Chapter 262

Living a similar life every day, Xia Zhi's sense of time gradually became thinner. For him, there were only 24 hours in every day. If it weren't for this call from far away, he wouldn't have known it. Today is already the 31st.Yes, in this case, when I am on a long vacation, I only know what time it is, but I don’t know what day it is.

Xia Zhi entered such a wonderful state during these repeated days. Therefore, when the call from Tachibana Aya was answered and he heard the words "Happy New Year", Xia Zhi was stunned on the spot and deliberately started from himself. I walked out of the room and looked at the calendar, OK, December 31st.

Moreover, it is still 06:30 in the morning, and Xia Zhi is buying ingredients for breakfast.I've been spending my mornings like this recently. Although I got up very early, I still had something to do in the morning, so I was happy with it.However, it was only 07:30 in Japan at this time. For someone like Tachibana Aya, the time to wake up was really too early.

...As for the so-called Happy New Year, it is even more nonsense.At this time, Japan is at least twelve and a half hours away from [-]. It can be inferred from this...

"You guys, did you fall asleep so early in the morning?"

Xia Zhi said while selecting ingredients at the stall. Of course she was not talking to Tachibana Aya in Chinese. The aunt who set up the stall looked like she had seen a ghost, which made Xia Zhi feel uncomfortable, so she just picked and paid. left.

"Huh? Isn't it?"

"It's a ghost. It's only December 31st, and it's still six o'clock in the morning... No, it should be 07:30 at your place. There's still half a day before the next year. Did you eat me?"

"That's too much. What's wrong with celebrating a grand festival in advance? Everyone in Japan is already preparing for the New Year."

Xia Zhi got angry when he heard this.As a man who lives in the cracks, he doesn't want to think about the New Year.In China, turning over the New Year is not considered celebrating the New Year. This should be understood clearly.

"Then, is there anything else? If not, I will hang up. Cross-border phone calls are very expensive..."

This guy obviously has a communication method that can perfectly replace the phone, but she just doesn't use it. If she uses chat software, even if she chats for a day, it will probably not exceed ten yuan of life coins. This phone call will probably cost more than ten yuan in a short time. It was 20 yuan, and Xia Zhi felt that he couldn't bear it.

His intentions were so sinister that Xia Zhi had to guard against it.

"Oh, actually it's nothing. I just wanted to ask you when you will come back. I miss my kotatsu."

"That's mine. I bought it."

"It doesn't matter, it's all the same."

"What's the same?"

Sometimes it is not so easy to understand, and it is indeed the characteristic of Tachibana Aya.

Xia Zhi did the math. If today was already December 31st, then half of his rest time at home would have passed. If he also counted the time spent in cars and planes... At home... Only four days to stay.Xia Zhi suddenly became melancholy.

"If today is the 31st, then it's Monday, right? Then I should leave this Saturday. If I arrive on Sunday, I can also clean up... There seems to be a lot to do."

With a little calculation, you can get an idea. It was probably noon when I went to my own apartment in Chiba. I needed to do cleaning and food shopping. I also had to borrow one month's rent from the store manager, because the rent was not available. It's not expensive, so it's easy to pay it back, but there's no way to delay it, because it's part of the bargain in exchange for cheaper rent.

Coupled with some other things, I might have to fill up the whole day in the past day.I hope the weather in Chiba is not bad, at least it won't rain, otherwise Xia Zhi doesn't know if he can endure the bed and quilt that haven't been used for half a month and are probably covered with dust.

"This weekend? When? Do you want me to pick you up?"

"No, don't come here."

"...Why do I feel like you dislike me?"

Because I just disliked it, Xia Zhi didn't say this.A weekend that is already busy enough would be disastrous if another Tachibana color event was added to the mix.

"Okay, if there is nothing else, I will hang up." Xia Zhi was deeply worried about the cost of international long-distance calls. It has been nearly a few minutes since he first connected the phone. The cost of long-distance calls is Six seconds is calculated, and although the call charges will vary depending on the operator, if domestic long distance is [-] cents per bill, then international long distance will definitely be ten times as much.Xia Zhi didn't dare to calculate how much money he had lost in just these few minutes.

"What a heartless man. I finally thought about calling you and you still want to hang up on me."

"As I said, international long distance is very expensive. In just these few minutes, I have lost dozens of dollars... If converted into Japanese yen, it would be five or six hundred yen. Please be considerate of the poor people who have no money."

