Great Qin had a prosperous age

Chapter 83 Meeting King Qi for the First Time

Chapter 83 Meeting King Qi for the First Time

The next day.

breaking Dawn.

Black clouds rolled in the sky and covered the east, and the sea set off huge white waves, and the waves crashed on the shore with furious waves.

A faint bluish mist floats on the rocks on the coast...

Since it was early dawn, there was still fish belly white remaining on the first-dark sky, and there was a layer of gray covering it.

In the city walls of Qi State, the golden rooster roared to announce the dawn, and suddenly a hole opened in the sky to the east. Suddenly all the darkness in the sky was dispersed, and half a red sun shone on the sea.

Immediately, boundless clear waves rose up from the shore, each microwave shining with red light. Immediately, the radiant golden light was already pressing towards Qi State on the sea.

The purple-red dawn on the horizon dyed the white clouds in a corner of the sky into red scales, which was eye-catching.

King Qi Palace.

There were three times more guards than usual, and they surrounded Huan Gong Tower tightly.

Accompanied by the crow of the golden rooster, thousands of rays of light shone onto the land of Qi.

Yesterday, the King of Qi was so worried and terrified that he didn't fall asleep until midnight.

In the early morning, sleepiness set in, and Tian Jian yawned profusely. His eyes were filled with red bloodshot eyes, and his two dry and dirty eyes seemed to pop out.

Before dawn, the courtiers of Qi State who were ranked above the officials had already arrived at the palace of Qi King in twos and threes.

The King of Qi put on crimson robes and crowns for the ladies in the palace.

The king of Qi was dressed in a royal uniform, but it did not appear that he was very energetic.

On the contrary, his sunken eyes, protruding cheekbones, and rough, hairless forehead all made him appear to be in his final years.

Xue Ji's skin is snow-white, and her eyes are even brighter.

She saw that Qi State seemed to be making big moves today.

The screen and the dressing table were moved to a corner of the side hall to facilitate their master and servant's viewing.

The beauty has nothing to do and is worried all day long, so she is not worried.

Now she was quietly looking at the white-haired old man in the bronze mirror. The crown on his head was shaking, and the shriveled and empty head was lying on its side, listless and weak.

The beauty listened quietly. Through the many palace doors, she first heard the sound of footsteps outside, and then looked through the window to see the guards outside surrounding Huan Gong's Tower one floor after another.

"This armor doesn't seem to be worn by all of us."

How could Mr. Qin not expect this?

Even if Fusu didn't know anything, he wouldn't go deep into other people's territory.

All three thousand guards entered the palace of King Qi.

This strong request shattered King Qi's last hope of besieging Fusu.

Then through the screen, she saw many guards pouring into the main hall, one after another, and then they all hid in every corner of the hall.

"I heard that the king is going to receive the young master of Qin."

Xue Ji brushed the hair on her chest.

The beauty of Qi State is famous.

She quietly looked at the woman with a fair neck, eyebrows like green feathers, and a peach blossom face in the bronze mirror.

However, she couldn't ignore the old man with pale face and white hair.

That man is her husband.

The personal maid serving her on one side, whether intentionally or unintentionally, suddenly said while serving the lady to comb her hair and tie the green jade hairpin:
"Beauty, I heard that the young master of Qin State is young, but he has extraordinary appearance and slender body. He is one of the few handsome young masters in the world. When the courtiers received the young master of Qin State, everyone was full of praise."

The beauty listened and didn't notice anything.

She couldn't see him again.

The beauty ignored the maid and just touched her cold cheek.


One day, the State of Qi disappeared and she became a prisoner of the State of Qin.

This was a terrible idea. Xue Ji was afraid and covered her mouth.

How can a Qi woman think about wishing for the destruction of her country?


Outside Wutai, there are still heavy defenses.

Qin Hu Ben's army is all burly and tall, and the guards support Mr. Su's main hall.

The State of Qi also sent heavy troops to protect it symbolically, and they could only guard the palace walls.

Hengji was responsible for leading his troops to invite the young master to ride to Huan Gong Terrace, but Chi Wu stopped Hengji in front of Wu Terrace.

Chi Wu holds a sharp sword and stands on the stone steps facing the wind. He wears black armor, which makes him even more heroic.Qin people are not lacking in grace at all.

