Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 775 Prologue to the Golden Age

Chapter 775 Prologue to the Golden Age

After hearing this, all the generals gathered around.

Han Xin didn't hesitate. He took out his dagger and drew a few simple maps on the wetland.

"There are mountains on all sides. To the northwest of the Qiong tribe is the Bashu County. The area to the west is an undeveloped wilderness. The territory occupied by Ren Xiao will not exceed the area surrounding the mountains. Otherwise, there will be If it hinders him, he will not be able to get the news in time."

"Let me see, he has actually been in this area all along, but retreated to the lower reaches, waiting for you to pass. I think that although you are the central army, an army of 10 people will never be easily dispersed. This shows that in fact The opponent’s purpose at the beginning was not to kill you, what he wanted was for you to collapse and scatter in all directions. Perhaps, he has already designed a new tactic.”

The other generals booed when they saw this.

"What are you showing off with just a flag order? Stop fooling people with these three-legged cats."

A sturdy figure suddenly appeared among the defeated army, "Let him continue."

Everyone took a closer look, and they didn't expect that the person who came was actually Wu Chenghou who was injured.

Zhao Ziyi persuaded, "Marquis Wu Cheng is injured, please go back to the room to recover from the injury."

"I, the dignified Marquis of Wucheng, was defeated at the hands of a traitor general. How can I recover my dignity?" After saying that, Wang Li pointed at Han Xin and said, "What kind of tactics are you just about to say?"

Although Wang Li was injured, he still looked majestic, with his red robe flying behind him.


"What kind of tactic is this?"

"The Qin Dynasty has millions of soldiers and a large number of them. The elite troops alone are 30. The rebel general Ren Xiao knows this very well, so he wants to avoid his edge. This time the Taiwei brought 30 elite troops with armor, but so many The population, but its power is halved in the face of this rugged terrain surrounded by mountains and rivers."

"Ren Xiao is interested in this. If he wants to maximize the advantage of the terrain, he has to use the roundabout tactics of small groups of troops. Let them ambush in the forest, release arrows in the dark, and set up ambushes on all sides to reach Mingming's men. There were only 1000 people, but they created a scene of a [-]-person camp to scare off the enemy."

After hearing what Han Xin said, the first captain was naturally furious!
"Well, you Han Xin, you actually said that we were deceived by Ren Xiao's tricks, and that's why we were defeated. Do you think me and the men of Wang's army are all cowards!"

Wang Li glanced at him, and the captain retreated.

"Your name is Han Xin."


"I am just retreating from this battle temporarily. I have no intention of staying in Linqiong."

"In the opinion of my subordinates, you should stay here in Linqiong."

"I am your Majesty's personal right-hand general. If I stay in this city like this, I will not be able to return to Xianyang to meet His Majesty the Emperor."

"Han Xin thinks that because as long as you choose to stay here, Ren Xiao will definitely send a large army back to occupy Linqiong."

Everyone was surprised.

Zhao Ziyi couldn't believe it, "How is this possible! It's a full fifty miles from Linqiong to Lingqu. How could he return to Linqiong?"

Wang Li was injured at this time. He no longer believed the captains around him. It was only after listening to their words that he was defeated to this point.

Wang Li clearly remembered that three days ago, he received Li Xin's order to follow them closely. At that time, Li Xin already knew that Zhang Han was leading his troops to the left.However, Zhao Ziyi and others tried to persuade them because of Li Xin's poor command. If they continue to listen to Li Xin's command now, he will die here.

Wang Li closed his eyes suddenly, but now, Li Xin had crossed the Lingqu.He must go back to rescue the army, otherwise the Taiwei will die in battle, and the nobles in Longxi will not let him go.

"Go on."

"A person who dares to rebel and become king must be fully prepared; a person who dares to face the attack of 30 troops but retreats calmly must have a careful plan. Linqiong is a strong fortress he built. He gave up the city not because he was afraid, on the contrary, because he knew that once the Qin army came, the city of Linqiong would definitely be captured. He just gave up a city that was destined to be captured."

"But he loved Linqiong very much and wanted to get Linqiong back. It seemed that he gave up easily, but in fact he didn't want Linqiong to experience too much damage. And the day he took Linqiong back , is not necessarily the day when he drove back the generals and defeated the army, but the day when the army was defeated and people were panicked. At this time, he will lead his large army back to Linqiong."

