Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 762 New Thoughts (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Chapter 762 New Thoughts (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

"This new organization that your Majesty will establish involves the security of the entire empire. By joining this new organization, you will receive an order from His Majesty the Emperor himself, and you must keep the tasks of the order secret for life; or, you We need to protect some artifacts and drawings for life."

"When you join this new organization, you will understand what I said, but now, I have to let you think clearly. For those who join this new organization, absolute loyalty is the first priority. No matter what His Majesty asks you to do, Whatever you do, you are bound to do it.”

"Second, you must keep it a secret. Some secrets will remain rotten in your stomach for a lifetime. But in order to prevent mistakes, once you join this organization, some of you may have to stay in the palace for the rest of your life. Are you willing to live like this? ?”

The soldiers lowered their heads and started talking to each other.

"Secret work? Never heard of it?"

"As the name suggests, it's about keeping secrets."

"But why do I feel like we are being asked to do something shameful?"

"What are you talking about? You have already said that you are working for His Majesty the Emperor. Besides, this time is just a selection. Whoever wants to go will go. Didn't the commander make it clear? Those who join the new organization will probably stay in the palace for the rest of their lives. . Or you may have to protect something for a lifetime.”

These soldiers are all acquaintances from the same nest, and once the discussion is reached, a small group will make a decision.

"Commander Huo, my name is Yu Ding. My ancestor is Yu Yu, a famous minister of the Qin State. I have something to ask, Commander?"

"Tell me. Why should I answer you today?"

Huo Cheng said and moved a seat over.

"The commander just said that this new department is related to the safety of the entire empire, but isn't the empire an invincible army? Since there is an invincible army, why do we need people to join that new structure?"

"Not long ago, a brother accepted a special mission and lurked to join a group of thieves in order to wipe out them. Although the mission was successful, our brother did not know where he died. His parents cried blindly over this. eyes, the newborn son has no father."

"The empire clearly has an invincible army and can flatten that mountain, but why should we be sent out? As Jinwu Guards, we are supposed to protect the safety of the empire."

At this time, someone in the army suddenly stood up and applauded.

"Okay! That's a good question! I've long heard about the Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon in the Jinwu Guard. When I saw it today, it was indeed well-deserved. The Jinwu Guard is not only superior to Lang Wei in every aspect, it is also unique in its ideas and insights. grid."

As soon as these words came out, there was another commotion in the army.

"Who is this person? His brain has been kicked by a horse, how dare he call himself Zhen?"


When Huo Cheng heard the voice, he felt it was very familiar, but he didn't react for a while.

He waved his riding crop and pointed at the soldiers, "Whoever was speaking just now, stand up for me."

Fusu controlled the horse and walked from the back of the Jinwu Guards, and there were four strong guards beside him.One of them is Xia Hei.

When Huo Cheng saw the emperor's subdued clothes, he was so frightened that his legs weakened, and then he quickly ran down the stairs.

"what happened?"

Jin Wuwei all looked at each other.None of the young and old could understand.

Huo Cheng quickly came to Fusu and bowed to Fusu.

"The last general pays homage to His Majesty, and asks His Majesty the Emperor to forgive his sins. The last general was rude just now."

"Be flat."

"Ah! It's His Majesty the Emperor."

When Jinwuwei heard that the emperor was coming, he became excited.

"His Majesty the Emperor actually came in person!"

Only a few of the Jinwu guards had seen the emperor. They did not expect that they would actually see the emperor in such a gathering today.

Huo Cheng invited the emperor to the stage and asked, "Your Majesty can just leave this matter to the general. Why does your Majesty need to be there in person?"

"The Divine Machinery Department was established with my own efforts. Now that it is going to be officially put into operation, I naturally have to come here in person. Besides, I have always wanted to see Jin Wuwei. I saw it today, and it is indeed worthy of its reputation."

Huo Cheng invited the emperor to go up to the high platform. The emperor sat on it and Huo Cheng stood guard.

