Chapter 288

At about 09:30 in the evening, which was almost ten o'clock, Shiraishi Rika was staying in her room organizing the books on her desk. There were homework that needed to be completed and notes recorded in class. For the convenience of organization, it was also for Reviewing for the second time, she had the habit of writing down her notes into the computer.It's just that it's almost time to go to bed now, and the computer has already been turned off.

Although the process is almost the same as usual, today I am just repeating what I need to do every day in order to complete the task. This is something that I have become a habit of and cannot be given up so easily.

Even if you are just pretending, you must do what you need to do.

However, even Shiraishi Rika herself can no longer remember how long it has been since she was as lazy as she is now.

In other words, after encountering so many unpleasant things in such a short period of time, no one can continue to enjoy their original life as if nothing had happened, right?After all, the human heart is the human heart,

Although I am very distressed and don't know what to do, there are still things to do tomorrow, but I can't mess with the original plan because of something like this... Although this plan is just the same as usual.

Prepare in advance no matter what, and keep things in order so that when problems come, people will not be caught off guard and don't know what to do.To be honest, the problem this time has not exceeded expectations, and I still haven't figured out what to do, so in the end, Bai Shilihua decided not to change anything, let's continue like this.

Before he finished packing his things, the cell phone placed aside suddenly vibrated.

Telephone?Who could it be at this late hour?
But Shiraishi Rika knows better than anyone who will call her at this time.Although it is not very frequent, only Ryoko likes to call and chat at this time, but she can't chat for too long every time, because Shiraishi Rika will strictly abide by her schedule, even if it is something she cares about, the time is up. If we didn’t talk about playing, we’ll leave it until tomorrow.

After picking up the phone and confirming that the call was from Ryoko Yamamoto, Shiraishi Rika answered the call.

"Hey, this is Shiraishi Rika."

"Are you so serious? Then I'll come too... Hello, this is Ryoko Yamamoto. I have something to say to your Shiraishi-san at home. Could you please give her the phone?"

After hearing Yamamoto Ryoko's strange words, Shiraishi Rika couldn't help but chuckle.

"Okay, I'll hand the phone to her right now. Please wait a moment."

Because it was very interesting, Shiraishi Rika and Yamamoto Ryoko started playing like this.

"So, Yamamoto-san, what do you want to see me for?"

"Can't I call you if I have nothing to do? I just want to hear my lovely girlfriend's voice. I'm such a heartless person."

Shiraishi Rika was not good at dealing with such off-key words, so she wanted to change the pace of the topic to a situation she was familiar with.

"Okay, let's not say weird things for now. What's wrong with calling me so late?"

"It's nothing, I just want to hear my lovely girlfriend's voice."


"Oh, just kidding, just kidding." Ryoko Yamamoto's sneering voice came out from the phone. Even if it wasn't face-to-face, Shiraishi Lihua could feel Ryoko Yamamoto's too dazzling smile: "I'm actually I wanted to ask if you feel better now?"

"Does it feel good? I'm not sick."

"Your acting skills can only deceive people other than me, such as Xia Zhi."

Ryoko always seems to become very powerful in some inexplicable places.

"Why do you want to involve Xia Zhijun suddenly?"

"Sa, I don't know why." Yamamoto Ryoko stopped teasing her. Her purpose was very clear: "So, do you feel better?"


"Can you tell me what happened?"

Shiraishi Lihua said nothing.

"It doesn't matter if you don't say it. As long as you don't lie to me, it's a promise. It's good that you're fine now. Then I'll hang up. See you tomorrow."

"Wait a moment!"

Shiraishi Lihua stopped her. She thought that if she didn't make it clear now, she would probably regret it later.

"I want to discuss a few things."

"That's right!" Ryoko Yamamoto's voice sounded happy: "Just tell me, I will be on your side no matter what."

" father is going abroad because of work..."

It took a few minutes for Shiraishi Rika to give a brief but clear enough explanation, but what she got was Yamamoto Ryoko's word for word: "You! Say! What! What!?"

Shiraishi Rika vaguely heard the voice of the other party's mother loudly telling her not to yell.

"When? Have you decided to go? Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"Well, I just found out about it not long ago, and my mother told me to let me decide whether to go or not. My father said that going this time would be a good training opportunity, but I was a little hesitant... because if I go, I won't be back for at least half a year. I won’t come. And my mother will definitely be worried about me. I don’t know what to do.”

"So you've been worried about this?"

"Although it's a little different, it's almost the same."

Yamamoto Ryoko's sighing voice came through the mobile phone: "Because I have never encountered such a thing myself, it seems a bit difficult for me to help you this time. As for Lihua, she definitely doesn't want her parents to worry, right? And For the future, I think I might be able to gain a lot of useful knowledge this time. However, it will be very lonely. I don’t want to be separated from Lihua.”

"I haven't decided yet. Maybe it's because I'm too immature, so my parents are worried about me."

"I don't envy you living in such a big house now." Ryoko Yamamoto joked: "I feel so tired having to consider so many things all the time."

"But there will be a lot to gain, although I think you might not be interested Ryoko."

"I'd say it's fine. It would be nice if you could just eat and wait to die, but now is not an era where people who just wait to die can live leisurely."

"It's never been the case..."

"Don't answer so surely at this time, leave a little hope. However, although it will feel very lonely, if it is Lihua's decision, I will support you no matter what."

There are magical words that can make people feel at ease whenever they hear them.

"Thank you, Ryoko."