A phone call that lasted only a few minutes cost a quarter of a day's salary. The phone call was too expensive, and Xia Zhi didn't dare to make it.

"...Isn't this very cheap?"

"You're so cheap! I'm dead."

Before Tachibana Aya could say the next sentence, Xia Zhi hung up the phone.I looked at the call time, which was three minutes and 25 seconds. If calculated at seven yuan per minute... that would be about 25 yuan.Xia Zhi felt so heartbroken that her teeth ached.

Although this was just news that Tachibana Aya suddenly had a problem with her brain, half of her short half-month vacation had indeed passed.Thinking about what I have done since arriving home...

"Isn't this basically the same as doing nothing?" Xia Zhi sighed.

So far, Xia Zhi has not done anything special except cleaning twice out of boredom and providing breakfast and lunch for Xia Meng and herself.And even if these things are not done by oneself, there is no problem at all. In other words... Xia Zhi has no meaning to exist here at this moment.

Is there anything more frustrating than this?

Forget it, forget it, anyway, I didn't plan to do anything when I went home this time.Seeing that Xia Meng and her parents are in good health and nothing bad happens at home, she should feel happy.

The phone in my hand vibrated again. It was a text message from a person I had just spoken to: Read the message!It was a very simple sentence. Xia Zhi thought about it for a while but still didn't understand what she wanted to express.With the mentality of giving it a try, Xia Zhi opened the chat software that he had not opened for a long time because he was home for vacation. He did receive a lot of messages from there, and the largest number was because it was being updated frequently. At the top is the tachibanasai.

It is a social rule that when human beings choose their avatars, they will invariably use the heads of cats and dogs. Tachibana Aya's avatar was taken from a nearby photo of Xiao Xi's sleeping face.

For some well-known reasons, although the news from Tachibana Aya has been refreshing, Xia Zhi cannot accept it well... There are too many pictures. Compared with text, the speed and time of receiving pictures will be slower. It increased significantly, so Xia Zhi could only see countless pictures being read and explanatory text mixed in them.The teacher said that it is like reading a novel at the same time. You clearly know what she is talking about, but you have no idea what the specific content is.

Judging from the text, Tachibana Aya seems to have been to a lot of places and eaten a lot of delicious food in the past few days. And judging from the fact that she took the initiative to share so many pictures, she should be very happy herself.However, Xia Zhi couldn't see it at all.

Ah...that's too bad.

Although Xia Zhi disdains this kind of showing off, this kind of behavior that even shows off without letting you know the full content is even more irritating.Go buy some roasted mice online for her... maybe she will be very happy (laughs).

Putting the phone back into his pocket and letting it load on its own, Xia Zhi continued walking home.

After finishing Xia Meng's breakfast, maybe it's time to think about how to spend this period of time in a more meaningful way, which is already one of the few days of vacation.But Xia Zhi couldn't figure out what he should do all the way home.

Except for improving the breakfast food for Master Xia Meng, or cleaning the house, which was slightly meaningful, Xia Zhi felt that nothing he did was of great significance.After leaving home, Xia Meng will probably sleep until she wakes up naturally as before. If she gets up early, she goes out to buy breakfast, and if she gets up late, she just waits for lunch. The environment at home is not very easy to get dirty, and her parents clean it regularly. The effect is the same as that achieved by cleaning twice in a row for three or four days.

After Xia Zhi worked in vain for a few days, the biggest change in the past few days after returning home was that he could cook more rice for one person.Helpless, Xia Zhi became frustrated.But Xia Zhi, who has long been accustomed to this level of difficulties that are not even setbacks, will not change anything.

I slightly want to go ahead and go to Chiba.

Although I live alone, I do everything by myself, and I don’t even have time to rest when I’m a little busy. Recently, some people even cheated me of my rest time, but - it’s better than I'm so bored at home that I don't know what to do.

Xia Meng is very good. She doesn't need to worry at all except that she doesn't know how to take care of herself. And even this is supervised by her mother who is more experienced in this. Her future may be even more glorious than she can even imagine. Degree.My parents are also very healthy. Although they are busy now, this is proof that their work is going well. They don't need to worry and take care of themselves.

Although it's a little late to think about it now, but...

What on earth did I come back to do?
(End of this chapter)

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