"Chi Wu is not allowed to let anyone pass unless it is your destiny."

Hengji saw the Qin guard standing in front of the stone steps of Wutai from a distance, and he had an ominous premonition at that time.

But now, Chi Wu of Qin State actually said such words, Hengji gritted his teeth slightly.

The people of Qin were indeed making things difficult for their country, Qi.

Hengji had to lower his head and bow to Chi Wu.

"I would like to ask General Chi to ask the young master to come out of the Wutai and go with the horizontal halberd to pay homage to the king. The hour is approaching, and all the officials of our Qi Kingdom have also arrived."

When Chi Wu heard this, his eyes moved slightly, and the word "Haughty" was written on his whole face.

Dun Shangqing has paid him the price, and today the young master will have to go through a lot of troubles before he can come forward.

Chi Wu smiled at first, then turned his right hand slightly, and a bright white sword light appeared on the face of the halberd.

Hengji was naturally frightened again, and he was very frightened.

But Hengji quickly took his time and laughed.

"General Heng didn't know something. Chi Wu discovered that there are many differences between Linzi City and Xianyang of Qin State. For example, at this time, the theory is that it is not yet dawn in Qin State, but it is almost three poles in Qi State."

Chi Wu smiled, and then whispered to the horizontal halberd.

"Young master has been sleeping for four hours at night, and there is still one hour left. He hasn't gotten up yet."

Chi Wu's voice was very low, only Hengji could hear it all around.

After hearing this, Hengji's eyelids twitched.

Yesterday, the State of Qin deliberately made things difficult for them, the State of Qi, and they made trouble for a long time. Unexpectedly, today, there will be a new one.

Hengji's face seemed to be covered with a layer of cold frost, so he looked a bit serious, starting to look like a general.

But he didn't dare to spit out half a disrespectful word to Chi Wu, who told him that he was from Qin.

Just like that, Hengji was speechless and seemed to have coptis in his mouth.

Hengji's face was sallow, with a look of humility on his face, and he spoke politely.

"General Chi, although you and I are our own masters, we all know the hardships of serving the monarch. If the young master is still unwilling to come out, the general will probably have to take off the sword from his waist and go home to farm."

Chi Wu heard this and thought to himself.

When you go home, just go home. What do you want me to do?

However, Chi Wu made a flattering appearance.

"General Heng, you are a Situ of the Qi State. Not only do you serve the king, you have a high and powerful position. But Chi Wu is just a small guard, and the person you serve is my young master of the Qin State."

"Compared to General Heng, Chi Wu's status is naturally inferior. And our son, who is still young, came to Qi Kingdom suddenly, and the rest habits developed over the years are naturally still there."

"How could Chi Wu enter the young master's bedroom when he was just a rough martial artist? What's more, he woke up the young master who was sleeping peacefully."

After hearing this, the blood and smile on Hengji's face disappeared at the same time.

"Henghalberd understands."

Chi Wu held his sword and bowed with a humble look on his face.

When Chi Wu saw Heng Ji's back disappearing from his eyes, he returned to Wutai.

After hearing this, Dun Ruo just stroked his beard.

"So, King Qi is already waiting in the main hall."

Fusu put on his mian robe and opened the window, catching a glimpse of the blue sky of Qi State.

"Previously, the most people we were in trouble for were the ministers of Qi. This time, we have to make the King of Qi wait for the young master for an hour."

Feng Jie couldn't help but feel worried.

He was weak but didn't notice anything, and his momentum was awe-inspiring.

"Even for one day, King Qi will have to wait for the young master."

Fusu sat on the case, looking at the bronze mirror in front of the case, bored.

Shen Yu wiped the young master's sword again and again, and now he was half-kneeling to carefully examine the lines on it.

"Sir, there is news from the city father."

Mao Jiao suddenly broke in.

It turned out that Li Si, who was in Chengfu, sent a secret letter.

This secret letter was sent from Chengfu to the young master Fusu who was in Qi State, and it was also necessary to ensure that the information was not leaked. Naturally, this secret letter went through many twists and turns.

When Fusu heard the news, his eyes lit up.

"Quick. Present it."

Pang You quickly took the wooden slip and handed it to Fusu.

Fusu saw it, but was disappointed.

Dun is weak and impatient.

Chu's reaction directly affected the content of their conversation with King Qi today.

(End of this chapter)

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