Chapter 261

What date is it today?Xia Zhi tried hard to remember, but couldn't remember it.But it wasn't something that he had to remember, so Xia Zhi chose to take a look at his phone, ah... It was already December 28th, time flew by so fast.Xia Zhi didn't have such an obvious feeling of time transition.

This is the difference between living a day like a year and living a year like a day.

But the flow of time will not change because of one person's sigh. This is an established fact and there is nothing wrong with it.The time has indeed arrived on December 28th, and it is still past [-] noon.Of course I was awake thinking about these boring things, but someone who should have gotten up long ago to read was still asleep in his room.

Xia Zhi is sure that she must have stayed up late playing with her mobile phone at night!
Definitely talk to her nicely when you wake her up later.

But for now, it's better to prepare lunch by yourself.After all, I just play this role, I have no choice, and there is no need to choose again.

Surprisingly, Xia Meng woke up before Xia Zhi finished making lunch, although she still looked sleepy.He watched her walk towards the bathroom with a little worry, and seemed to become much more awake after a few minutes.Maybe I used to like to stay up late, so I had such a worrying look.

Xia Meng didn't change her clothes, she was still wearing her pajamas. She was sitting on a small stool in the kitchen, playing with her phone listlessly, and said to Xia Zhi who was doing the finishing work: "My parents are here at noon today." Won’t come back for dinner.”

"Huh? When did you say that?"

"Just now. There should be a message on your phone, but you don't seem to have seen it."

Xia Zhi's cell phone was thrown in the room by himself. He didn't want to be disturbed by other things while cooking, especially the interesting notifications that stood out from the large amount of junk messages. To be honest, there were some things that he couldn't stop reading.When Xia Zhi was cooking, he either silenced his cell phone or threw it in the bedroom.

"That's probably because I didn't see it... In this case, the rice will be overcooked."

Neither he nor his sister eat much, or Xia Zhi's family doesn't eat much. On average, one person can eat a bowl and a half. Xia Meng basically eats just one bowl.If there is a large amount of rice left, it will be a little troublesome, not only in terms of storage, but it will also affect the next meal.

It was easier for Xia Zhi to deal with it when he was alone. If there wasn't much left, he would finish it by himself. If there was a lot left, he would save it for the next meal and add whatever he wanted to make fried rice.But the amount left is a bit impressive. It’s not enough to make two bowls of fried rice, not to mention that the next meal is dinner for the whole family...

Eat slowly and forget it when you're done.

Every festive season puts on three catties, even though the festive season hasn't started yet, but Xia Zhi himself originally went home with the idea of ​​celebrating the new year early, so he doesn't have to worry too much about this little thing.

Xia Zhi put the food on the small table while preaching to Xia Meng, who was in poor spirits.

"You can't do this. Did you stay up very late last night without sleeping?"

"I just can't stop reading the novel, don't worry."

"That's why I'm worried. You still look like you're awake, and the light is not good at night. Staring at your phone can easily damage your eyes."

"That being said, haven't you often been like this before? You didn't tell me my position in this regard."

"It's just because I was like this before that I should speak to you more. Even when giving legal lectures in some places, criminals are invited to come and give their own testimony. This makes it more credible."

"No. In my opinion, this has no credibility at all..."

Xia Meng said lazily, then lowered his head and fiddled with his phone, as if he was not ready to reflect on his behavior.Xia Zhi has no good solution, his own words are basically useless to Xia Meng, and if he continues to speak, he will probably only be regarded as an annoying tirade and be hated.

Doing useless work while getting disliked by the other party, this deal is too uneconomical, and Xia Zhi doesn't really want to do it.

Xia Meng put down her phone and looked at the half bowl of rice in her bowl, feeling a little confused.

"...Did you deduct my rations?"

"You've had breakfast and haven't done much activity. Eat less at noon, rest for a while and then go to bed. Eating too much can easily make you fat."

"It doesn't seem to be my illusion. I always feel that in your opinion, I really want to be a particularly weak person who needs care and protection?"

Xia Meng felt something keenly, and Xia Zhi was not ready to deny it.

"Because you never take good care of yourself, that's why I bother you like this. Although you are very smart, your current lifestyle is hardly healthy."

Today's dish didn't have anything complicated. It was basically just vegetable soup and two home-cooked dishes. It was too greasy and would be troublesome to sit down, and Xia Meng was not prepared to eat it.Xia Zhi picked at the plate, just like his parents when eating with him, picking out and eating the parts of the dish that didn't look very well done. Xia Zhi entered the stage of life of worried parents ahead of time.

