Chiba Salted Fish Legend

Chapter 1050 It’s definitely no problem

Chapter 1050 It’s definitely no problem
Because of Amamiya Hiyo's help, although most of the time she just expressed her preference for Amamiya Hiyo's cuteness and excellence, as a professional, she did come up with some feasible methods, although it took a lot of summer work. Natsuki didn't quite understand words like "such and such", but Natsuki could still feel that Amamiya Rise's acting ability had improved a little (probably).

Also a little dazed was standing next to Natsuki, waiting for Amamiya Rise to clap and praise every time he successfully completed a stage of progress, encouraging the robot Ituka En.

"For now, this should be the feeling. Although there are some other areas that can be made up for, it may not be possible to take care of them all at the moment. It should be pretty good as it is now." Amamiya Hiyo nodded.

"But, I don't think there is any special change..." Amamiya Riyo tilted his head.

"Don't underestimate this small change. The so-called huge changes are accumulated from a small change. It is unrealistic to overcome suffering in one step and then become another person." Amamiya Fei Shi rubbed his younger sister's hair: "Besides, even if I told Li Shi to learn to dance now, you wouldn't want to, would you?"

"Hehe..." Rise Amamiya shyly scratched her cheek with her finger: "But I feel a little more confident, thanks to senior and Xiao Yuan."

Amamiya Hiyo:? ? ? ? ?
"It's nothing, Xia Zhi and I didn't help much, we were just watching from here." Even Wuhe waved his hands a little sheepishly, after all, she and Xia Zhi were really just watching. , I am still a little better than Xia Zhi, clapping more times, but that's all.There was no room for the two of them to interrupt during practice, so how could this help?

"As for my sister, of course I am very grateful to her. However, if it weren't for senior and Xiaoyuan, I probably wouldn't have made up my mind to do this... Especially senior, thank you for forcing me to participate in this plan."

Xia Zhi felt the sight that could kill and the sound of bones cracking.He coughed lightly and said, "It was an invitation, an invitation, not a force. Although we have a good relationship, using words indiscriminately can lead to misunderstandings. Moreover, we are still preparing. The real victory or defeat will be left for tomorrow. Letting down your vigilance can lead to misunderstandings." No."

"I know, but I'm looking forward to it a little bit... It should go well tomorrow."

"It will definitely go well. Maybe it will become the club with the largest number of people in the school." Itsuka walked up and joked with Rise, while Sister Amamiya secretly moved next to Natsuki, squinting her eyes and speaking in a low voice A cold voice whispered: "Senior, can you come over and say a word?"

Xia Zhi calmly moved two steps towards Li Shi and walked into her sight, so that his life could be guaranteed for the time being.

"There is still a lot of time. Take the time to practice a little more. Find the remaining problems now, and you will be foolproof tomorrow."

"But you don't have to practice too many times. After all, practicing will also wear down your condition for the next day to some extent. It's an idol's job to feel it for a while, then go back to rest and be in good condition for the next performance." Amamiya Fei Shi put one hand on her hip, and she didn't feel the temperament that an idol should have on her body at all.

In a sense, Amamiya Hiyo's ability to play his role well is proof of his strength.

After a short rest, the practice started again. This time, Xia Zhi and Wu He still couldn't get a word in, but seeing Rishi's excited expression, even the two of them who were just watching from the side became a little nervous.Although imagining another possibility at this time would be a bit of a splash of cold water, Rise's excitement made Natsuki feel a little uneasy.

If anything happens...

Xia Zhi hurriedly shook his head, throwing this curse out of his mind.This kind of thing will not happen to Rishi. If you want to ask why, although there are various methods, a kind-hearted child like Rishi will definitely be rewarded.It can be concluded from this that Li Shi will definitely succeed, eh.

Xia Zhi took a sip, then stood with Wuhe as the background.Rise sings a short section first, and then Amamiya Hiyo gives advice and repeats the practice.This kind of practice lasted until 05:30 in the afternoon. There were also many action suggestions full of Amamiya Hiyo's personal desires. Most of them were seen through and rejected by Riyo. My heart was broken further.

"Huh, it's really hard work." Amamiya Hishi wiped the sweat that didn't exist on his sister's forehead, and Amamiya Rise put on a puzzled look: "Huh? Is it going to end? But I didn't feel it at all. Practicing..."

"Yeah, it's over. As the saying goes, when you invest to a certain extent, you won't care about the surrounding situation. You are such a focused child, Riyo, so you should be more confident." Amamiya Hiyo doesn't care about practice at all. As a result, she was interested in the opportunity to have sex with her sister later during practice.For her, the success of the Rishi Society is almost inevitable.

"Is this considered to be ready? I always feel that there is surprisingly little preparation work for this plan like a big battle." Wuhe hugged his arm and said, "But it's good to be simple, just go straight to the point Better."

"It's quite your style, but I think it should be because Lishi has a good foundation, so the practice can go so smoothly. Besides, Wuhe, you happen to be the discipline committee member, so it's really helpful. Declare Were you the one who did all the work in the club? As the proposer, I seem to be embarrassed, but a good result is better than anything else."

It is also difficult to be a good gangster. Xia Zhi has the essence of a gangster. Even if he cannot help, he will never cause trouble.

"You have to work hard tomorrow." Rishi shook hands into fists.

"It's definitely no problem. I will go back and take a shower with my sister today. My sister will tell you how idols usually relax their bodies. It is said that if you do this, you can increase your success rate by 30.00% to [-]% no matter what you do."

This number was so accurate that it felt like she had really calculated it, but Xia Zhi felt that it was probably just her tricking her sister into taking a shower together.One thing to say is that this creature is really scary. When you go to the hospital, doctors will say things like "It's hopeless and you're waiting to die" to minimize the existence of this creature.

As expected of Chiba, Xia Zhi shook his head.

Fortunately, I am not a girl-controller.

 I really want to take leave tomorrow
(End of this chapter)

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