Chiba Salted Fish Legend

Chapter 1049 Wait, wait a moment!

Chapter 1049 Wait, wait a minute!
"Ah, I'm sorry I'm late!" Several people were still talking, Wuhe opened the door of the music classroom and walked in. He was stunned when he saw Rise's sister, who was wearing the same school uniform as him. "Huh? Have you found someone yet? It's very efficient. Well, I'm your president's employee...huh? Rishi, she looks similar to you..."

"This is the first time we meet, I am Rise's sister, my name is Amamiya Hiyo." She extended her hand to Itsuka: "You must be Itsuka's classmate, I often hear Rise talking about you at home."

"Ah?" Wuhe was stunned: "Hello... But I remember that Rishi's sister is not a student of our school, and hasn't she already graduated from high school?"

"For some special reasons, I dropped out of school urgently and transferred to your school for further study."

"I don't think further study is what it means..." But Wuhe still understood what happened, and the corners of his eyes twitched: "...I am a disciplinary committee member after all. Let me see this situation, it is really a bit... please pay attention. Don't be discovered by others, and don't do strange things."

"She has been discovered by your president, right at the school gate. But she said that since she is your friend's sister, she shouldn't do anything strange, so she let her in." Xia Zhi explained simply. Knowing the reason, Wuhe put one hand on his forehead: "Don't use my name..."

"Your president praises you for your ability."

"Really?" Wuhe's expression suddenly brightened: "That's no problem."

Although Xia Zhi has no idea where this logic lies, since Wuhe said there is no problem, then it should be no problem.This is trust in friends.

"In short, the work of the Discipline Committee has been completed for the time being. Xia Zhi, there shouldn't be any problems with you, right? Then hurry up and get started. Since my sister is also here, she should be able to help." Wuhe looked like Very positive: "You have to take the time to prepare."

"So... what are you doing?" Amamiya Hiyo still couldn't understand the situation: "I thought it was just Riyo who missed me, so I came over. From the looks of you, it seems that there is more to it than just this... …”

"I didn't miss my sister." Rise puffed her lips and said.

"I also like the arrogant Rise sister!"

It's hopeless. Tow it away.

"The thing is like this..." Itsuka briefly explained to Amamiya Hiyo what had happened so far, and then she hammered her hand, looking like she suddenly understood.

"So Rise wants to create a stage where she can show off her strength and show her cuteness and love for her sister to the whole world. So does she need my meticulous care, sister?"

"Huh? I always feel like something's not quite right? But based on the conclusions I've drawn before, I really need your help, sister."

"That's no problem, just leave it to me. Although I don't have any stunts, I have as many skills as I need to capture people's hearts when performing."

"As expected of a professional." Xia Zhi complimented.

"Why do I feel that what you said is a bit weird? But forget it, in that case, I will leave my stunts to you!" Amamiya Hiyo's expression became serious, and Xia Zhi also looked at her. The shadow of Amamiya Jasmine, whom I had not seen before, came to me: "Let's do some preparatory activities first. Like this, you can relax yourself and your expression will become softer. This is the most basic preparation."

Natsuki and Itsuka looked at Amamiya Hiyo who was rubbing against Amamiya Rise's face with expressionless faces. They both felt that the glimmer of hope they had in this person was too stupid.Amamiya Rise shyly pushed her sister away, pretending to be angry and said: "If my sister makes trouble again, go back quickly! This is a very important matter, don't disturb me."

Amamiya Hiyo was stunned for a moment, and then put a smile on his face: "I thought you wouldn't do such a thing proactively, Riyo, maybe you just agreed to such a thing half-heartedly. .I didn’t expect you to be so proactive this time, sister is very pleased.”

Xia Zhi turned his head to the other side.

"In this case, my sister should be more serious." Amamiya Hiyo took a step back, dragging his chin and looking at his sister up and down: "Although there are many ways, but considering the remaining time now , you still have to seize the time, so, Rishi, please try to sing it completely once. I heard that you showed off your talents in school last year, but my sister didn’t see it, and she didn’t even hear about it. Having said that, I only found out about it later by coincidence when I overheard other people talking about it.”

"Ah... then, that is..." Amamiya Rise wrung her fingers and thought for a while, but decided not to say what was in her heart for the time being, and nodded: "Okay."

Amamiya Rise cleared her throat, put her hands on her chest, opened her mouth slightly and was about to make a sound. One second, two seconds...Xia Zhi didn't hear any sound.After picking out his ears, Natsuki wondered if he was deaf, and then heard Amamiya Hiyo's "What's wrong?" This at least proved that there was nothing wrong with his ears.

Natsuki looked at Amamiya Rise and found that she was looking at her sister blankly. Natsuki also turned to look at her. I don’t know when it was, but Amamiya Rise had already set up her mobile phone and pointed it at her. Sister, that look was either taking pictures or videotaping, and Xia Zhi felt that videotaping was more likely.

"I am here to obtain detailed facial expression data and analyze it, so that I can find the most suitable method to analyze the world. Isn't studying video one of the most commonly used research methods?" She explained a little, but the three people present Everyone knows that her purpose is definitely not here.

"Okay, okay, the girl control part is here first, now there are more important things to do." Itsuka took the mobile phone from Amamiya Hiyo's hand, put it in his pocket, and threw it towards Rise He gave me a "don't worry" look.

"Wait, wait a minute! This is robbery! At least, at least let me take a picture!"

Itsuka stopped her, Rise calmed down her mood, took a deep breath and sang softly.The lyrics were the same as the song Xia Zhi heard when he first met Rise, but compared to that time, something seemed to have undergone some subtle changes.

(End of this chapter)

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