Xia Meng didn't continue talking. At least he seemed to finish his lunch honestly and ran to the living room.Xia Zhi sat at the dining table and ate alone, tasting his own results. The taste was okay, but because there was no meat, it was not very filling. Xia Zhi slowly filled this part with the extra rice. on.It was a bit full at the end of the meal.

After packing up his things, Xia Zhi walked to the living room. Master Xia Meng had already fallen asleep on the sofa, covered with a thin quilt.When sleeping on the bed, because the space was relatively large, the traces of Xia Meng's tossing were not very obvious, but her sleeping appearance was definitely not that good, and part of the quilt, which was not thick in the first place, was pulled open.

If she continued to sleep like this, she would definitely have a cold.There was no need to wake her up, and Xia Zhi didn't want to disturb her rest. He supported his body and covered her body with the quilt that Xia Meng had pulled away. Feeling that it wasn't enough, Xia Zhi walked out of his room again. A thin spread was brought over from the bed and covered with her.

Compared with my mother, she must be more or less troubled by her situation... This kind of work and rest habit will most likely cause problems if no one takes care of her. There is no way for people to safely leave her to themselves. Places that cannot be reached.

But what to do next?Xia Zhi stood in the living room and thought.This is something he has been thinking about every day since returning home, and so far he has not found a suitable and effective solution.

Although Xia Meng can play computer games while Xia Meng is sleeping, Xia Zhi is not in such a mood now.Watching TV is also impossible, it may disturb Xia Meng to sleep.When it comes to playing with mobile phones, Xia Zhi also lacks interest in it. His goodwill for mobile games has been successfully stripped away by Li Huacai, leaving only a little residue.

This was the countless time he had been in a situation with nothing to do. Xia Zhi also sat down next to Xia Meng, folded his arms, and was about to close his eyes and sleep for a while.It was already noon, and Xia Zhi was wearing clothes that could allow him to walk out of the house. He was not very afraid of the cold.And if you get too close, you might get annoyed, so I might as well forget it.

It's so quiet... There is no sound of wind, people, or cars. The closed doors and windows not only isolate the cold wind, but also isolate the sounds from outside.After closing his eyes, it even felt like his senses had been stripped away. Xia Zhi couldn't calm down and sleep.

I just closed my eyes and waited for the sleepiness that I didn't know when I would be rewarded to hit me.Counting sheep is not a good idea. This kind of self-hypnosis with repeated homophones from English words has little effect in a Chinese environment and cannot achieve the desired effect.

Sleepiness didn't come for a long time, Xia Zhi quietly leaned on the sofa and waited.There was a slight change, brought about by the trivial sounds next to him. Xia Zhi felt that there was suddenly an extra layer of something on his body. Xia Zhi could feel what it was even without opening his eyes.

Xia Meng didn't know when she woke up, or rather she hadn't fallen asleep from the beginning.No matter what, he seemed to be taken care of by the other party.

Xia Zhi opened his eyes and turned around to take a look. He was covered with a thin stall, but Xia Meng still had his eyes closed.

"It would be better for you to sleep a little longer."

"I want you to manage."

After responding unceremoniously, Xia Meng became silent.Xia Zhi saw that Xia Meng was still covered with a quilt, so he had no intention of covering the stall back up.It's troublesome.

The so-called human is really a very strange creature.A moment ago, I felt empty and unable to sleep, but at this moment, I can safely be enveloped by my thoughts in such an environment.Xia Zhi wanted to lie down on the sofa and sleep. It was more comfortable, but it was also awkward, so he gave up.

How long has it been since I spent the noon time so lazily?Xia Zhi couldn't remember, but it must have been no less than a year, maybe two years. He was not a person who liked lunch breaks. The so-called students were a group of people who were particularly short of time resources and wanted to do things other than study. , You must try your best to squeeze them out from the place where you can squeeze the time.

It doesn't feel bad to have nothing to do, and it doesn't feel bad to be able to be as lazy as you want.But this thought must be the thing that my sister hates the most. Although she looks lazy, she is unexpectedly efficient in unexpected places.

But there is no way.

"...Who told me, your brother, to be just a passerby with no characteristics at all?"

She seemed to have heard this.Xia Meng pulled off the quilt that was just covering Xia Zhi's body as a reaction, but fortunately, the sleepiness that came up did not leave together.Xia Zhi closed his eyes and fell asleep.

(End of this chapter)

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