Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 769: 4 is enough (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Chapter 769: 40 is enough (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

After hearing this, all the generals were overjoyed and said, "Your Majesty is wise."

But as soon as the guard captain heard that it was 20, he immediately objected.

"Your Majesty, 20 people will definitely not be able to capture Nanzhao. Ren Xiao is a veteran general. He has fought all his life. After escaping to Nanzhao, he stabilized the city, continued to implement the military merit system, and continuously conquered cities and territories. He is well versed in the art of war. He is also a minister who has experienced three dynasties. All the generals who are in court today have heard of the name of General Ren Xiao."

"Secondly, Ren Xiao is entrenched in Nanzhao, and now he has a solid foundation. He knows the southwestern Guizhou area far better than we do. With 20 troops passing by, it will take a lot of manpower and material resources just to go around the river. I thought that if we want to If we want to capture it in one fell swoop, we must send heavy troops. I think it will take 40 troops at least."

When Taiwei Li Xin heard this, he was naturally unhappy.

"If you want to win in one fell swoop, the best way is to fight quickly. The method of overwhelming the enemy with large numbers of soldiers has long been out of date. This is already the second generation, why are we still using troops to fight with just 40? What's more, according to me, In my opinion, comparing Nanzhao to a vassal state would be too high a view of the old traitor Ren Xiao. Back then, Qin attacked a big country like Zhao and launched the Battle of Changping, using 40 troops.

"To attack Chu and Qi, a total of 50 troops were used in total. These are the great vassal states that truly dominate one country, but the Nanzhao Kingdom is clearly a backward and barbaric foreign nation. It still uses primitive sacrifices to this day. For a country like this to mobilize an army of 40 to attack, it would take a whole country to fight."

Zhao Tuo naturally looked embarrassed.

Other soldiers were also watching the show.

Sima Xin also said, "Yes, it has been decades. As far as I know, now that the empire is advocating self-cultivation, Guanzhong has accumulated ten large warehouses of grain and grass. And the population of the empire is even more It increased by one million within ten years. The empire is unprecedentedly powerful, yet it treats a small country with such caution, which has lost the magnanimity of our Qin State, a huge country."

Zhang Han secretly thought, what is going on with Sima Xin? He is stupid on this kind of issue. He will not think that Ren Xiao is old, so he can bully him casually.

Now it seems that Ren Hao's daring to go south to build a country was a far-sighted idea.Looking at the fate of the generals after the Second Emperor ascended the throne, Ren Xiao was the proudest.

At this time, Wuchenghou Wangli stood up and said, "Your Majesty, the general thinks that if we want to attack Nanzhao, we can compromise and choose 30 troops."

After hearing this, all the ministers said: "I think that the advice of Marquis Wu Cheng can be adopted."

Li Xin and Zhao Tuo looked at each other, both feeling angry.

"Then use 30 troops to crush Nanzhao and bring Ren Xiao's head back to me."

The Taiwei asked again: "I wonder who your Majesty plans to appoint to fight this battle?"

Fusu looked at the court. There were too many old people and not many young people.

"There are many young generals around me, and I want these young men to lead their troops to experience. I wonder if there is any veteran general in the court who is willing to lead them?"

Zhao Tuo thought to himself that none of the 20-strong army would be left alive by Ren Xiao.But with an army of 30, it must be a bloody and hard battle.

He didn't want his soldiers to suffer like this, so he didn't step forward.

Seeing that Zhao Tuo was timid, Li Xin naturally stepped forward and said, "Your Majesty, Li Xin is willing to take Nanzhao for your Majesty."

When they heard that Li Xin, the champion Hou Taiwei, was going to fight, people in the court were immediately excited, especially some veterans. They all thought that once Li Xin took action, attacking Nanzhao would be as easy as picking out a bag.

Zhang Han also stepped forward and said, "Your Majesty, I am willing to lead an army of [-] prisoners to perform meritorious service and avoid crimes."

Wang Li also said, "Your Majesty, I am also willing to go."

"Then I will appoint Taiwei as the general, Wang Li as the right general, and Zhang Han as the left general. I will ask Zhang Han to lead an army of 20 prisoners, and another [-] troops to go. As for food and grass, I will We will deploy men and horses from Hanoi and Shanxi specifically to transport grain and grass for you to ensure the success of this battle."

"Your Majesty is wise."

"Let's retreat."




After leaving the palace and arriving at Zhangtai, Fusu had a serious look on his face.Fusu summoned several guards generals he had promoted. This time he sent troops mainly to train a group of new generals for Qin and to consider the long-term future of the empire.

"This is the second battle that I have taken the initiative to attack foreign countries after taking the throne. Different from the defeat of the Huns, this battle is a war after the empire implements the long-term peace and stability national policy. This battle is not only related to the morale of the imperial army, but also to me. We have been pursuing the policy of resting with the people for a long time. If we lose this battle, the consequences will be serious. Which of you is willing to go into battle and kill the enemy in this battle?"

"Your Majesty, the last general Zhao Ziyi is willing to go. I will fight hard on this trip and take back Ren Xiao's head and present it to Your Majesty."

"Your Majesty, Meng Qiu is also willing to go."

"Your Majesty, we are all willing to go."

Ten generals came, and all of them were willing to go out and expand the territory. Fusu smiled helplessly, "Don't worry, if this battle is won, all of you will have a chance in the future. On weekdays, Zhao Ziyi is the most diligent in leading troops, I Just give me this opportunity."

Zhao Ziyi stepped forward and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty. I will definitely fulfill my mission by going here."

Meng Qiu thought that it was boring to stay in Xianyang City. His uncle passed away and his father was very sad. Meng Qiu had to rely on him to revitalize his family.

"Your Majesty, I am ashamed today. I beg your Majesty to give me a chance for the sake of my uncle."

"Meng Qiu, if you don't stay in Xianyang and go to fight at this time, Sikou won't agree."

"Your Majesty, my father is grieving and can't eat for several days. Your Majesty also knows how my father and I get along with each other on weekdays. I don't achieve anything in a day, and hanging around in front of my father is not pleasing to my father. It's better. Going to join the war will also make my father happy."

"Okay. You two are both children of aristocratic families. You have no combat experience before. After you go to the battlefield, be more careful and don't disobey the Taiwei's military orders."

Meng Qiu thought, in fact, if the Taiwei was leading the troops, then they might have been arranged to ambush.But when attacking Nanzhao, those who are not familiar with the place should be the ones on the opposite side to ambush us.

Following Li Xin in the battle, Meng Qiu actually felt a little uneasy.


The two of them took the order and left the palace. The other generals behind them were naturally very envious of Zhao Ziyi and Meng Qiu. If they left, they would be made generals when they came back.

Fusu was sitting in the palace and saw these young generals chatting away, and he knew what they were talking about without even thinking about it.

People are like this. After they have had enough wine and food, they will think about pursuing fame.What often determines whether a dynasty's regime can survive is whether these people can succeed.

If these people cannot get ahead for a long time, they will think about renewing their political power.

Let them play this time to give them a chance to stand out.

(End of this chapter)

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