Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 768: Announcement of funeral arrangements (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Chapter 768: Announcement of funeral arrangements (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

"This is your Majesty's plan. The central part of the pass will be the main one, and the outer part of the pass will continue to be enfeoffed."

"There are seven continents in the world. If you want the fire of China to take root quickly everywhere, enfeoffment is a good way. Human life is limited, and the time when you really have the energy to do big things is even rarer. The way to immortality is unattainable. , it is better to innovate and seek change based on the wisdom of the ancients.”

After hearing this, Meng Tian bowed his hands and said, "The world is in the hands of your Majesty, and the blessings of all the people are also the blessings of the Qin family. In this case, I am worried about this traitorous general, lest I have no face to face the late emperor underground."

Fusu knew that Meng Tian was afraid that he would be tied down by his false reputation. As long as he was around, Qin would not go to war.For a country, it is not enough to rely solely on the selection of civil servants for promotion.If there is no war within ten years, the loss to the empire will be far greater than if there is no war.

"The five-year rule has ended, and the empire has ushered in an era of peace that has not been seen in a century. The situation in Guanzhong has gradually stabilized. I will send an army southward this year, take down Nanzhao, and bring the heads of the rebel generals to pay tribute to the late emperor."

Meng Tian felt relieved after hearing this and breathed a sigh of relief.

"What I said today is something that the late emperor is worried about. But I still have something to worry about, not for the late emperor or the empire, but for your majesty."

"You mean opening up the Western Region."

"I know that your Majesty wants to use business to invigorate the morale of the lower class and allow communication between classes. When Marquis Wenxin was in power, the business environment in Xianyang City was relatively relaxed. Now that I think about it, it is indeed useful. Your Majesty has planned this business matter. For a long time, we ministers have been obstructing His Majesty. We are afraid that this matter will cause His Majesty's heartache, just like the late Emperor was afraid that he would not live forever."

Meng Tian knew that the reason why the late emperor died so quickly was because his dream of immortality was shattered.Some people live by one belief. Once the belief collapses, there is no difference between living and dead.

Before the world was unified, the King of Qin worked hard to govern, because he had the dream of unifying the world; but after the world was unified, the First Emperor traveled around the world several times, still thinking of guarding the world, but immortality became the late emperor's belief. Once this dream was shattered, people would When I returned to reality and found that what I wanted was not available, I naturally collapsed.

"The imperial censor is ill, but he cares about the whole empire. No wonder he has been ill for a long time. I have my own arrangements for this matter. Nine times out of ten things in life are unsatisfactory, and I have already realized this."

After Meng Tian heard this, he had nothing to worry about anymore.

"On the contrary, Zhu Guo has returned to his fields to cultivate himself. I don't know who Zhu Guo can recommend for the position of censor."

"My subordinate officer is Xu Youbing."

"I know him. Like Zhu Guo, he is versatile in both civil and military affairs and cares about Qin. I want to leave him to the prince. He will be a good medicine to resist powerful ministers. I already have Zhao Wan, Xiao He, Zhang Cang, Meng Yi and Ji Xiang are enough."

After hearing this, Meng Tian thought to himself that His Majesty is in his prime, and it is difficult to deal with this final event in his life.Either His Majesty is like the late King Zhaoxiang, who ruled for 34 years. If this is the case, the prince will never succeed, and Xu Youbing will be of no use.But depending on what Your Majesty wants, the candidate for the censorship is Zhang Cang.

"He has been with me for a long time and has never been reused. It is a pity for his talent."

"I want to go south to raise an army, and he can assist in the military affairs in Guanzhong. The officers and soldiers in Guanzhong have not been rigorously trained for a long time." "In this case, I would like to thank Your Majesty on his behalf."

"Dazhu Kingdom, rest assured and return to the fields to cultivate yourself. Generations of the Meng family have been loyal to the empire. If I still work for you, I will be ashamed of my ancestors."

