Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 82 The King of Qi is mediocre and reckless (please give me your monthly vote for recommendat

Chapter 82 The King of Qi is mediocre and reckless (please give me your monthly vote for recommendation!)

This is enough foreplay, the main show will start tomorrow.

Fusu had a vague idea of ​​what Qi Guo meant.Naturally, the Qi State did not dare to offend the Qin State, but when it came to professing tribulation to the Qin State.For the people of Qi today, this is the humiliation of national subjugation!

Not counting Tian's attack on Qi, the state of Qi lasted for at least 800 years.

Now that Qi State suddenly ceases to exist, the nobles and scholars of Qi State will naturally be dissatisfied.

Fusu returned to his seat, and Shen Yu quickly poured wine.

"The King of Qi succeeded to the throne at a young age, but he has done nothing for many years. However, the people of Qi State all think that the King of Qi is mediocre and foolish."

Shangqing added weakly.

"Sir, the King of Qi is absurd as a person, and even more absurd as a king. He has indulged in wine and sex since he was young, and is extremely confused in dealing with people and things. When he becomes the king, he will accept everything from others, no matter how big or small. In the past, when the seven kingdoms were together, he was The object of scorn among kings.”

Feng Jie, a true Qin man, came forward to talk about an old incident.

"When I heard that the late mother of the King of Qi, the Queen, was critically ill and about to die, she warned her son King Jian of Qi that someone among the ministers could be appointed. King Jian of Qi did not hear clearly and asked to write down their names. The Queen agreed, so King Jian of Qi He took a pen and wooden slip to write down her last words. But the queen said she had forgotten."

"But the old minister later thought that he didn't hear something clearly. It should be that the King of Qi heard it but didn't remember it. After all, I heard from the minister who came back from Qi State's mission that the King of Qi was always in his mind because he indulged in wine and sex when he was young. Empty. Once someone else says something complicated, he will forget it."

"Not only that, I heard that the King of Qi was so lustful that he once forgot about his early dynasty because he favored beauties. The King of Qi was an absurd king and spent all day hanging out with the daughters of ministers. Extravagance was even more common in the court of Qi State, and the ministers were all busy having fun. . The king is not the king, and the ministers are not the ministers, which makes the people miserable and full of complaints."

Mao Jiao's face turned green as he listened.After all, Mao Jiao was originally from the Qi State. After hearing what happened to the King of Qi, he felt that the Qi State was not far away, so he followed others to the Qin State.

Mao Jiao drooped his head and said nothing.

Fusu was curious after hearing this.

Could it be that Qi Wang Jian has some problem with his intelligence?

Fusu thought about it, and found out that many kings who had lost their country in ancient times had become prisoners of their subordinates because of their excessive debauchery and no pursuit of state affairs. This King Jian of Qi was not the first, nor the last.

There are even more cases where a country ends up destroyed because of the incompetence of its king.

The disadvantages of feudal monarchy are obvious.

However, the development of history must be regular, and it is impossible to jump rashly, otherwise an uncontrollable situation will occur.

Thinking of this, Fusu had to reflect on the way of governing the country.

"Master Xun once said: 'No one but a saint can be a king.' If a country's king has no moral principles, then the country is not far from destruction. The King of Qi is the best example in the world today."

Fu Gongzi Fusu said these words himself, and several ministers were naturally shocked.

The young master is the crown prince of the Qin State. He can sum up something from the King of Qi, and finally personally admits the importance of the king to a country.

Facts have proved that the king's decision was right.

"What you said is right. If the king hears what you said, he will definitely be greatly moved."

Fusu smiled slightly when he heard this. He said this to himself and to King Qi, but in fact, he meant it to Ying Zheng.

Fusu's eyes inadvertently passed over Chi Wu.

With him here, Ying Zheng knows everything he says and does.

"Dear gentlemen, tomorrow is when I will meet with King Qi. At that time, Fusu will first tell King Qi about his father's intention to proclaim himself emperor."

Saying that, Fusu glanced at him and paused.

"Although I don't know how King Qi Jian reacted when he fell, but after the meeting, the rest is all for you to do."

Seeing that the young master was not in a hurry to bring up the fact that the king intended to make Qi a minister, Dunwei felt a lot more at ease.

Dunruo's eyes were full of smiles, and he admired the young master's calmness and generosity.

"My lord is serious, this is a matter of the minister's duty."

"However, Fusu has something to say first. No matter what method is used, only when King Qi writes a letter of surrender will Fusu get up and return to Xianyang."

The joy on Dunwei's face disappeared immediately.

But Chi Wu looked at the young master with admiration.

That's right!

A man, if you say something, you must do it.

What's more, the son is the crown prince appointed by the king.

Moreover, the king never gave up on his decision easily.

The king never achieves his goal and will never give up.

When Young Master Feng Jiejing said this, he also understood what the Young Master was thinking.

Since the future king of Qin wants to fulfill his promise, they should cooperate.

"My lord, I understand what you mean. We will definitely do our best to help you in persuading the King of Qi to submit your request to your Majesty."

Just as Dun Ruo was about to speak, Fusu didn't care what he was about to say.

Fusu said directly.

"We are now in the State of Qi, but what we need most is news from the State of Chu. Before traveling, I told Li Tingwei that if there is any movement in the State of Chu, he must report it to me first."

"Once the Chu State takes action against the Mongols, we will immediately notify Wang Bi to send troops to force the King of Qi to submit as soon as possible."

This is already the biggest concession Fusu can make.

It was also the safest decision he made after considering the positions of Ying Zheng, Dun Ruo, and himself.

King Jian of Qi surrendered without a fight, which happened in history. The people of Qi had not fought for almost decades, and their king was incompetent and their people were distracted.Therefore, it will be a matter of time before Qi surrenders.

However, Qin, which has always been warlike and most people can only obtain land and clothing by fighting, will not take this into consideration.

Some of them are even worried that Qi will send troops to aid Chu.

At this point, Fusu's self-confidence seemed to them to be a kind of blind arrogance.

Although Dunruo saw that the young master was determined, Dunruo still agreed to Fusu's opinion after careful consideration.

The only plan was formulated, and now the four people were truly working together.

"On the King of Qi's side, it will naturally take some time to persuade him, but those ministers of Qi, I think you should take action after tomorrow."

Dunruo, Feng Jie and Mao Jiao said in unison.


 Let me introduce this book to everyone: "Online Game Hegemony: Players VS Heroes of the Late Han Dynasty"

  In addition, I would like to ask here. I will put 20 words on the shelves next week. Does anyone support the initial order?

(End of this chapter)

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