must be fought quickly. If it cannot be ended within a few months, it will become a drag on the empire. I want to digest Shanxi and Hanoi, and I have to beware of the vassal states. If this war If it can’t end in just a few months, then Nanyang Sanchuan is afraid something will happen.”

"In the old Hanhe area, sandwiched between the Yellow River and the Yangtze River, there are two big rivers. The soldiers' marching speed will definitely be delayed. Once the war in southern Guizhou becomes tense, pressure will be put on the Nanyang Sanchuan area. But the Guanzhong standard system is the basic Strategy, compare the empire to a rooster, and the Sanchuan area of ​​Nanyang is like the belly of the chicken to Xianyang City."

"So in my opinion, anyone who asks me to send troops to arrest the rebels probably has evil intentions."

Only then did Huo Cheng realize that the only ones who seemed to support the arrest of the traitor were Feng and Zhang Han.

 Stop scolding Fusu!Fusu has worked very hard and attentively!If you want to read mindless and cool articles, I won’t send them here, just delete them!
  In addition, if anyone wants to point fingers at my historical characters, wait until you have finished reading the Historical Records and there are still ten essays before coming over to battle with me!

  You guys are so used to whoring and skipping reading!

(End of this chapter)

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