Chapter 273

"Put this here...Put this here...This...what is this? Forget it, put it first."

Xia Zhi was picking and sorting in his room, arranging his suitcase.Most of the things that were originally put in the suitcase should be brought back intact. Except for the clothes that have been washed at home, other things have not been touched. This means that Xia Zhi went home this time to bring some trouble for himself. Pile of things that need to be brought back.

hateful!Why didn't I think at that time that spring would come as soon as winter was over? If spring comes, can summer be far behind?Although if we continue to think like this, the topic of preparations for seasonal changes will probably always be an unsolvable problem.

"You look very happy." Xia Meng walked in from the door with a piece of cake in her hand.

"I'm not happy, but I have a lot of regrets." Xia Zhi turned around and continued to arrange his clothes.The old clothes were put inside in order of thickness, and the new clothes were refolded and put in. Originally, new clothes needed to be washed, but now I don’t have enough time to wash them, so I still waited. It is better to wash it again in Japan.

The volume of clothes and sundries already exceeded the capacity of the suitcase. Xia Zhi pressed the clothes hard and closed the suitcase.Sure enough, it was great that the suitcase I bought was a soft suitcase. If it were a hard suitcase, I would either have to take out a third of the clothes in it, or buy a second suitcase. , both sides are troublesome enough.

But this time, the suitcase will definitely have to go through the check-in process.Together with the contents of another bag next to it, those are tea for Shiraishi Lihua, glasses for Tachibana, wine for the manager's house, and Chinese knots for others.There happened to be a lot of people selling this thing during the New Year, but the price was not much different than usual, so it was a bargain.

So should it be mailed or checked?It would be better to calculate the shipping and express delivery costs later.

Xia Meng sat directly on the bed and watched Xia Zhi organize things.Xia Zhi's eyes twitched: "Xiaomeng, I don't have any objection if you want to eat the cake, but don't eat it while sitting on the bed. If the crumbs fall out, it will be a bit troublesome to clean up."

"It's okay, I have experience."

It’s really an issue that cannot be ignored.After cleaning up later, Xia Zhi continued to organize his things.There are computers that have never been used after being brought home, and documents such as Japanese yen, student ID cards, and ID cards that are left at home must be carefully checked, otherwise if they are left at home, they will go to heaven.

"Is everything packed?"

"Is it almost done? After taking a shower at night, change into clean clothes and take the bus to the high-speed rail station tomorrow morning. When will we be able to get high-speed rail here? It's really troublesome to go out."

"We are in a mountainous area, and the cost of connecting to high-speed rail is too high. Moreover, there are already expressways leading to other sites outside where high-speed rail passes. The possibility of connecting to high-speed rail here is too low."

Xia Meng analyzed the situation rationally.

"I think it's better for people to have dreams..."

"Then when our country has so much money that we don't know what to do with it, we will have high-speed rail here."

"This limited level is too low. Forget it, you should be thankful for having a highway. You don't have to ask too much, you have to be content."

"What you said is inconsistent."

"...Then it's better to be content. Sometimes dreams may not come true in your lifetime."

"What a very negative statement. Don't you have any dreams?" Xia Menglie asked.

"Dream? No... But now, I really want to open my own coffee shop, so that should count? What about you, Xiaomeng? Have you decided to become a physicist or some other scientist? "

"Me? Let's be a politician first."

"...Huh?" Xia Zhi looked at Xia Meng in confusion: "You usually read so many books about scientific theories, but do you want to be a politician? Even a genius can't be so naive, right? "

"I just read books to remember some very important things. That is the basis for me to start over again after failure. As for becoming a politician, it is just because it is the closest to what I want to do at the moment, and it is also the easiest to do. It’s just a job.”

"Then Xiao Meng, why do you want to be a politician?"

"Why?" Xia Meng squinted: "Because I am quite dissatisfied with certain provisions of the law... As for which ones I am dissatisfied with, I won't tell you for now."

Xia Zhi broke into cold sweat.

"Hey! Xiaomeng, please stop talking nonsense!"

"I'm not talking nonsense. The law needs to keep pace with the times, and it is normal for it to change."

"That's what I said... You can't say such trivial things again in the future, you know? At least don't say it out loud. You're also not allowed to type it out on social networking sites or chat software!"

"That's so long-winded." Xia Meng clicked her tongue and said, "I understand."

"You are too careless."

Sometimes, people who are too talented can bring unexpected disasters.

