Chapter 289

After hanging up the phone, Xia Zhi fell into deep thought.

After being bewitched by Yamamoto Ryoko just now, I agreed to the matter in a flash of my mind, but after I calmed down and thought about it carefully, I found that things were not as simple as I thought.Yamamoto Ryoko's statement is full of too many loopholes. It is suspicious enough that she did not dissuade Shiraishi Rika just because she said "I will support you no matter what".

If they were ordinary friends, maybe Natsuki would really believe it, but if the relationship was as good as that between Ryoko Yamamoto and Rika Shiraishi, the credibility of this statement would plummet.Probably for them, there is nothing more worthy of their care than the other person himself.Therefore, what Ryoko Yamamoto said is not very credible.

However, Xia Zhi, who only knew the relationship between the two on the level of a particularly good relationship, was not sure. Maybe there was something else that he didn't understand.

Whether Yamamoto Ryoko tampered with this matter is not the main problem. The problem is the person he needs to face.The Shiraishi Group, Japan's leading super-large group, covers a wide range of areas, and its employees are located in almost all major cities in Japan. Although there are also Shiraishi family members who come from their ancestors, the middle-aged capitalists who have established a foothold in the Shiraishi Group on their own, A big entrepreneur, even Xia Zhi, who has not yet entered the society, can feel the room for improvement of this group.

Is its status in Japan already close to that of the second horse?

Although it is very subtle for a small person like me to face such a big person, it is probably not the same level of panic as meeting a national leader while walking on the road and being greeted cordially.

This matter was promised too hastily!
Xia Zhi already wanted to give up before he started.

However, there is no other way now. Whether you can do what you promised is one thing, and whether you want to do it or not is another thing.And... Xia Zhi also felt that he should go.

It's been a long time since we've known each other.After knowing each other for so long, Xia Zhi also cherishes this friendship with Shiraishi Rika. Whether it is the care he receives or the many help he receives from the other party, he has not received any decent repayment, although the other party probably Not really necessary, but honestly that's not really fair.

If there was a chance to repay the other party, Xia Zhi would probably go back and fight for it no matter what.

Moreover, it is not completely impossible.

No matter what identity the other party is or what kind of person he is, what he sees is not those lofty things, but a father and a mother. What he sees is just the parents of his classmates, not what he wants to do. Business negotiations and other esoteric things are like a teacher's home visit, like being invited as a guest by a classmate - the only difference is that the topic to be discussed is something that one should not have to talk about.

No matter what happens, this is what he needs to do. Xia Zhi already has this idea.Since it is something that you need to do yourself and cannot escape, then you can only do your best to complete it.Even if it's not for the results you're pursuing, even if it's just to make yourself feel at ease, you still have to do it.

The phone vibrated. It was a text message from Ryoko Yamamoto. There were three contact information in it, the mobile phones of Hero Shiraishi, Sanae Shiraishi, and the phone number of Shiraishi's family. Incidentally, there was also the address of Shiraishi's family, and a sentence.

[Uncle Shiraishi’s number is different from the public one. Don’t tell others your contact information casually. 】

It's not the same contact information as the public one, that is to it a private contact information?Although it is possible that Lihua's parents left her a phone number for convenience, it seems like she was entrusted to someone else.

It's already past ten o'clock, and it's impossible to call today anyway.We can only wait until tomorrow.But regardless of whether he can fall asleep or not, it's not even time to go to bed yet, and Xia Zhi has no idea of ​​having fun because of this matter.

Staying in bed, Xia Zhi spent time meaninglessly, then fell asleep again without realizing it, and woke up from his sleep before the phone rang.There was nothing special to do. He just washed up, had breakfast, and then went to school. Even the first person he saw when he arrived at school was the discipline committee member Wu He Yuan whom he met often.There is nothing wrong with that.

There was only one problem, and that was...Xia Zhi never expected that he would actually hear "Good morning" the moment he opened the classroom door during the normal time he came to school. Xia Zhi thought that he I had hallucinations and auditory hallucinations. Unexpectedly, when I followed the sound, I saw Ryoko Yamamoto sitting in her seat and playing with her mobile phone.

There is no better way to describe Xia Zhi's expression other than "as if he had seen a ghost."

"Can you calm down that expression that looks like you've seen a ghost? Are you so weird when you see me?"

"No, isn't this strange enough?" Xia Zhi asked back.

"Well...I didn't expect to be so early, but I have some things to do. Before you came to school so late, Lihua will be here in a few minutes, so let's hurry up."

It gave people the feeling that they were doing something shady. Maybe Yamamoto Ryoko really felt that it was better to keep this matter out of the light. Natsuki sat back in his seat silently, and Yamamoto Ryoko came over with his schoolbag.

"Then I'll make the story short. You should have seen the three contact information I sent you yesterday, right?"

"I saw it, but I won't tell it. You don't have to be so nervous, right?"

"Honestly, it doesn't matter if you tell me or not."

It doesn't matter, it's okay, it seems like it's really a bad thing.

"Can I ask what you're going to do?"

"What else can we do? We can only talk about it. There is no other solution to this kind of problem except talking."

"Well, it's about the same as what I thought. Did you call yesterday? Because Uncle Baishi is still very busy at work, I think you may have to call in advance to make an appointment."

Although it is a private call, it does not matter whether you are doing something private or public. After all, you are only one of you from the beginning to the end.Xia Zhi had already expected this.

"Besides, I think it would be better for you to go and talk in person."

"Although it is indeed better to talk like this...but you don't seem to have considered the pressure I have to bear at all."

"If you're talking to that family, if it's something that has nothing to do with work, you don't have to be so nervous. By the way, the cookies made by Lihua's mother are delicious. If you have any, bring some for me."

