Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 763: This is so good, right? (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket)

Chapter 763: This is so good! (Please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)
"But now, the Jinwu Guard I am going to establish is different from these institutions. It does not need to have a huge army, nor does it need civil servants to be as proficient in the law, but it will be used to defend the empire. Although the empire is powerful , like an indestructible city, but there are some threats to the empire."

"The embankment of a thousand miles was destroyed by an ant nest. Although the city is strong, it is difficult to cover everything."

"If some things are handled by the army, it will only be counterproductive and cause more soldiers to die. The people are flesh and blood, but the army is also flesh and blood. The existence of Jinwu Guards is to stand in front of the army. I ordered Some of you will learn military knowledge and serve as scouts to investigate the war situation; some of you will also be selected to hunt down and search for some subjugated nobles who are in exile but pose a threat to the empire."

"These things are never trivial. People have been doing such things since ancient times, but because of the need to keep secrets, almost no one of them left their names in the history books. But even so, in the history of Qin, it has never been There are fewer people like this.”

"When I was young, the world was not yet unified, and there were still frequent wars among the countries. Before I was crowned, I went to Qi State, and I heard people there say that the land of Yanzhao has always been so heroic. At that time, I felt that this The world is very unfair, especially for those who silently contribute to the empire."

"In order to realize the great cause of unifying the world, many Qin people went deep into the enemy's country to work carefully and extract useful information, but these people cannot be known to the world."

"There are also some people, they are my guards, who live in the ranks of thousands of people. They may see me often, but I can't even remember their names. Because I am too busy. "

"And you Jinwu Guards are also like this. Although you are the Lang Guards of the empire in name, you have a different mission from others. When the Yushitai needs to go out to monitor, you need the protection of first-class masters like you; When there are spies in the empire, it is necessary for the Jinwu Guard to investigate the situation; when the subjugated nobles of the past have the heart of restoration and are about to make trouble, it is also necessary for you to settle it."

"But this world is not fair. You have made so many contributions to the empire, but few people know about you."

Huo Cheng thought to himself, His Majesty the Emperor's eloquence is truly unparalleled, he must be so good at winning people's hearts.What these young people in their 30s and [-]s care about most is fairness.

"I know what you have done for the empire, but all I can give you is to provide you with the best weapons, the strongest horses, and the highest salary. But what you have to do can only be done by me and a few people. Everyone knows. Because I can't make your achievements public like the way I praise soldiers and civil servants."

[It feels like it is impossible to keep it completely secret. It can only be that some things are done quietly, and then the wind passes without a trace, with a little ripple at most.To put it simply, if you do these things, others can guess, but the official will never admit it, it is a shady thing. 】

"This is the reason why I came to this gathering today. I want you all to know what the identity of the Jinwu Guard is. You don't need to endure humiliation like Fucha, and you can't be as famous and famous as the Meng family. But you You know, you are serving the Empire."

"Not everyone can become a Jinwu Guard. Ordinary people may not even know that our Great Qin Empire has such an organization as the Jinwu Guard throughout their lives. Only the children of noble family bureaucrats have the chance to be selected, because your families have all suffered The late emperor and my gift, know how to be loyal to me."

"After you join the Jinwu Guards, you only need to serve me alone and do not need to obey the orders of others. After joining the Jinwu Guards, you only need to obey my orders. In the army, the centurions, the thousand captains, Captains and generals, as long as you are among them, you will be subject to many restrictions. The same is true for civil servants."

"When you become Jinwu Guards, you have different powers from others, and you also have more important responsibilities."

The emperor's personal visit today has already flattered many people.You must know that although many people work for the emperor throughout their lives, they never see the emperor until their death.

What II said today is really deeply rooted in people’s hearts.After hearing this, most of the soldiers felt that their status and identity had been elevated as never before.

In the past, Huo Cheng was suppressing them. They thought they were just ordinary soldiers under Huo Cheng, but now, the emperor personally explained their identities and powers, and an unprecedented sense of pride filled their chests.

Only a small group of people whispered in their hearts that there was a world-shaking difference between the second emperor and the first emperor, and now it seems that this is indeed the case.

His Majesty the First Emperor was killed when he disagreed with each other, but the Second Emperor was able to say such a lot, not only said but also said in a high-sounding manner.This shows that the second emperor is indeed gentle, but behind the gentleness does not mean that he has no strength.

And after hearing what he said today, I just feel that he is not as annoying as the rumors say.

"I can allow someone in the empire to become a civil servant to support their families, and I can allow someone in the empire to join the army to satisfy their wish to worship generals and become marquises. But I want to make sure that everyone in the Jinwu Guard, regardless of your original What is the purpose of joining the Jinwu Guard? Once you come to Zhen’s side and step into the Wangyi Palace, you must tell yourself that as a member of the Jinwu Guard, you will swear allegiance to the empire.”

"You should all have heard the nicknames of the Meng brothers, "loyalty" and "faithfulness." But I have never asked Dazhu Kingdom to be loyal, and I have never asked Sikou to be loyal. "Letter". But I must have such a request for you, because you shoulder more important responsibilities than ministers like them."

There was silence among the army, and even the horses began to wonder what happened to these people today.

"It has been 16 years since the establishment of the empire. In these 16 years, the empire has experienced countless storms. You should have heard that I promised the ministers in the court hall that I will rule the world. Is it for me to implement the great rule? But the empire. The empire may undergo many changes in the future, and you are the third sharp arrow in my hand."

"I am going to set up a Divine Machinery Department and select the most capable, loyal and flexible people among the Jinwu Guards to join. After joining the Divine Machinery Department, you will become an organization dedicated to me, responsible for protecting all matters related to the empire. secret."

[It must be reminded that this is the feudal era. Fusu inherited the emperor system. What he is doing now is to improve the emperor system. Don't mistakenly think that he is moving directly towards modernization.This would be beyond the standard.It's just that there are some things that cannot be said to the Jinwu Guard explicitly. The Jinwu Guard can also experience and choose by himself, but they must never say it openly.

The so-called loyalty to the empire means defending the emperor's system to the death.The Jinwu Guards are above all institutions, independent of all institutions, have great power, and are only responsible to the emperor.The transfer of confidential personnel is equivalent to the establishment of the National Security Bureau.I don’t quite believe that the emergence of certain institutions is sudden. There must be such institutions in history, but they cannot survive.It’s just that there are more mature security technologies in modern times, so we can know that there is a National Security Bureau, but we ordinary people must never know the secrets in this life. 】

(End of this chapter)

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