Chiba Salted Fish Legend

Chapter 274 Afterword

Chapter 274 Afterword
The short story for the year was finally finished nearly a month after the New Year. I wonder if you are still satisfied~
I didn't plan to write anything in the short story, but after thinking about it, I thought it would be nice to just add some background to the story, and at the same time dig a hole and foreshadow the next volume.Exactly thirty chapters, so another month has passed before I knew it. Writing a novel is indeed very time-consuming. Fortunately, I don’t have any classes this semester, although I still have a lot to take exams.

In addition, I’m about to sign it, and I’m waiting for news, because I read the editor’s diary and said that a cover will be sent, and it may be recommended (I guess the probability of this book is very small)... Although using love to generate electricity is actually not bad, but this subject matter It’s really not easy to adjust, otherwise it will suddenly turn into a super power battle (laughs).

This story may take a long time to write, so please take care of me.

PS: There is no daily classification in the Two-dimensional classification at a certain point, which hurts me.

PSS: The outline of the next volume has been drawn up. Updates will not be interrupted, so let’s keep it up.

(End of this chapter)

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