Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 774: Heroes emerge in large numbers (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Chapter 774: Heroes emerge in large numbers (please give me a monthly recommendation ticket!)

Half a month later, Li Xin led his army to the north of Lingqu.

The 30 troops ran around for more than ten days, but they didn't even see the shadow of the enemy.

The army responsible for escorting the grain and grass has been stationed in Linqiong. The rear army general is none other than Zhao Tuo's general Han Lizheng.As the commander-in-chief of the rear army, his job is very easy. As long as he can carry the food and fodder given to him by the plan, he will be considered a meritorious service.

The autumn rain has finally stopped these days, but the roads are still muddy and the weather is getting colder.

Wherever Han Lizheng passed, there were traces of burns.Han Lizheng couldn't help but say, "Barbaric."

Behind him, a small flag guard responsible for commanding the escort of grain and grass followed him closely.

Although he has yellow skin, he looks very clean, and he hasn't even grown a beard.He is seven feet five inches tall. When he stands in the army, everyone will look at him.

In the pre-Qin period, people's appearance was justice, which was far more terrifying than in later generations.

It is common for a person to be given an official position and enjoy a higher salary because he is tall or good-looking.

Han Xin became a flag officer just because he was good-looking and tall.

After ten years, the Great Qin Empire once again took the initiative to launch a large-scale war to destroy the country. Those who could participate in this war had to squeeze their heads to get in.

Don't think this is just a team that escorts grain and grass. They can come to escort grain and grass after a series of competitions.

When Han Li came to the edge of Linqiong with food and grass, he ordered his soldiers to set up compound roads every three miles along the road that the army took from now on. A short barrier is set up, and a small barrier is set up five miles away as a mark.

The commander got the order, so he went to deploy.

Because there are traces of large armies stationed in this area, although there are many chariots in the Qin Empire today, the elite troops are all on horseback.

Along the way, the entire avenue was muddy, but it also opened a way for the rear army.

Not long after the team escorting the grain and grass rested in the city, Han Xin went out to lead a patrol. What surprised him was that there was no sound from the birds in this area.

Han Xin reported the incident to Han Lizheng.

"I heard about the Taiwei's burning of the forest, and was brought before His Majesty by the envoys of the vassal state. This happened a month ago. But more than a month has passed, and there shouldn't be even birds in this area. Han Xin thought , there may be an ambush in this area."

Han Li was drinking, and when he saw the tall and burly Han Xin coming over and saying this, he immediately expressed anger, "You kid, you are full. I asked you to escort the food and grass, and I didn't let you take care of so many things. Since you are so If you love to meddle in your own business, then don't rest tonight, go and guard the city wall."

When Han Xin heard this, his eyes dimmed, and then he dragged himself to the head of the city to lead a patrol.

When he came to the top of the city, Han Xin looked far away. He saw soldiers working on the road in front of him. The wind blew from the north. Some of the soldiers on the city wall shivered, and Han Xin was no exception.

Han Xin was sitting on the top of the city. A strong wind blew in the distance and rolled up the fallen leaves in the city. The fallen leaves were flying in the wind, like a dancing barbarian woman, just spinning a few times before jumping in front of him.

Han Xin wondered where these leaves came from. He stood up and took a look and found that the leaves were blown up from the locust trees in the city by the wind.

The wall was twenty feet high, but the leaves could be carried up by the wind.

"It's amazing."

After saying that, Han Xin had already thought of something.

In the middle of the night, a shout suddenly came from in front of the city.

"Open the city gate quickly, open the city gate quickly!"

Han Xin suddenly woke up, but the prison gate was much calmer. He stood at the top of the city waving the military flag and said, "Who is coming? Tell me your name."

"The right general, Wang Li—"

The subordinate officer came in and admonished: "Prison gate, I'm afraid this is a fraud. Isn't the right general fighting in front of the formation?"

It was dark, and the prison door couldn't see who was coming.

"General Wang, please present the festival."

The people at the door were already shouting and cursing, "Zhang Deng! Come and see who your grandfather is downstairs, and he actually wants Wu Chenghou's loyalty."

"Give the order, all soldiers light fires."

Light instantly rose from the tripod, and everyone could see clearly that the person below was tall and majestic, with a red cloak tied behind him. Isn't this white armor none other than Wuchenghou Wangli?

"Open the city gate quickly! Welcome the right general in."

Soon, all the troops followed. Wang Li looked exhausted. As soon as he entered the city gate, his legs gave out and he fell down.

When the prison door came up and saw that Wang Li had been injured by an arrow.

"Call the doctor quickly."

After more than a dozen people crowded around and shouted, they carried the famous Marquis Wu Cheng into the room and asked a doctor to come over and treat him.

Han Li was accompanying him, "Doctor, how is your injury?"

The doctor pulled out the arrow, Wang Li was awakened by the severe pain, and then passed out again.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty!"

No matter what Han Lizheng called him, Wang Li never woke up.

The doctor saw that Wang Li's lips were turning purple and his face turned pale. "This arrow is poisonous. Get my silver needle quickly."

After working hard all night, Wang Li's toxins gradually subsided, and his lips began to turn white.

"Thanks to your good training and strong physique, your heart would have been damaged. It's no longer a serious problem now."

"Okay, you can step back and receive the reward."

"Thank you General Han."

Han Lizheng didn't dare to slack off, "General Qi, another soldier of our army has come to retreat to Linqiong."

"Open the city gate and let them in."


As soon as it got light the next day, it began to rain lightly. Countless defeated armies retreated back, totaling more than 2 people.

Han Xin looked at these people from the side. It seemed that not many of these people were injured. Their main characteristics were tiredness and fright.

"Brothers, why did you back down?"

Han Xin asked as he supported a soldier.

A soldier saw it, but laughed, "What's the use of asking him, he's just an ordinary soldier, and now he's scared out of his wits, how can he answer your question."

"What exactly is happening ahead?"

"who are you?"

"Who are you?"

"I am the commander of the rear flag."

"I am Zhao Ziyi, the commander-in-chief of General Right. Brother, you are not bad looking."

Han Xin was silent. He was always honest and would be at a loss when others praised him.

Zhao Ziyi came over and patted him on the shoulder, "Don't be nervous. Ten years ago, like you, I also wanted to be a general. But now I don't think so."


"No reason."

"What happened in the front? Can our rear army move forward?"

Zhao Ziyi laughed loudly, "Go forward, it's not bad if we can stick to Linqiong."

Han Xin stayed where he was, lost in thought.

Zhao Ziyi said to him, "We originally followed the right general in the middle as the backbone, but we did not expect that the left general Zhang Han, who was in charge of the rear, suddenly led his [-] troops to encircle and cross Lingqu from the left, which gave the rebels an opportunity. , and attacked us from behind."

"But of the 30 troops and horses, only more than 2 have been withdrawn."

Zhao Ziyi's eyes dimmed after hearing this.

"Because Zhang Han succeeded in outflanking, he crossed the Lingqu."

"What then?"

"You don't understand what I'm telling you. Have you ever seen a map?"

"I've seen it, I've only seen it once, and I'll remember it."

Zhao Ziyi was stunned for a moment after hearing this.

(End of this chapter)

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