Chapter 81
Zhou Zi cried for a while to the King of Qi, then he stood up and stretched his neck in front of the King of Qi. His posture was like someone grabbing his neck and forcing him to the King of Qi.

Zhou Zi's eyes were red and he said sincerely to King Qi, who had gray hair and deep fear in his sunken eyes.

"Your Majesty, now the Qin envoy has suddenly arrived and is coming with great force. He is obviously planning to do evil to our Qi State. Your Majesty, you should prepare a complete countermeasure."

When the King of Qi saw that Zhou Zi was crying so sincerely and that his words were true, he naturally began to obey his words.

Now, in front of all the courtiers, King Qi pulled Zhou Zi to sit together on the bamboo mat, and held Zhou Zi's hand.

"The State of Qin has been rude to me, the State of Qi, many times. Ai Qing, what do you think we should do?"

But in front of so many people, Zhou Zi refused to say what he really thought, otherwise, he was afraid that it would cause a controversy in the court.If Qin was accidentally alerted, things would be even more impossible.

The state of Qi was in such a state without Zhao, Wei and Han as a barrier, and it was inseparable from some corrupt ministers in the court, and this horizontal halberd was the first to bear the brunt.

When Qin sent people to attack Zhao, Zhao sent people to ask Qi for help. He persuaded the king to personally lead troops to help Zhao, but he was stopped by Ximen Sikong's Hengji.

Now, Zhou Zi looked at Hengji with a complaining expression.

Hengji was already guilty, and realized that something was wrong, that the state of Qi was in trouble, and now that he was stared at by Zhou Zi again, he felt even more terrified, and he didn't know where to put his hands.

Zhou Zi only said.

"Your Majesty, now you can only obey the Qin State first. After you surround the Qin Prince, your Majesty will make other plans."

Zhou Zi said this, and the ministers who were already old and thought they were far-sighted and far-sighted also agreed.

"Yes, Your Majesty, now we can only follow Qin's will in everything."

"whispering sound--"

Hengji snorted coldly.

This Zhouzi thought he would offer some good advice, but in the end he just continued to follow his wishes.

However, Hengji looked at the monarch and his ministers hugging and crying in front of him, and finally agreed that everything should depend on the face of Master Fusu of the Qin State. His mind quickly thought of the Master Fusu and the ministers of the Qin State whom he had seen at Wutai today. .

Hengji's face turned livid again.

He couldn't imagine.

At this moment, if the young master of Qin State in Wutai Palace suddenly came to Qi State Huan Gong Terrace and saw the scene in front of them where everyone in Qi State was obedient to Qin State, what would he do to Qi State? Think.


Hengji went to Wutai again, and when he saw Young Master Fusu, he was even more humble.

Hengji truthfully conveyed King Qi's intention.

"The king said that the young master has come all the way and is entrusted by the King of Qin. Since he said that he would meet with our king at Huan Gong Terrace tomorrow, the king has agreed to this matter."

Hengji's words were very clever, and he tried not to lose the grace that he deserved for being a great country now.

I had expected this to be the case.

Fusu looked bright, revealing a row of white teeth.

"We have always heard that Qi is a country of etiquette. Now that King Qi is so polite, Fusu naturally understands the lesson. Qi is indeed a great country in Guandong. When Fusu returns to Xianyang, he will truthfully report how King Qi treated Fusu politely. Father."

"Good good-"

The horizontal halberd praised him repeatedly, almost wanting to clap his hands.Especially when he heard Master Fusu talking about leaving, he was even more excited.

"Young Master Lao, speak well for us King Qi in front of King Qin. If so, our Qi and Qin countries will naturally last for a long time."

The last sentence was drawn out extremely long, but the sound was kept as low as possible, but it was enough for everyone in the hall to hear it.

Hengji's eyes fluttered, wanting to test this Mr. Fusu.


When Prince Fusu of Qin State heard this, he was slightly startled for a moment, a trace of astonishment flashed in his eyes, and then he burst into laughter.

Fusu laughed so hard that he almost jumped up.

