Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 761 Independent Department (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket)

Chapter 761 Independent Department (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Huo Cheng took the order and began to mobilize elite troops that night.

On this day, Huo Cheng summoned all the Jinwu guards to gather at Shanglinyuan Lingqiu. The gold-armored Yulin guards gathered together, and for a while, the black armor was dense and majestic.

These soldiers are all elites between the ages of 20 and 35. They are all heroic and have pride and air on their faces.

They gathered in Shanglin Garden and talked with each other.

"Will His Majesty the Emperor send us to fight?"

"How is this possible? We are the Jinwu Guards, guarding His Majesty the Emperor."

"But I think the Yulin Guards and the Forbidden Army are the ones who do this. To this day, we are all sent out to work. Either we are looking after craftsmen, or we are sent out to execute some powerful local landowners. Some people were once arrested. After being sent to hunt down the princes of the subjugated country."

"The Jinwu Guard, the soldiers are not like soldiers, and the guards are not like guards. I really don't know what to do. I have joined the Jinwu Guard for three years, but I have to bow to them when I see the Imperial Army."

"You, you, have brought shame on our Jinwu Guards. Our monthly rewards are higher than those of the Forbidden Army and the Yulin Guards. Even if we can't always take turns in front of His Majesty the Emperor, we should still have more face than them." , after all, we were personally selected by Dazhu Kingdom."

"Everyone in Jinwuwei, which elder in the family is not on the list of officials in the Ministry of Officials?"

These soldiers gathered together in twos and threes and kept talking.

Unluckily, Huo Cheng happened to hear this.It seems that before you select your people, you have to do some ideological work for them to let them figure out what they do.In the future, when he becomes a general, he can promote them again.

"Line up!"

The commander came over and beat the drum three times. King Wu's guards lazily controlled the horse formation and formed a square formation.

Huo Cheng went up to the high platform and asked the soldiers to surround him in front, left and right.

"Today I heard some of you complaining privately. It's just that you feel that you joined the Jinwu Guard, but you don't have the same opportunity to serve His Majesty the Emperor like the Forbidden Army, the Yulin Guard, and the Tiger Guard. Do you think I arranged this for you to do? , have you been wronged?"

The lieutenant general in the army stepped forward and said, "General, I will serve your majesty to the death. I dare not refuse to complain. What happened today is just some idiots who are ignorant and just talking nonsense. I hope you will learn from the general."

"If there are one or two people in the Forbidden Army, Yulin Guard, and Tiger Guard who say this, I don't think it's strange, and it's not a big deal. We are all born from father to mother, and we are all made of flesh and blood. Those who have a long-term heart, since they are long-hearted, then they must discuss the good and bad in everything, and there is no harm in talking about it."

"But, you are the Jinwu Guards! The Jinwu Guards are the personal bodyguards set up by His Majesty himself. They are different from other bodyguards. Therefore, each of you must have strict requirements for yourself. From the moment you are selected as the Jinwu Guards, , all of you must uphold one belief and serve His Majesty the Emperor!"

"You guys were personally selected by Dazhu Kingdom, and then you can become Jinwu Guards after my rigorous training, and you are qualified to wear this copper-plated armor now. In order to build your guard, His Majesty the Emperor equipped you with it. The finest weapons, the strongest armor, and the most powerful ballistas."

"And being able to stand here shows that all of you here are first-rate outstanding in all aspects. Family background, riding skills, swordsmanship, royal skills, and weapon fighting are all excellent. You should be proud, but you must also take it into consideration. Figure some things out.”

"Although the palace and the army are integrated, the selection of officers in the palace has always been stricter than in the army, because what we have to do is more important than war, and that is to protect His Majesty the Emperor."

"In the army, generals always love to compare. What are they comparing to? Who leads the most powerful soldiers? The soldiers led by Dazhu Kingdom are very disciplined; the soldiers led by Captain Li are unstoppable; the soldiers led by Lieutenant Li are unstoppable. All the soldiers who have passed are master archers."

"In the palace, the Yulin Guards, the Forbidden Army, and the Huben Guards will also compare with each other, but they will compare with each other, and they will not compare with our Jinwu Guards. Why?"

"Because we are the strongest!"

someone in the army shouted.

"Wrong!" Huo Cheng categorically retorted, and I was a little agitated in the army for a while.

"It's not because we're the first, it's because of what?"

"Because Your Majesty. Only when His Majesty the Emperor believes that the Jinwu Guards are the highest-level guards in the palace, the Jinwu Guards will be considered the highest-level guards. It is precisely because His Majesty the Emperor personally recognized this that no one dares to compete with you. The title of number one.”

There were too many smart people in the army, and soon some people shouted for support.

"Ten thousand years for His Majesty the Emperor, ten thousand years for the Great Qin Empire!"

After a while, overwhelming shouts came.

This is in Shanglin Garden, surrounded by wild beasts and exotic animals.

"Ten thousand years for His Majesty the Emperor, ten thousand years for the Great Qin Empire!"

When the animals in the mountain forest heard this loud cry, they all scattered and ran around.The people in charge of Linyuan naturally heard it. Logically speaking, Shanglinyuan was the place where the emperor hunted, and only the Jinwu Guards dared to run away at will.

After a while, the Jinwu Guard camp came to a standstill.This time Huo Cheng was very determined to free up the Jinwu Guard according to His Majesty's needs.

"Without Your Majesty, there would be no Jinwu Guards. But today, I want to tell you something. I know this thing makes you confused. Jinwu Guards are not affiliated with the army and are different from the Palace Guards. As Jinwu Guards, you Although he receives a very high salary, what he does is not to defend the country or protect His Majesty, but to carry out strangulation and protect special people when going out."

"Then starting from today, I will tell you clearly on the order of His Majesty the Emperor that the Jinwu Guard is a department directly subordinate to His Majesty the Emperor and dedicated to working for His Majesty the Emperor. The name of this department may easily cause misunderstandings to the outside world, but you are the emperor The guard that Your Majesty cares about most."

"I called you here today not because I personally want to rectify you and ask you to sing praises to His Majesty, but because Your Majesty has new instructions for you. Your Majesty wants to select a group of the most loyal people among the Jinwu Guards. This group of people I am only loyal to His Majesty the Emperor and responsible for His Majesty the Emperor, and I will remain in office for life."

"Among you, who is willing to dedicate your life to His Majesty the Emperor? No matter what His Majesty asks you to do, you are willing."

Someone in the army asked, "In the whole world, is it the land of the king; on the shore of the land, is it the ministers of the king. As long as we live in the empire, we will be loyal to your majesty, but what does it mean to serve your majesty for life?"

(End of this chapter)

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