Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 773: Separation from Virtue (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Chapter 773: Separation from Virtue (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Chu Lixun couldn't tell them, so he left.

He went back and conveyed his intention to the Qiong people tribe, and the Qiong people were naturally very angry.

The leader of the Qiongren tribe came out and said, "Didn't the emperor of Qin always say that he would protect us? The king of Nanzhao was willing to respect us and give us a place to live. Why did the emperor of Qin let us move away when his army arrived?" What? We won’t move.”

"Don't worry, chief. I will personally go back and convey your words to our Emperor. His Majesty will definitely make the decision for you and punish Li Xin."

Qi Lixun left immediately, while Li Xin continued to set fire. The fire burned for five days and five nights, and finally burned out a large piece of flat land.

Li Xin then took out the treasure given to him by the Second Emperor - the telescope. He looked around and saw that no one was looking outside the mountain, but there were groups of goats moving around.

"Catch those wild goats and share them with the soldiers. There are also wild snakes and other things, and they are used to make soup. We will stay here."

The soldiers were very happy when they heard this, "Wei."

The front is burning fire and cooking sheep, while the rear is as motionless as a mountain, but Linqiong City is another scene. Wang Li and Zhao Ziyi have the same goal, to fight to become famous and restore the glory of their ancestors.

These were all military families who had been attacked. The emperor did not eradicate them in order to give them another chance to serve.If it doesn't work this time, then there will be no chance next time.

It took ten years to wait for the emperor to show mercy. This war was a war that many people had dreamed of for years.Not only the generals were ambitious, but also ordinary soldiers were waiting for this opportunity, so the morale of the army was high.

I am afraid that the soldiers will be slack and unable to respond to the enemy in time.Therefore, under Zhao Ziyi's suggestion, Wang Li ordered all soldiers to not only take turns on duty, but also to undergo rigorous military training in humid and dark weather, and to be prepared every day.

Wang Li sent people to search the whole city, but there was not much food left.

"I didn't expect that Ren Xiao would take all the food with him when he left. But we have been guarding the city for five days, and the soldiers have been training every day, but as time goes by, the soldiers will become tired. If this continues, for The disadvantage is on our side. Send someone to ask the Taiwei when he plans to set off."

Zhao Ziyi said, "There's no need to ask. I don't think the Taiwei intends to go out at this time. He ordered all the lieutenants and soldiers to rest in place, and only a small number of people were sent out to patrol and defend, marking the rivers and mountains. It seems , he plans to stay here longer."

Wang Li had also been tortured by Li Xin. He was happy to be alone in front of him, but they were left at home waiting to be dispatched. This waited for several years.

"This is to hunt down the rebels, not to drive away the Huns. How can we keep waiting? If we wait any longer, Ren Xiao is afraid that he will run to the ends of the earth. When he chased Prince Yan Dan, he was as brave as any man. Now at his age He’s grown up, but he’s so timid.”

Wang Li was very dissatisfied.

The Wang family, which was once prominent in the Qin Empire, fell into decline for 20 years after the war.Now that Meng Tian is finally dead, the next one must be their Wang family.

He is Wuchenghou Wangli.

Wang Li is in his forties. The older he gets, the less confused he becomes, and the clearer he becomes about what he wants.

Zhao Ziyi spoke up at the right time, "His Majesty the Emperor wants us to get Ren Xiao's head, so that we can give an explanation to the soldiers all over the world and let them know the consequences of betraying the empire. But now we are waiting where we are, not knowing the news ahead, are we going to do it?" Are you just waiting for the Lieutenant to issue an order like this? I think even if Ren Xiao sends people to counterattack, I'm afraid we will still be stationed in Linqiong."

Wang Li fell into deep thought, "The army is divided into three parts. He had no intention of sharing the profits with us brothers. He moved us away from Zhang Han in order to attract Ren Xiao's attention so that Taiwei's hundred thousand soldiers and horses could have an opportunity." You can take advantage of it. If this continues, the officers and soldiers under the command of the Taiwei will be promoted to higher ranks, and we can only watch them fight, drink, and eat meat."