"Your Majesty is here in person, and I haven't even paid homage to Your Majesty yet."

Fusu was wearing Jin Wuwei's armor today, and he was also equipped with an ordinary Qin sword. He suddenly sat on the top, and everyone looked really different from ordinary people.

The emperor, a being shaped into a god by the First Emperor.High and mighty, wise and mighty, no one can match him.

When he came to the Jinwu Guards in the same attire as the Jinwu Guards, these flesh and blood bodies were naturally full of joy in addition to being surprised.

All the soldiers dismounted at once and stood neatly under the high platform, holding a sword in one hand and half kneeling on the other.

This is a high-level military ceremony. Two of the twelve bronze figures in Xianyang Palace paid homage to the emperor in this posture.

"See His Majesty the Emperor."

The momentum of these soldiers is no less than that of an ordinary camp with tens of thousands of soldiers.Fusu naturally praised them in his heart. After all, they were the team he invested heavily in.

"Flat body."

The soldiers were well-trained and made the same movements at the same time when they heard the sound, and there was a slight sound wave in the air.

Fusu looked at these soldiers and felt a sense of security.

"Who asked the question just now? I'm here to answer it for you."

Yu Ding stood up and said, "Your Majesty, I am the one who asked the question just now."

"You're asking a good question, why do I have a large army under my command, but I leave some things to you. Some of you are confused, why do you still need the blood and sacrifice of your brothers when you have an army? "

"I'm here to tell you the answer. The army is also formed by the common people. Doesn't it mean that if the common people of the empire join the army, their lives are not important? The empire is a sharp weapon in my hand, and I will use this sharp sword. Defend the peace of the entire world."

"During the hundreds of years of the Warring States Period, countless people were displaced. Some people who opposed the empire wanted to re-establish themselves as princes, support their own troops, and continue to attack to realize their dream of princes. Only with a million-strong army in hand, they can We dare not be afraid, and only with a million strong troops in hand will the barbarians from all sides dare not invade. Only then will the empire be at peace."

"The empire is not only my empire, but also the empire of the people of the world. Protecting the empire is a matter for all of us. But not everyone can join the army. There are still people who need to farm the land, people who guard the borders, and people who need to develop craftsmen. Someone is counting household registrations.”

No one present had ever heard these words before.

But when these words came out of His Majesty the Emperor's mouth, something new began to be buried in everyone's hearts.

The empire was their own empire, and for the first time, they felt a sense of belonging and responsibility to the empire.

(I'm a little excited tonight.

How to say this book, I spent a long time laying the material and spiritual foundation for the protagonist to lay a civilization that spans the ages.

I once did a multiple-choice question. The general idea is: bitter first and then sweet, or sweet first and then bitter?What I chose at that time was to start with bitterness and then sweetness, and the same was true for the protagonist in my novel.Many readers couldn't stand the bitter writing style in the early period and left, and some readers skipped subscriptions before reading until now.

It can only be said that it is quite a pity. Without the preparations in the early stage, many people in the later stage will either feel that the change is sudden or that it is out of line.In fact, I have said before that the Qin Dynasty was a country with a highly developed aristocratic civilization, but it developed to the point of corruption in history.

The protagonist inherited the civilization of Qin and inherited the aristocratic civilization, such as wooden rail trains and advanced craftsmanship, which were not established in the Han Dynasty.

It is precisely because the protagonist has these guarantees that Qin can move to higher mountains.

This "self-pleasure article", I was moved to the end when I wrote it.Some people say that this book is very idealistic, so I think this makes sense, because this book completely uses historical experience and historical logic to think about how to continue this dynasty.Before it violates the laws of material production, the Qin State can develop to this height, and some novel trends of thought in later generations can also appear appropriately and serve as the seeds of sparks that can start a prairie fire in later generations.

Note: I am a liberal arts girl who likes politics, history and geography, and has low emotional intelligence. )
(End of this chapter)

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