Chiba Salted Fish Legend

Chapter 1155 Change of Clothes

Chapter 1155 Change of Clothes

The screen turned to this side, Tachibana Aya was driving a car on the road, the dial was swimming on the edge of speeding, and the car music catchers Shiraishi Rika and Yamamoto Ryoko could almost sing.Occasionally, Tachibana Aya would turn around and talk to Yamamoto Ryoko. She would even get excited, take her hands off the keyboard, and take her hands off the steering wheel to gesture to the two girls. Yamamoto Ryoko still remembers these things.

She was very grateful to Lihua Baishi, who was the most capable of punishing Sister Lihua, on the co-pilot. Whenever Sister Lihua got excited, or when her hands left the steering wheel, she would silently remind her.

"Do you want to eat tomorrow?"

Then Sister Tachibana would calm down quickly, hold on to the steering wheel, and be as cautious as a novice driver.Ryoko Yamamoto calls the experts straight.

But this method can only be used by Natsuki and Shiraishi Rika. If it were anyone else, Tachibana-san wouldn't even want to deal with you.

"I ate so much today... I have to go to bed later tonight, otherwise it will be over if I just let the calories settle." Ryoko Yamamoto looked sad.

"If you are worried about this, you might as well get up early in the morning and go for a run. Or control your food intake when you eat, so that you can never solve the problem." Shiraishi Lihua suggested to Ryoko Yamamoto, but found Ryoko Yamamoto's sight Gradually floating towards Tachibana Aya, Shiraishi Rika was almost speechless.

Tachibana Aya is indeed like a miracle. She eats so much spicy food every day and does so little exercise every day, but she just doesn't gain weight, or in other words, she doesn't gain weight to the extent that she can feel it. She makes a circle of girls envious. .There are many Shiraishi Rika, but she is also very envious of such a physique. However, Shiraishi Reika's self-disciplined life for many years makes her desire for this kind of physique not so strong.

"Keep exercising." Aya Tachibana said, and the corners of Yamamoto Ryoko's eyes twitched: "Sister Tachibana, you are not convincing at all!"

"Don't think that I'm really the type who doesn't get fat at all. In fact, I also exercise. For example, I went to exercise last Saturday night and sweated a lot. I feel that the calories accumulated in a week will be enough Consume it all."

"Cough! Cough cough cough..." Rika Shiraishi, who was sitting in the front seat, started coughing after hearing Tachibana Aya's words and couldn't stop herself.He blocked his face so that Ryoko Yamamoto in the back seat could not see his red cheeks.

"Same goes for Xiao Lihua, but she doesn't eat much at ordinary times, so she probably doesn't sweat too much when exercising, right? What kind of person are you, Lihua?" Aya Tachibana tilted her head, with an "innocent" look on her face Looking at Shiraishi Rika.

For the first time in her life, Rika Shiraishi wanted to punch someone in the face.

"Liar! If you don't consume calories as soon as they are accumulated, they will definitely turn into fat! How can you wait until the weekend to consume them again!" Ryoko Yamamoto did not notice anything unusual, and her face was full of disbelief. .

"This is very different from the method of exercise. You see, the exercise effects of cycling, running, skipping, and swimming are different. Find time to exercise on weekends when you don't have to go to class. Although if you want to lose weight, It's a little bit reluctant, but it still helps to maintain my figure."

"...Really?" Ryoko Yamamoto seemed to believe it.

"Of course it's true. If you don't believe me, look at me. Let me touch it!...Hey! Ah! Wait, wait! I'm talking about the waist! It's the waist!"

The black luxury car swerved left and right on the road, then straightened out.

Yamamoto Ryoko held her hands, frowned and thought: "Am I going for a run on weekend nights? Is it really useful?"

"I've come forward to speak out, Xiao Liangzi, you have to believe me." Tachibana blushed and nodded.

"...Okay, I'll give it a try." Ryoko Yamamoto nodded: "Ah, I'm here, I'll get off the car here."

"Remember to exercise~" Tachibana stopped the car, waved to Ryoko Yamamoto, watched her drive slowly towards Shiraishi Lihua's house after returning home.

"...Tachibana-sister, are too bad." Shiraishi Rika, who had endured it for a long time in the car, still couldn't hold it back and glared at her.Tachibana Aya chuckled: "What does it matter? What I said is also true. I heard that if you want to lose weight, you just need to find the right posture. Xia Zhi is not that proactive, so what I said is not true. Wrong, eh."

"Bah!" Shiraishi Lihua exclaimed and turned her head.

"However, Mengmeng is coming back tomorrow, can you catch up with Xiao Lihua?"

"Don't ask me such questions!"

"Well..." Tachibana Aya held her chin and began to think: "There will always be a way. Oh, it's already here. See you tomorrow, Lihua~"

Tachibana waved at Baishi Lihua, quietly waiting for her to get off the car and go back to enjoy the happy weight loss time, but Baishi Lihua sat in the co-pilot, not moving, thinking about something.

Tachibana Aya waved her hand in front of Shiraishi Reika: "What's wrong? Why are you so dazed?"

"...Sister Lihua, wait for me."


Before Tachibana Aya could understand what she meant, Shiraishi Rika unbuckled her seat belt and got out of the car. Tachibana Aya sat in the car and watched Shiraishi Rika take out the keys and return home.

The outside of Baishi Lihua's house was quiet, even the music in the car was stopped due to temporary parking.Li Huacai was wondering if she had heard it wrong, and when she was about to call Bai Shi Lihua to ask about the situation, she saw Bai Shi Lihua changed her clothes, walked over with a box in her arms.

Li Huacai blinked and became happy: "Is this a supper for me? Just put it on the seat."

Then Tachibana Aya watched Shiraishi Rika holding the box, sitting in the passenger seat, and fastening her seat belt again.His face was so red that it could bleed when pinched, and he sat there without saying a word.

Tachibana Aya was stunned for a while, her mouth suddenly opened up, and her eyes almost popped out.

"Wait, wait... No, Xiao Lihua, I remember your parents are back, right?"

"...I told my mother...she said...she"

Bai Shi Lihua's head was almost buried in the box.

Tachibana Ayato was dumbfounded.

"...Really? Then, what is in this box?"

"...a change of clothes..."

Tachibana Aya sat in the driver's seat with her head in her hands.

Half an hour later, Xia Zhi, who felt a little tired from walking with Xiaoxi, was sitting on the sofa resting. When he heard the sound of the key opening the door, his heart skipped a beat, and he shrank back to the side of the sofa, forcing himself to be mentally prepared.

But when he saw Aya Tachibana and Rika Shiraishi at the same time, a nuclear bomb was dropped on his spiritual world.

(End of this chapter)

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