"I also ask the right general to give you your orders. We will definitely obey them."

"Send twenty scouts, prepare dry food for five days, work in pairs, wear telescopes, and go to inspect the local situation. As long as you can come back alive, I will give him ten pounds of gold."


At this time, Li Xin was still sitting idle in the army, he never expected that his prestige in the army had been exhausted. The 30 army was completely separated when he ordered the troops to divide into three groups.

On the seventh day, Li Xin received news that both Wang Li and Zhang Han sent scouts out to explore the road. Li Xin felt that something was abnormal, but he didn't pay much attention to it.

He is a dignified imperial captain.

Under Li Xin's order, the 30-strong army maintained its original camp arrangement and stayed in place for a full month. He remained stationary.

At this time, what Li Xin was waiting for was the emperor's edict.

"Taiwei Li Xin, who is one of the three princes and the leader of the generals, has the highest priority in everything and puts the long-term interests of the empire first. The Qiong people are the neighbors of the empire, and they should not be persecuted for war."

Li Xin was naturally unhappy when he saw the emperor's edict.

"What's wrong with Your Majesty now? He has always been the most fair, so why are you blaming me now? Doesn't it mean that to Your Majesty, it is not important that our soldiers are not from Qiong?"

Li Yafu said, "Your Majesty must have been bewitched by Chu Lixun. No matter what his father did in the past, your Majesty never blamed his father. Father does not need to care about this trivial matter, it is just a villain's trick. As long as father this time If you capture Ren Xiao again, your Majesty will know that you are right, father."

"Yafu, you are right. I am the commander-in-chief of the entire army. Anyone can cause chaos, but I alone cannot be distracted. Have the scouts I sent out come back?"

"This time, 30 people were sent out, but only ten came back. Still no sign of Ren Xiao was seen. They retreated all the way south."

"Bring me the map."

Li Yafu spread out the map. Li Xin looked at the map and felt something was not right.

"The Nanzhao Kingdom he established has extended to southern Yunnan according to spies. The local people have also begun to rely on military merit to be promoted, and his team has gradually grown. It has to be said that Ren Xiao is really good at governing the place. But. Starting from Linqiong, he abandoned the city all the way to the Lingqu area. Such a ruthless layout shows that he is determined to fight us until death."

Li Yafu asked, "Is it another possibility? He really has no intention of going against the empire and just wants to retreat and be content."

"That's impossible. He is a traitor. Your Majesty wants to kill him to show the empire's generals what the consequences of rebellion are."

"Then shall we continue to attack the south?"

"Let's start the army and garrison the next city. I want to write a letter to Your Majesty and ask Your Majesty to send officials to take over Linqiong. This place will no longer be used as a military center."

"What about General Zuo and General Right?"

"The two of them want to compete with me for credit. Why should they? Let them send troops to follow us closely."

Li Yafu heard this, but felt that this should not be the case, "Father, they are people sent by His Majesty himself. Father, you blocked them behind you and did not discuss matters with them. If things continue like this, they may be dissatisfied with you."

"What's the matter? When the former prime minister Feng Quji was still alive, his son Feng Jie couldn't do anything to me, let alone Wang Li and Zhang Han?"

Feng Jing was also in the tent. When he heard this, his heart dropped.

Something stirred inside him.It turns out that cousin Jie did nothing wrong at all back then, it was all because of Li Xin's arrogance, and His Majesty the Emperor was not being fair either. He deliberately favored the Li family.

For such a person, my cousin robbed a great doctor, and actually asked him to plead guilty.Feng Jing's face turned pale, and he immediately waved his robe and walked out of the tent.

"Father, you shouldn't have said these words in the tent."

"Young Master, come and teach me how to do things and take care of yourself. I have never lost a battle in my life!"

(End of this chapter)

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