"Now that I'm gone, I'll be left with my younger brother in the court. He has a personality that even gods can't save. I used to persuade him, but now..."

Fusu raised his head and laughed loudly, "How many people envy Sikou before it's too late, so why should Dazhu Kingdom worry?"

"When I was young, I was reckless and spoke impulsively, which offended many people. I was afraid that after I left, someone would impeach him."

In fact, there were very few memorials to impeach Meng Yi, but there were countless memorials to secretly impeach Meng Tian.

Fusu did not say it clearly.

Meng Yi's threat is far smaller than Meng Tian's. Everyone knows this truth.

Only Meng Tian could be recommended by the late emperor as prime minister. Such a person with power, ability, and prestige would be the object of everyone's jealousy and fear.

"With him here, I have never worried about unjust cases or false cases in the country. Dazhu Kingdom can rest assured that as long as I am around, Mengshi will never be framed."

"I would like to express my gratitude to Your Majesty, Mengshi."

"It's getting late, so Dazhu Kingdom should rest early. Coming here today has made Dazhu Kingdom worry again. In order to allow Dazhu Kingdom to live a good life, I will send Tiger Guards to personally protect Dazhu Kingdom when it returns to the countryside and provide fertile land. Thousands of hectares.”

"After His Majesty came to the throne, he rarely gave such generous rewards to people. To receive such courtesy from His Majesty, I will have no regrets in this life."

"Between you and me, there is not only the righteousness between the king and the minister, but also the feeling of alliance. Needless to say, I have returned to the palace."

"Your Majesty—the minister is nagging today."

"It's okay."

"I want to be buried next to the late emperor's mausoleum after my death."


"Old minister, I would like to thank your Majesty again."

After Fu Su said this, he left without looking back. This was the last time he and Meng Tian saw each other.

In May of the same year, Meng Tian died of illness and was buried in state mourning next to the late emperor's mausoleum.The second generation was given the posthumous title Marquis of Jingguo, and his eldest son, Marquis of Andong, was named Meng Zhongsheng.




In early June, the DPRK held a grand meeting.

All civil and military officials gathered in the Dazheng Hall.

Prime Minister Zhao Wanzou asked:

"Your Majesty, although the Nanzhao Kingdom was founded by a rebel general, eight years have passed. Nanzhao has already consolidated and established a strong city. It has become more familiar with the local terrain. It has also annexed and expanded to southern Yunnan. It is like a southern prince. The country. I don’t know if Your Majesty is sending troops south today to conquer the whole country or to destroy the country."

"The whole country is the top priority, and the destruction of the country is the bottom priority. Naturally, I want the whole country. Some of the people in Nanzhao are my people, and I cannot bear to kill them."

"Since it is the whole country, with your majesty's majesty, you can make it subservient and subordinate to your majesty's vassal states."

After hearing this, the general couldn't help but get angry.The emperor finally changed his gender and ordered a fight, and this time the opponent was a country that had been allowed to grow up. It seemed a bit frivolous, but you have ordered the surrender of the country. What's going on?

Sima Xin stepped forward and said: "Your Majesty, I thought I was issuing an edict to recruit people to surrender. With Ren Xiao's character, he will never bow his head."

"I hate traitorous generals the most in my life. Those who are disloyal to me are the enemies of the Qin State. I want a complete Nanzhao Kingdom, but I also want to take Ren Xiaotu Wei's head. Especially Tu Wei, This is a liar. But our Qin State is a big country, and we always pay attention to etiquette before fighting. Send a few envoys from the vassal countries over, and ask Ren Xiao and Tu Wei to declare their vassalage to me. If you are not willing, I will send 20 troops to attack Nanzhao."

(It’s almost over. If you have any extras you want to watch, Han Xin, Liu Ji, and Zhang Liang will arrange them. If anyone else has plots they want to watch, or if there are any holes that haven’t been filled, please report them to me as soon as possible.)
(End of this chapter)

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