Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 770 Conquest of Nanzhao (please give me a monthly ticket recommendation)

Chapter 770 Conquest of Nanzhao (please give me a monthly ticket recommendation)
"Your Majesty, the guard captain has come to see your Majesty."

"Let him in."

As soon as Zhao Tuo came in, Fu Su said, "I know what you want to say to me. Sit down first."

Zhao Tuo smiled slightly and said, "It seems that Your Majesty is not worried about the Champion."

"The Champion, that is the pride of the empire. Although he is not as stable as you, he is better because of his military will. The same troops under his hands can often exert ten times the power."

"But that only applies when you are familiar with the enemy. The general has studied the combat method of the champion. It may seem reckless, but in fact every step must be carefully considered. In order to win every time, the champion must be careful before each battle. A large number of scouts will be sent to investigate the situation. Only in this way can he achieve his goal of knowing himself and his enemy and winning every battle."

"But Li Xin doesn't know the old general Ren Xiao. The old general has experienced two generations of kings and the late emperor. He followed Wang Jian to fight at a young age. He has witnessed countless battles, commanded soldiers to fight, and also defended the city to prevent counterattacks. He is truly a rare veteran.”

"He dared to build a country in Nanzhao, which shows that he is not afraid of being attacked by the Qin State at all. The only magic weapon in his hands is to occupy a strong terrain. But if Li Xin is asked to fight, he is afraid that he will fall into the hands of this great general."

Fusu listened and did not refute.

"This battle is a battle that all the soldiers in the court are looking forward to. Even if I don't let them fight, they will force me to fight. When Ren Xiao founded Nanzhao, he really meant that he did not take Da Qin into his eyes. But do you think if Li Xin went to war, he would be willing to lead an army of 40?"

"He likes to charge forward, and he doesn't like to sit behind the camp to command. Give him 40 troops, and he will definitely let some of them camp in place, so those generals who stay behind must be dissatisfied. Although the last general was stationed in Chen County back then, he also I heard that General Feng turned against him in the army in the past."

"What has been, will be again."

After Zhao Tuo heard this, he stopped asking any more questions.

"But if this battle is lost..."

"Champion Marquis, any man from Great Qin can do it."

Zhao Tuo heard the second son say this lightly. It was obvious that His Majesty was confident about this matter and he had other plans.

"I will understand at the end."




In August of the same year, 30 troops were prepared and marched south to attack.

The army crossed the river, and the cavalry arrived at the border of Nanzhao after a day's journey.

Li Xin came to participate in this war for no other reason than that he was born to like fighting. If there is a war, he must fight it, otherwise it will be a waste of life.This time he brought his youngest son Li Yafu with him.

The two lieutenants assigned to him by the emperor were Wang Li and Zhang Han. He only felt that they were redundant.

When Li Xin arrived at the border, the first thing he did was to order it to be burned.

"Set it on fire and keep burning it to the south. When the fire stops, go and catch me, and you must catch them alive."

Immediately afterwards, Li Xin unfolded the map and said, "Send a hundred scouts to me, taking detours from east to west, to explore the terrain. Be sure to come back in three days."


After arranging these two matters, Li Xin ordered, "The army rests in place. The place is full of miasma, and Mister Wolf smokes it."

The soldiers took orders, so they should do what they should do.

Wang Li was a marquis after all, and he brought Wang's army of 15 to the battle.Li Xin was naturally forced to bring the [-] soldiers he had trained. Not only that, he also had to command several young generals, especially Zhao Ziyi.

His uncle was Zhao Bi, who fought with him against the Huns, and Zhao Bi was considered a fierce general.Zhao Ziyi, a boy who looks young but very ambitious.Li Xin doesn't like this kid very much. He's not pure enough. Too many distracting thoughts during a battle can be fatal.

Meng Qiu, on the other hand, looked very gentle and spoke very much like his father.

Li Xin is old. When he sees these young faces, he can't help but think of himself when he was young.The emperor asked these young generals to leave the palace, obviously for the future of the empire.Li Xin knew that he had already thought about it. Since he brought them to Nanzhao, he would definitely take them back.

"Meng Qiu, when it comes time to go to war, do you dare to lead the battle with me?"

Meng Qiu laughed playfully, "What's not to be afraid of? If the lieutenant dares to step up, so will I. It's just that I'm worried that I'll steal the limelight from the lieutenant."

"Just you kid, you also want to steal my limelight. Don't even be unable to shoot arrows."

"Lieutenant, Ziyi has something to ask."

"Say it."

"Why is there not even an observation deck on the border of Nanzhao Kingdom? And our army is pressing down on the border. Are the people of Nanzhao Kingdom running away in fear? Not a single soul can be seen."

Li Xin smiled, "They are around here, just hiding in the woods and watching us. They can see us, but we can't see them."

"So the captain used fire to attack, hoping to burn all the trees, and then he could see them."

"Boy, don't be so impatient about everything. When it comes to war, it's not just about who's riding and archery is better, it's about this -"

Li Xin said, patting his chest.


"Let's see who can stabilize. Whoever fails to stabilize first will lose. Don't take the war too seriously. Relax and treat it like a board game."

Zhang Han was listening, "No wonder the Taiwei can be worshiped as a champion, and he can talk and laugh calmly about attacking Nanzhao."

Li Xin saw Zhang Han coming over, but his eyes were attracted by a young general behind him.

"Who is this person behind you? Why does he look familiar?"

"Young general Feng Jing, his father is Feng Wuze, Marquis Xinhou of Xianwu."

"You are Feng Jie's cousin."


Li Xin also suffered a lot from what happened last time.Although he won the battle, the Second Emperor clearly punished Feng Jie, which actually brought Li Xin into disrepute. All the ministers said that he was stingy and arrogant behind his back because of this incident.

Li Xin didn't want to suffer any more after suffering.

Li Xin patted Feng Jing on the shoulder, "You boy, are you married yet?"

"Not yet. I am a manly man and have not established a reputation. I don't want these things about the love between sons and daughters."

"It's interesting. Why did you join the war on this trip?"

"Naturally, to be loyal to His Majesty."

These words are too official. Either he has been taught by the master after entering the Imperial Academy, or the city is too deep.

Li Xin then asked, "Have you ever been to the Imperial Academy?"

"I have studied in Taixue for two years, but I don't want to be a clerk. I think that as a man, I should travel around instead of staying in the palace and writing clerks."

All the generals burst out laughing after hearing this.

"What a good boy! He told me what I was thinking. After all, he was born in a general and is full of blood."

"Taiwei Yan smiled. Jing was afraid that he would not be able to win this time and would bring disgrace to the Feng family's reputation."

(End of this chapter)

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