When Hengji saw this, his face became paler and paler.

As for Dunwei, Mao Jiao, and Feng Jie, they all looked at the eldest son quietly and laughed wildly.

It looked like nothing happened on their faces, but they were also teasing in their hearts.

How can Qi and Qin last forever?

Seeing Hengji's face turn pale, Fusu naturally suppressed his smile.

Fusu stood up suddenly, walked up to Hengji, and then wandered beside him.

Chi Wu was very nervous.

Suddenly there was a slight noise in the hall, like the friction of a sword being slightly unsheathed.

In this hall, there are four other ministers brought by Hengji.

In front of so many people, Fusu squinted his eyes and looked at everyone
"Heng Situ, people of the Ming Dynasty don't speak secretly. This world is one family, whether Qi or Qin, we are all one family. Since we are all one family, we should naturally live in harmony and happiness for a long time."

Fusu spoke every word, as if he was holding a small wooden hammer and gently tapping Hengji's heart.

Fusu's words leave no trace.

Hengji heard something in his words, but he was nowhere to be found.

That laugh just now was so frightening that his heart beat fast.

Now that Mr. Fusu said such words again, Hengji felt even more trembling in his heart.

At this moment, he raised his head and saw the ministers of Qin standing in front of them, but their faces were bronze-colored, like ancient bronze statues. Although they were majestic, they were all cold.

But the young master of Qin State has a face like the bright moon and a smile like the spring breeze. He is so unhappy.

Hengji said angrily.

"What the young master said is absolutely true. It is getting late, and it is inconvenient for the horizontal halberd to disturb the young master. I will see you in court tomorrow. I hope the young master can rest early and regain his energy."

Fusu snorted.

Hengji was shocked.This young master of Qin is not simple.

Afterwards, Hengji resigned.

As soon as Hengji went out, the door of the palace was closed by the cautious Chi Wu himself.

When the palace door closed, Fusu's eyes suddenly sank. When his eyes moved, they revealed the sharp edge of a sharp sword unsheathed.

"Dun Ruo, what you said is right, this person really still has his heart towards Qi."

There was a weak and deep voice.

"Young master, don't be anxious. The old minister has already given the explanation. However, the first step of convincing King Qi has not yet begun. It is better not to alert the enemy."

Fusu listened, his perked ears twitching slightly, and displeasure flowed between his brows, fleetingly.

Dunruo has been an official in front of Yingzheng for many years, so he naturally knows how to get along with kings and ministers.

The king said that the young master is young and inexperienced, so all major matters must be agreed by him.But Dunruo also felt that the young master was obviously tolerating him.

He suddenly responded with a big laugh, and bowed to Fusu.

"Young Master just smiled so well and answered so well!"

After hearing this, Fusu looked at Dunwei in surprise.He paused calmly and his eyes were filled with admiration.

"The veteran has been sent to various countries, and has a lot of experience. He has met many strange people. But a young man like the young master, facing Situ of the Qi Kingdom, responds smoothly, without leaking water. It is rare in the world!"

Chi Wu was naturally happy after hearing this.

It can only be said that this sudden flattery came from the right place.

Fusu naturally accepted Dunwei's praise without humility.

Mao Jiao and Feng Jie naturally also praised the young master a few times.

After all, the young master's answer just now was indeed watertight. Mao Jiao, Feng Jie, and Dun Ruo were all carefully appreciating the beauty of those words.

That's it.

Mao Jiao is in good color.

"So, tomorrow, I will see King Qi."

Fusu breathed out.

Although it was Qi who was being tossed back and forth, they spent a lot of energy and time watching them struggle and waiting for them to compromise again and again.

Fusu breathed a sigh of relief.

"Yes, tomorrow, I will finally see King Qi."

Dunruo originally wanted to say a few words to Fusu'an, such as, stop it when you see it coming, and don't bully King Qi too much in words or words.

But seeing that the young master has been responding fluently today, and he is also afraid of the young master's revenge in the future, so he dare not say any more.

(End of this chapter)

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