Xia Zhi put the box on the bed on the ground, sat on it, and fell backwards two seconds later, lying on the bed.Soft, although the temperature of this room is lower than other rooms, the air conditioner in the living room is on and the door of my bedroom is also open, so this room is not very cold.

It's comfortable...although I have to go back to Chiba tomorrow.A little reluctant.

"You know very well, it's very comfortable to lie down like this." Xia Meng also lay down: "I don't know where the ventilation is in your room. It's a bit cold in winter, but it's quite comfortable in summer. That's it. It’s very comfortable to lie on the quilt like this, and you can feel the air flowing.”

"How do you say that you seem to know my room very well?" Xia Zhi smiled.

"Because I basically stayed in your bedroom these few months when you went to Japan."

Xia Zhi couldn't laugh anymore.

"If you open the curtains here, it's quite bright and it doesn't dazzle your eyes. It's well ventilated in summer and it's not too hot. I just come here to read."

"So you've been reading in my room these past few months?"

"Absolutely." Xia Meng said lazily, and then lay down very relaxedly: "You don't need it anyway."

"That's fine. Don't eat snacks in the room, especially on the bed. It will be very troublesome to clean."

"You are not allowed to eat in bed or on the sofa, so where can I eat snacks leisurely? You just ask too much. Relax and the world will become a better place."

"Don't relax..."

Then Xia Zhi thought about it carefully, it seemed that whether Xia Meng was relaxed or not, it seemed to make no difference.not right...

"You have to face life positively."

"I know, I know, take care of yourself." Xia Meng sat up again, stayed for two seconds and then stood up: "When did you start taking classes?"

"It'll be next Monday, and then spring break will start at the end of March. The spring break will be two weeks, and then I'll be a senior in high school."

"I know that. I checked it. In other words, the only long vacations over there are summer vacations that last for more than a month, right?"

"Well, so to speak."

"Okay, let's schedule it for the summer vacation for the time being. The summer vacation in Japan is from the end of July to the end of August, right? The summer vacation here is from the beginning of July to the end of August. There are quite a lot of overlaps... That's almost perfect."

Xia Meng muttered to herself, as if planning something, and walked out of Xia Zhi's room.Xia Zhi didn't know what she was thinking, and even if he knew, he probably couldn't help, so he closed his eyes and rested, waiting for lunch.I originally thought that nothing had been accomplished when I came back this time, but now that I think about it, I have accomplished something.

Dad is heartless, so don't worry. Mom likes to worry but there's nothing to do now. As for Xia Meng, it's not Xia Zhi's turn to worry about it. On the contrary, Xia Zhi may become the object of her worry. Of course , this is a hypothetical situation based on the current situation. In fact, you should not worry about it.

Can I also become an independent adult?Xia Zhi asked himself.

However, there is nothing to look forward to. Even if it fails, nothing will happen. In order to pave the way for a relatively bright future, Xia Menghui moved forward with "no worries" and compared what others have done. Enlightenment is fundamentally different.

If his growth would be to accept the established future honestly after failure, Xia Zhi felt that he might not resist too much.Although such a future is somewhat boring, it is very stable, peaceful, and trouble-free. This is almost completely consistent with my goal from the beginning to the end.The only difference is that this future is not created by oneself, but does this really matter?

So far, the path I want to take is still under my control. No matter whether I fail or succeed, it will be my own path. So, do you want to work harder?Can I really become such a person?Effort is the characteristic of serious people who challenge the world. Can you have such a thing?
I'm afraid I don't have such qualifications yet.Not knowing what to do, not knowing what to do next, doesn't matter.There is still time, although it is not a lot, but there is still time, it should be able to find out, right?What you can really do, what you want to do.

Lying on the bed, Xia Zhi heard a knock on the entrance door.

"Open the door! I forgot to bring the key!" Dong Dong Dong, Dong Dong Dong.

Xia Zhi sighed, laughed again, got up and went to the entrance to open the door for his father.

"Aren't you at work?"

"There's nothing going on at the company this afternoon, so I'll be back first."

"Isn't that right of you? Aren't you afraid of getting fired?"

"I'm the department manager! Who can fire me?" Dad said confidently.

"The department manager is not very tall can do whatever you want."

"Why don't you just let me in?"

Xia Zhi asked his father to come in.


"Dad is back."

Then Xia Zhi saw his mother hurriedly walking out of the kitchen.

"Why did you come back?"

"...The company will let me have a rest in the afternoon today."

"I didn't cook your meal."


"You didn't even say a word when you came back, so I only cooked for three people."


Xia Zhi hugged his belly and nestled in the corner, trying not to laugh out loud.

(End of this chapter)

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