"What did he do when he returned to Linqiong? Could it be that he was thinking..." Zhao Ziyi suddenly realized, "He wanted to attack the army from a flank and annihilate the entire 30-strong army."

Hearing this, Wang Li's heart trembled violently. He twitched on the spot, and all the soldiers rushed to help him.

"Junhou, please go back and have a rest. We will be fine here."

"No, what if the army comes back as Han Xin said?"

"Not necessarily. I just heard that all the soldiers retreated for three days and three nights before rushing back to Linqiong. If I were that Ren Xiao, I would definitely send people to lure the battle in Lingqu and fight back. Linqiong. But three days have passed, and Ren Xiao's main force still has not come. This shows that there must be some mistake in Ren Xiao's plan."

Zhao Ziyi said, "It's empty talk. What evidence do you have?"

Just as Zhao Ziyi was talking, someone came from outside and reported: "Report - report to General Right -"

Wang Liqiang said calmly, "What's the matter?"

"General Right, King Nanzhao has returned with his troops."

When everyone heard this, a heavy stone hit their hearts suddenly, and they all stared blankly at Han Xin.

Wang Li held on forcefully, "How many troops did you bring?"

"It looks like there are more than 8 people, and they are already surrounding us from all sides."

"Four sides?"


Han Xin was overjoyed when he heard this. Didn't this confirm his idea? They were indeed fighting in a small force, and they only got together now.

"Gather your troops immediately and gather at the city gate. Prepare your crossbows and crossbows."


The generals immediately led their troops to climb the city wall. Wang Li glanced at Han Xin and said, "Follow me."

Han Xin followed Wang Li to the top of the city. Wang Li asked, "You just said that someone ruined Ren Xiao's plan. What was the specific situation?"

"Is there a map?"

Ren Xiao glanced at the subordinate officials behind him, and they immediately unfolded the map in front of Han Xin.In the small city tower, Han Xin pointed to the lower reaches of the Ling Canal and said, "This is it. Someone must have tried their best to block this place, otherwise Ren Xiao's army would not have come so slowly. And let me see, these people are all Injured.”

Zhao Ziyi just came back from investigating the enemy's situation, "General You, those soldiers were indeed killed after a hard battle, and they look very embarrassed."

After hearing this, Wang Li waved his hand and said, "Send my military order, everyone, come out of the city and kill the enemy!"

After saying this, Wang Li fell down again.

Wang Li fell, and Zhao Ziyi also fell.Zhao Ziyi wholeheartedly waited for this opportunity, but God was still kind to him.Under his leadership, 3 grain infantry and more than [-] remnant troops surrounded Ren Xiao, who had been chased by Li Yafu until he had nowhere to go.

The records of this battle in history are very detailed, because it was a battle gathered by many famous generals who rose up in the 20 years after the Qin Dynasty.

It was in this battle that the new champion Hou Hanxin began to become famous, and the other young generals, Feng Jing, Li Yafu, Zhao Ziyi, and Meng Qiu, appeared on the stage of history together with the golden age of the Qin Empire.

Among them, the most eye-catching general is none other than Feng Jing of the Feng clan.With [-] troops and horses, he fought hard and defended Lingqu.Even though his military administrator had been defeated and fled, he gathered the remaining troops and held on for four full days in the Lingqu area where snakes and insects were raging and apes and birds mourned, holding back Ren Xiao's [-] elite troops.For this, he almost paid with his life, but in the end he won the highest honor as an imperial soldier.

After Qin III succeeded to the throne, the golden age ended and the colonial era began.

When Qin attacked the Xiongnu again, it was Feng Jing who stood firm at Yanmen Pass.The Xiongnu attacked Yanmen, and Feng Jingli, the prefect, died in the battle, becoming the highest-ranking official of the Qin Dynasty who was killed during the Qin Dynasty's war with the Xiongnu.

Going back to the war that the Qin Dynasty attacked Nanzhao several decades ago, this was the most costly battle for the Qin army in the golden age. Seven captains died in battle. In this battle, the famous champion Hou had no An arrow hit and also lost General Zhang Han of the left.

Because after that battle, the left general Zhang Han disappeared from the historical records.

But everything has gains and losses. Although this war was short and cruel, it tested the perseverance and loyalty of the imperial soldiers, and also trained many outstanding high-level generals for the upcoming golden age of the Qin Empire.

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(End of this chapter)

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