"...It's a shame that you and Lihua are such good friends."

"This is the so-called charisma thing. Let's not talk about it. I came so early this time mainly to tell you. If possible, you'd better call at noon today and ask when you have time. After all, I don't have time." We know exactly when Lihua will go abroad, so it’s better to hurry up.”

"In that case, why did you come so early? Why don't you just send me a message?"

"There are many things that cannot be explained clearly on the phone." Ryoko Yamamoto waved her hand: "Besides this matter, there is another thing, I will buy you time."

"Buy time?" Xia Zhi looked at her suspiciously.

"Yes. You know that you can tell me when you go over to talk that day. I will take Lihua to play outside for a while and come back later. This way you don't have to be embarrassed."

"...You are quite thoughtful."

"Because I can't go by myself this time, I have to find a way to make things easier to succeed."

Xia Zhi believed her a little bit.

"You must let Lihua stay! That's my best friend, and it's also yours." Ryoko Yamamoto blinked: "I'll go out for a while, Lihua will be in the classroom soon, I'll be back in a few minutes. You Don't reveal your secret! Otherwise Lihua will kill me."

Xia Zhi rolled his eyes, indicating that he knew.Ryoko Yamamoto quickly ran out of the classroom with her schoolbag, and closed the door by the way.

As if he was doing some spying, Xia Zhi chuckled twice and packed up his schoolbag. Just halfway through, the classroom door was opened.

"Good morning, Zhijun Xia."

The one who greeted me at the door of the classroom was Shiraishi Rika, who always had a faint smile on her face.

"Good morning... Good morning." Xia Zhi felt like there was a little cold sweat on his forehead, but Xia Zhi didn't dare to wipe it away.It’s also a credit to Ryoko Yamamoto’s time management. If it were any later, she might not have to meet Rika Shiraishi.

"I came early as usual." Shiraishi Rika walked towards her seat.

"Isn't it the same for you?" Xia Zhi looked at the other party.

Is this very beautiful, gentle person who always seems to have a smile on his face about to leave Japan?Go to the country from which you came, just as you came to this country.

To be fair, Shiraishi Rika is indeed a friend worth missing. If we parted ways like this, I would probably not be able to help but miss her. It doesn't matter anything else, just the relaxed atmosphere with her is worth it. Missed.

Everyone has selfish motives, no one is an exception. Just like Yamamoto Ryoko wanted to keep her best friend, Xia Zhi also wanted to keep her, even if it was just to maintain this peaceful and gentle time.

And if she knew what she had done, she would probably be hated, right?After all, no one likes nosy people.But Xia Zhi has already made up his mind. Even if he is hated, what he wants to do will not change. Even if he regrets it, he will have to wait until later to regret it.

"What's wrong? You look a little happy."

"It's nothing, it's just that it feels a little strange that a person like myself can have a day when he can make up his mind to do something."

"Although I don't know what you are talking about, Xia Zhijun says that you can succeed in whatever you want to do. You don't need to underestimate yourself."

If you are hurt by someone, it is natural for you to want revenge.

So, if someone treats you kindly, there is no problem in repaying the favor in the same way, right?
"Speaking of which, Lihua, are you interested in amusement parks? For example, Disneyland or something like that."

"The amusement park, it seems like I haven't been there for a long time. What's wrong, Xia Zhijun wants to go to the amusement park?"

"I just feel that after coming here for so long, there are still many places I haven't been to, which is really a pity. There are many places I want to visit, such as amusement parks and so on. Do you want to go together next time?"

"Eh?" Bai Shili was stunned for a moment: "Are you inviting me?"

"Yeah, I always feel embarrassed to have you invite me. I'll be the one to invite you to hang out together next time."

"You... too, after all, Xia Zhijun is not the one who cares about these things."

Xia Zhi glanced at Shiraishi Rika who was talking to herself in confusion. She smiled and nodded gently.

"Okay, since Xia Zhijun invited me, I will definitely go."

"It will definitely satisfy you."

To be honest, as an international student, I shouldn't be so confident when I say something like "I will definitely satisfy you". After all, I am an international student, and the other person is a real local. Maybe the places I pass by are more There are many, but in terms of familiarity with this place, there are probably several, or even a dozen, or dozens of them together, and they may not be as good as each other.The reverse is more or less the case.

But the big words have been released, and whether they can be fulfilled is a matter for the future.There is only one thing that he needs to consider now - to ensure that the other party will still stay here while he can fulfill this agreement.

No matter how embarrassing it is, no matter how stressful it is, you must stay.

Otherwise, the agreement will not be fulfilled.

"I'm looking forward to it."

Baishi Lihua was still smiling.

The classroom door was pushed open, and Yamamoto Ryoko walked in again, as if nothing happened before.

"Good morning!"

He happily ignored Xia Zhi and quickly ran towards Shiraishi Lihua.

"Lihua Lihua, do you know? It seems that the teacher is going to tell us about the school festival today! In other words, the activities of our class for the school festival can be decided today! Are you looking forward to it? Are you looking forward to it?"

Yamamoto Ryoko was noisy as usual, and her noise also attracted the same wry smile from Shiraishi Rika.

While comforting Ryoko Yamamoto, he started discussing with her with great interest.

Even though he was planning such a big thing behind his back, he could still pretend to be nonchalant in front of the person involved. Yamamoto Ryoko was indeed a person who should not be underestimated.But there is no need to think about her matters now. The school festival, which I was originally very interested in, can be postponed for a while.

Now, the things that need to be considered have been placed in front of him. If this matter is not resolved, there will be no way to talk about anything.

(End of this chapter)

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