Chiba Salted Fish Legend

Chapter 1154 It’s time to get up and exercise

Chapter 1154 It’s time to get up and exercise
"Then Xia Zhi, please tell Mengmeng first. We will pick her up together tomorrow morning. I will send Xiao Lihua and Xiao Liangzi back." Tachibana Aya jumped up and walked towards the entrance. Xia Zhi looked at the sofa lying on the bed. Xiaoxi stood there and was about to hand it over to her when Tachibana Aya seemed to sense something and quickly disappeared from the entrance.

Xia Zhi knew that he was doomed tonight, so he scratched his head and ignored it.After all, it is not something that can be said in front of Yamamoto Ryoko.Baishi Lihua glanced at Xiaoxi, thoughtfully.

"Anyway, I'll see you tomorrow!"



After saying goodbye to them, the three girls left. Xia Zhi carried the chubby little Xi over, inserted its front legs, and shook it: "You must exercise well tomorrow, otherwise you will not look good if you gain weight. .”

"Meow~" Xiao Xi's head drooped, as if she wasn't very happy.But Xiao Xi will definitely not be as cute as she is now after she gains weight, so it is still necessary to exercise.

Xia Zhi put Xiao Xi on the sofa next to her, picked up her cell phone, and called Xia Meng.After dialing the phone for a while, the call was connected, and Xia Meng's voice, which had no ups and downs in tone, came through the phone.

"What's wrong? If you suddenly find out that you have won the lottery, you should first consider the feelings of Sister Shiraishi and Sister Tachibana."

"Won the prize? What prize did you win?" Xia Zhi didn't react. Xia Meng sighed: "Forget it, sometimes I really don't know whether you are really stupid or pretending to be stupid, but it doesn't matter. So, why don't you call me so late? What's the purpose of the call? If it's nothing important, I'll be there around ten o'clock tomorrow morning, and we'll just talk about it then."

"Ah, mainly I want to tell you that Lihua, Cai, I, and I will pick you up at the airport tomorrow morning, so remember to give me a call when you get there..."

"Obviously there is no need to go to such trouble." Xia Meng sighed: "But since you are coming to pick me up, I won't call a taxi. By the way, have you finished the moving?"

"Ah?...Ah!" Xia Zhi screamed in surprise. Xia Meng on the other side of the phone had a headache when he heard the voice: "Okay, okay...forget it, it's the same thing with finding a moving company to come and help tomorrow afternoon." You should help me put in the equipment for my experiment, right? Although it’s not very expensive, it’s still quite troublesome to order..."

"I'll let Cai Fang pass that. It should be no problem... it should be."

"I really hope you can show some confidence. Is there anything else?"

"Um..." Although Xia Meng seemed to have already arranged tomorrow's itinerary, Xia Zhi decided to ask first: "We originally planned to go out for fun tomorrow, so I wanted to ask you if there is any place you want to go... In addition, our school has a study trip the day after tomorrow, that is next Monday, I should have told you about this. Do you want to go together? "

"So that's it... Well, it shouldn't take long to arrange a moving company. I should be able to go play for a while after lunch. But I'm going on a school trip the day after tomorrow. I don't think it will consume a lot of energy. The place is better. If you want to go, just go to the cinema. As for the school trip..." Xia Meng was silent for a moment: "If it's convenient, I'll go with you. Just treat it as a rest."

"Are you tired when you go back this time?" Xia Meng is not the kind of girl who easily expresses her tiredness. Her method of relieving fatigue is somewhat similar to Shiraishi Lihua's, which is to read a book.If it's just normal fatigue, you'll be fine if you take a nap or read a book. Only in rare cases will you choose to travel.

Of course, in the past, most of the parents wanted to go on a trip, but they were worried about Xia Zhi and Xia Meng, so they had to drag them along, and Xia Meng would take the opportunity to rest in other ways.

"Huh... I'm not tired at all. It's just that it takes more effort to talk to idiots. It's really irritating to have to explain to them word for word something that is already very simple and easy to understand. Sometimes, people get old. It can’t be regarded as a symbol of wisdom, it can only be said that as people age, Alzheimer’s disease also comes with it.”

Xia Zhi wiped the cold sweat from his head.

Occasionally, Xia Meng would behave like this with a venomous tongue, but it usually happened when she was so angry that she couldn't speak.

"Anyway, anyway, what is past is past. How are your parents? Are you okay with your health?"

"Both are in good physical condition, but they have been too relaxed during this period, and both of them seem to have gained some weight. I am wondering if I should arrange something for them to do so that they will not be so wasteful... By the way, if I If the calculation is correct, today should be the day when you will get your test results, right? How about the specific situation, I will check it tomorrow. By the way, I should also explain it to my parents, so that they will not talk about you all day long. "

"Ah ha ha ha..." Xia Zhi scratched his head.

"Basically, that's all there is to say, right? We'll discuss the specific issues when I arrive tomorrow. I will confirm with the other party about the decoration issue later. If you are really not ready, you can only wait a little longer. It's been a while. But the time is actually just right. When I get back from my school trip, I should be ready no matter how slow it is."

"Okay. Then I'll see you tomorrow morning."

"Well, I've been soaking for a long time, it's time to go out."

The sound of water came from the other side of the phone to Xia Zhi's ears.

"Mengmeng, you are playing with your mobile phone in the bathroom again... This is very dangerous."

"This habit of yours is very bad. You need to change it." Xia Meng did not answer Xia Zhi's question and hung up the phone directly.Xia Zhi looked at the screen of his phone, blinked, then put the phone aside and lay down on the sofa.

Just about to get comfortable for a while, I suddenly remembered that I also ate a lot today, and if I kept this posture of fattening, I can imagine the fate.So Xia Zhi stood up again, and turned his attention to Xiao Xi who was lying on the sofa and refused to move.

"It's time to get up and exercise." Xia Zhi picked up Xiaoxi, then put it on the ground with a confused look on its face, and started walking around the sofa in the living room: "There is a saying that takes a walk after cooking. When you get to 99, take a walk after eating to eliminate food. It’s very beneficial. Don’t be lazy and come and exercise with me.”

"Meow..." Xiao Xi called out weakly, then lay on the ground and refused to move.

"If you gain weight, you won't look good. And it will be troublesome to climb up your shoulders in the future."

Xiao Xi stood up after hearing what Xia Zhi said, and then reluctantly followed Xia Zhi for a walk around the living room.

(End of this chapter)

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