Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 760 His name is Zhang 3 (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Chapter 760 His name is Zhang San (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

The second generation retreated, leaving only Huo Cheng here.

"Your Majesty now has clairvoyance, and the scouts can detect the movements of Ren Xiao and others from a hundred miles away."

"This matter is a secret among secrets. The top and bottom of the Shenji Department, inside and outside, are all secrets among secrets."

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, I will keep all secrets for Your Majesty."

Fusu laughed after hearing this, "You have been by my side for so long, don't you know that in my mind, only the dead can keep secrets?"

After hearing this, Huo Cheng hurriedly knelt down and bowed, "Your Majesty, even if I die, I will not dare to reveal the secret."

"I am the emperor. While enjoying the supreme power, I have also established many enemies. You have been with me for so long, and you have witnessed step by step how I have grown from a prince to an emperor, and you have also seen how I almost fell from the throne. He has only been on the throne for a few years, but like the previous emperor, he has already experienced such a big event as his ministers forcing him to enter the palace."

"So, what I am afraid of is not the disloyalty of those who live with me day and night, but that those who are dissatisfied with me have never given up and are looking for opportunities in secret. In this world, no one is perfect."

"There are only two things that can be called perfect. One is the utensils. Beautiful jade, gold and stone can be carved and can still shine after several years; the other is the system. The reason why the Qin State can prosper for a long time is because of the people of the Qin State. Accumulated generations of historical wisdom, the law is the standard, and the people of the country abide by the law. The emperor system is the system, and the law is also the system."

"I have heard a lecture by an expert before. His name is Zhang San. He once said to me that people are not perfect, and only the system is perfect. The former king Xiaogong reformed the law and established the law for the Qin State. The law is the decisive factor and the people’s morale is uplifted.”

"As a result, our country, Qin, became the hero of the Seven Kingdoms. Later, the late Emperor Feng and the remaining warriors of the Sixth Generation eventually unified the world and established the empire."

"I have looked at history and deeply understood human nature. If we want the empire to be long-lasting and stable, and the country to be stable forever, we must establish a brand-new system. The late emperor created a brand-new system, called the emperor system, in order to maintain The empire is unified and the princes are prevented from being divided. However, this system obviously needs to be improved by subsequent kings."

Huo Cheng lowered his head. The emperor meant that people cannot be trusted, but the system created by people is eternal.

"Huo Cheng—I put you in charge of the Divine Machinery Department. Do you know what this means?"

Recalling what the emperor had just said, Huo Cheng replied, "Your Majesty wants the general to prevent these confidential drawings and instruments from being left in the palace forever and not being obtained by some people with ulterior motives. However, as your Majesty said, living people are not trustworthy. Yes. I will ask Your Majesty to leave this matter to others."

The Second glanced at Huo Cheng, "Are you starting to get scared?"

People are often very fragile in the face of death. Huo Cheng, a seven-foot tall man, burst into tears immediately.

"Your Majesty, there are old generals above and young ones below."

"The dignified Imperial Palace Commander is actually crying in front of me, and he is not afraid of being laughed at if word spreads about it."

Huo Cheng stopped, but he was still afraid.

"The most important thing for a person is self-knowledge. If a person doesn't understand himself, he can't understand others. If he doesn't know his position in the world, he will often do wrong things."

"Also ask Your Majesty to enlighten me."

"Then it depends on who you think you are? Huo Cheng, the leader of the Jinwu Guards? Or the creator of the new system of the Great Qin Empire."

Huo Cheng then raised his head and looked at the second generation.

"Your Majesty wants to reform the emperor system?"

"It has been almost four years since the death of the late emperor. I have cleaned up countless messes in this year. Once the internal fighting between the ministers has stopped, the bureaucracy will begin to operate normally. In order to effectively control the local area, I will delegate some power to the local Qin officials, so I named them Shangqing in order to improve their status."

"On this matter, Feng Jie, the son of the former prime minister, has the same idea as mine. He supports my promotion of local Qin officials, and actively prevents Qin officials from going to Guanzhong to serve in Guanzhong. While strengthening control over the local area, , and can quickly promote a group of capable and accomplished bureaucrats to come to Xianyang City to work for me."

"However, once power begins to be delegated, it is like wine spilling out of a wine baron, and it will be difficult to take it back. I went against the will of the late emperor and enfeoffed the princes' land and subjects, and delegated certain powers to local officials. Perhaps ten Within a year, the world's structure will be stable, but what about ten years from now or twenty years from now?"

"I want to plan ahead, and the reform of the emperor system is imperative. The secret is the key to my successful completion of the reform. I want to build an army that is invincible and invincible. To build this powerful army, the The key lies in the divine mechanism.”

"The political situation always relies on the mutual competition of different political interest groups to stabilize the political situation. There will always be times when the horse stumbles. And once the horse stumbles, the world will change its master."

Huo Cheng felt that he shouldn't have come today. What he heard now was a lifelong secret.

"So I want to change my approach. I want to set up a perfect system that allows many institutions to compete with each other instead of letting interest groups compete with each other. I want to stipulate people's power in the system."

Huo Cheng shook his hands, bowed and asked, "But your majesty, you are now an emperor under one man and above ten thousand people. No one in the world has higher power than your majesty. The person who regulates the power of subordinates, originally That’s Your Majesty, but now you want to reform the emperor’s system and intend to hand over power to the system. Isn’t this weakening His Majesty’s power?”

The second generation looked at Huo Cheng. It seemed that Huo Cheng was not stupid.

"So, I need you. I need to lock Chen Liao's power in the system, but I need to ensure that the emperor is independent of the system, but above the system. But to accomplish this, we must rely on the army. Only Only an invincible and invincible army can help me create a new system."

"Is Your Majesty going to ask the general to prepare for the establishment of this army?"

Fusu smiled. Huo Cheng longed for power. If he handed over military power to him, he would die in his hands in a few days.

But only such people with infinite yearning for power can help him achieve great things, because only such people dare to do big things.And their fatal weakness is that they have been dazzled by the desire for power.

The Second Emperor held his hands behind his back and promised Huo Cheng with a smile: "When you prepare and build the Shenji Department for me, I will give you an army of 10 people and name it the Shenji Camp. I will let Sima Chang do it for you." This army is equipped with the most powerful crossbows, the best horses, the best stirrups and saddles, the strongest armor, and the sharpest swords.”

This gorgeous smile is extremely confusing, because the second's face is full of sincerity.

"Your Majesty is the only one who will obey me."

(This may be my unconstrained political design, a set of ancient perfect political system design that I came up with combined with my high school and undergraduate studies. Everyone sees something unreasonable, so scold it lightly.

Just have fun.

The finale is coming soon, are you happy? )
 Please give me a reward for collecting it.
(End of this chapter)

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