"You don't have to thank me...but what should Xia Zhi do? Although I think it's quite reassuring now. After all, he keeps saying that he doesn't want to fall in love or anything like that, but after all, he has such a powerful opponent. To be honest, I won’t be surprised when they have that kind of relationship.”

Tachibana-senpai?He is indeed an excellent and beautiful person...

"If that's really the case, then it can only be said that this is fate." He pretended to be relaxed, and there was a hint of giving up in his words.

"If you really want to go, remember to tell me in advance! I will help you keep an eye on Xia Zhi!"

"You can't cause trouble to Xia Zhijun."

Bai Shilihua smiled lightly.

"It's getting late, so I'll hang up now. See you at school tomorrow!"

"OK, good night."

"Good night."

After hanging up the phone, Ryoko Yamamoto had a stiff expression and a slightly strange smile on her face, which made it impossible to tell that she was smiling.

"Haha... Are you kidding me? If I let you go like this, I would die of loneliness."

Yamamoto Ryoko threw her phone on the bed, stood up, crossed her arms, and walked back and forth in her room.

"You want to go abroad for at least half a year? How can I allow this kind of thing? I don't care about the company or the future. I, Yamamoto Ryoko, absolutely want you to stay. But, what should we do?"

"A sure way to keep Lihua here..."

"Should I go out on my own? No, I just said such cool words as 'I will support you no matter what.' How can I be allowed to do it on my own? This is too embarrassing and I will never do it. Then, who will do it instead?..."

"Although the children in the class have relatively good relationships, it's not enough... not enough..."

Yamamoto Ryoko suddenly thought of someone, lowered his head slightly, and laughed sinisterly.

"Yes, you should be able to help, Xia Zhi..."

"But now, I feel like there are more things that can be done. Even... it doesn't seem to be difficult to make their relationship closer. As expected of me, I thought of a good way so quickly. , Hehe hehe... You two, no one can escape this time."

Yamamoto Ryoko laughed softly. Outside the door, Yamamoto Ryoko's mother, who was about to open the door to see what her daughter was doing, heard her laughter, took her hand back from the doorknob, silently turned around and walked back to the living room. , as if nothing happened.

"Oh, by the way, we need to make some more preparations. Send a message to Xia Zhi first... Forget it, just call, so that the seriousness of the matter will be higher."

Although the number was not dialed once, it was quite easy to find Xia Zhi.

The phone call was made and the call was connected after two beeps.

"Hey, this is Ryoko Yamamoto. Is this Natsuki?"

"Well, any news?"

"Oh, my, are you holding your phone and waiting for news because you care? No wonder you answered the phone so quickly."

"No, it's just because I was scrolling through my phone."

The words I was about to praise him were chewed up with my teeth and swallowed into my stomach.

"I have good news and bad news, which one do you want to hear first?"

"……bad news."

"Why don't you follow the routine? Don't you usually tell the good news first?"

"Anyway, the good news for you is that you know the bad news or something like that..."

He actually guessed it?Yamamoto Ryoko originally wanted to praise him, but doing so would expose a lot of things, so she gave it up.

"Well, that's it. Let me tell you bluntly, Lihua seems to be going to study abroad."

There was no sound coming from the phone, which made Ryoko Yamamoto think that the mobile phone signal was cut off, so she shouted twice.

"I can still hear it."

"If you can still hear it, give me some reaction. I thought the phone was broken."

"How can I react."

"Such as shocked, angry, etc."

"Surprised, I'm quite surprised..."

"Then let me tell you what's going on. To put it simply, Lihua's father has to go abroad to open a branch because of work, and her mother wants to go with her as a helper, but they can't rest assured. Lihua is here alone, so Lihua should go with them and learn about running a company."

If you don't want others to easily guess that what you say is a lie, the best way is to tell half-truths.Strictly speaking, what Ryoko Yamamoto said is correct, both the cause and the result of the matter are true, but she did not say anything very important in it.

"I don't want Lihua to leave at all, and probably Lihua doesn't want to either, but you should also know that Lihua is a good child who won't worry her parents. I should have been the one to persuade Lihua to stay, but I I said before that I would support her no matter what, but leaving it to me seems a bit... Well, so, can you help me? It's also for Lihua. The three of us are good friends! You won't leave it alone, right? ?”

Yamamoto Ryoko tried her best to make her tone sound like she was asking for help, almost without crying at the same time.Shame?what is that?Is it important?Does it matter whether you have a lifelong happiness with good friends or your own loneliness?
"...if I can help." After a while, Xia Zhi's voice came over, and Ryoko Yamamoto showed a satisfied smile, satisfied that she had not misjudged the wrong person in the end.

"Okay. I will treat you to dinner after everything is over. Please do everything."

"But, what do you need me to do? To be honest, I think there is very little I can do."

Don't underestimate yourself, my friend.You are the most important role here, a role tailor-made by me.

"There is only one thing you need to do, and that convince Lihua's parents not to let them take Lihua abroad with them."

"You are really good at you think I can do such a difficult thing?"

After all, they were the head and the head's wife of the Baishi Group, and Ryoko Yamamoto knew this.But, that’s what makes it exciting!
"This is not difficult or not, it is something that must be done. Can you bear to let Lihua leave here alone and unhappy? I don't want it."

Xia Zhi's deep sigh came from the phone.

"I know. I'll find a way."

"Yes. Lihua will be left to you."

Ryoko Yamamoto sounded slightly relieved.

(End of this chapter)

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