Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 764! (Please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Chapter 764! (Please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)
The emperor was so kind to them, and the emperor had just answered some of their questions. In addition, these people were originally from aristocratic families, and today the emperor raised their status in such a way, naturally some of them opened their hearts to the emperor.

There was a young soldier who looked to be no more than seventeen or eighteen years old. He got off his horse and came forward, "Greetings to His Majesty the Emperor."

"Pingshen, my name is Sima Xuan, and I am the nephew of Sima Wuyi, the current internal historian."

Everyone couldn't help but exclaimed when they heard this person's identity.He is actually the nephew of Sima Wuyi, a genius in court.

Fusu's eyes naturally lit up when he heard that he was Sima Wuyun's nephew.

"He has deep internal history."

"His Majesty the Emperor, I don't know what is going on with his nephew. What do you have to say?"

"Sima Xuan has long heard people say that His Majesty the Emperor may become a figure like the Emperors of Yao and Shun in the future. Sima Xuan met His Majesty the Emperor for the first time today, and His Majesty's words and deeds made Sima Xuan think that Your Majesty is a strange person."

This flattering tea has been brewed thousands of times, but for Sima Wuyun's nephew, Fusu endured the rancid taste and planned to listen to it.

"What do you think of me, Young Master Sima?"

"Your Majesty, I once saw Xun Qing in the Qi State when I was studying. He said that we Qin people respect the law, and everyone respects the law, so the people are simple and honest. He also said that we Qin people are all devoted to our king, your majesty."

"But today, I am going to offend this old Master Xun. I believe that what the people of Qin really value is not the law."

As soon as these words came out, all the soldiers were in an uproar.

After hearing these words, Fusu probably knew what the young man was going to say.

"Go on."

"I believe that the root cause of continuous wars for thousands of years is the same as the reason why we Qin people yearn for law. Because we want to create fairness. But history tells us that fairness is impossible. Xun Qing said that heaven has its own rules, If you don’t survive for Yao, you won’t perish for Jie.”

"But once people satisfy their desire to eat and drink, they begin to seek fairness. The reason why the law is so respected by us Qin people is precisely because the law gives us the opportunity to achieve fairness. I heard from my father that there is a Qin official who is happy. Before he died, he was buried with my bamboo slips of the law of Qin in his arms."

"Qin officials like to do this. I don't think it's because the law brings him high status and salary. If it's because he loves property, then he should be buried holding the jade bi, but he carried my Qin slips into Tibet. It can be seen that in his In my mind, the law is above all else.”

"Then it can be inferred that Qin officials are well aware of what the law has brought to the people of Qin and pursue fair rights."

When everyone heard these words, they all looked at the young man in surprise.His voice sounded too childish, but what he said touched everyone's heartstrings at this moment.

The advantage of being young is that you haven't experienced too much evil, and you still have kindness, fairness, and justice in your heart.

Huo Cheng stood beside the emperor, his face as black as coal.To be fair, for some people, these things have long been trampled to pieces by reality.

"After saying these words today, I, Sima Xuan, may have offended many people."

The second generation raised his sleeves and said, "You don't have to be afraid. With me here, no one dares to do something to you."

"I believe that Your Majesty, you will be famous throughout the ages."

"I am already the emperor. In the whole world, is it the land of the king, and on the shore of the land, is it the minister of the king. If I cannot live forever, who else can live forever?"

"Some people will live forever because they have done bad things and people will remember their evil deeds; some people will live forever because they are too smart, and future generations will long for wisdom; and some people will live forever just because they are famous, and future generations will long for wisdom. What is passed down is not him himself, but his origin. But some people can give countless inspirations to future generations through the ages."

"Beizhi said before that the reason why Qin people respect the law is actually because the law gives us Qin people fairness. But from childhood to adulthood, Beizhi has heard that there is no transcendence in the world. And the person who wrote the book has a heart that can't be surpassed. Punishment. Because they taught us that the noble and the humble, this is the fairness in the world."

"Only His Majesty the Emperor told us today that the world is inherently unfair. And this is what makes His Majesty different. Your Majesty must use an unfair method to maintain fairness."

Everyone thought that this kid was flattering the emperor, but who would have thought that this kid said such a thing.

But Fusu was not angry, and just said, "The law is a sharp sword. Wield the sword of the law, hold the balance of justice, eliminate the evil in the world, and keep the sanctity of the political law. As for the unfair means you mentioned, You kid is too brave."

Sima Xuan quickly explained, "Your Majesty has misunderstood the meaning of humble post. Others say that your majesty will become Yao and Shun, but humble post believes that your majesty can surpass Yao and Shun."

In all fairness, Fusu never thought of surpassing Yao and Shun, he just wanted to leave the best things to this nation.

The tragedy of foreign invasion happened one after another in later generations, and the invasion experienced before the founding of new China was even more shameful among shames.

Fusu has done so much, but he still wants to let the empire retain the strength to crush foreign nations forever in the future.

Things like the reputation of Yao and Shun, etc., when you are just a young man and people around you don’t pay much attention to you, you will feel that these things are very important.But when you become the emperor, you have supreme power.When you use a few words and a few pens to create the history of a country for several years, at this time, things like names begin to become no different from dust.

"What I want to do is not to have the reputation of Yao and Shun, or to surpass the reputation of Yao and Shun, but to establish the rule of Yao and Shun. The establishment of a country is to protect the people of one side, and the establishment of an empire is to protect The world."

"If one day the empire violates the original intention of its establishment, then anyone can destroy the empire."

As an emperor, it takes courage to say such things in public. If he did not do his best to protect the people's livelihood of the empire, few people would dare to say such things.But it was precisely because of these words that Fusu won the hearts of all the guards.

"Sima Xuan, in my opinion, you may not be smarter than your uncle in the future. You are not suitable to go to the court. And this Jinwu Guard cannot keep you." Some people listened, but their hearts were in their throats, Unexpectedly, the second generation said, "Come to me and give me an inkstone."

After hearing this, Huo Cheng looked at the emperor in surprise.

Sometimes, Huo Chengzhen couldn't tell whether the emperor was really a god from heaven, and why the things he did always exceeded all expectations.

"After listening to what I said today, you must also know what Jinwu Guard will do in the future, so I am merciful and give you a chance now. If anyone wants to quit Jinwu Guard now, then leave Shanglinyuan now. Don't worry, I will give you a chance whether you join the army or work as an official after you leave." The whole place was silent, and then there was a loud roar, "We swear allegiance to His Majesty the Emperor to the death. We will serve as Jinwu Guards for one day and for the rest of our lives. Kingo Guard!”

(The new book "People in the Qin Dynasty, Beginning with the Jailers" begs everyone to collect it, comment and give it a thumbs up. The writing on farming is still realistic, but it's fun to upgrade along the way!)
(End of this chapter)

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