Chapter 290

Although the classroom couldn't be said to be noisy, it was definitely not quiet. It wasn't until Teacher Sakuraba walked in from outside the classroom that it finally became a lot quieter.This morning should have been the same as usual, but this time I still felt restless. This was probably because Yamamoto Ryoko had already announced in advance what Sakuraba-sensei was going to say later.

I don’t know where she got the news, but for what Teacher Sakuraba was going to say next, Natsuki lost the greatest sense of expectation because she knew it in advance, but the classmates in the same class didn’t seem to have the same expectations as Natsuki , they still have a very high interest.

"Although I am here to announce something that may make you happy this time, it seems that you have already guessed it." On the podium, Teacher Sakuraba said with a smile: "But let me say it again. Next Our school will hold a school festival this week."

Cheers suddenly rang out in the classroom, which reminded Xia Zhi of when he was still in elementary school. Studying was not so stressful. Although the high school entrance examination and college entrance examination were also important, it was not as serious as it is now. At that time, at least Xia Zhi The elementary school where I worked also had a spring outing program, although it was only once, and it was when Xia Zhi was in first grade.

Although it was a very distant memory, Xia Zhi had not forgotten that strictly speaking only spring outing.Now I just happen to think about it again, thanks to the lively familiarity brought about by this class because of an activity.

"Then, let's decide what to do for the school festival first." Teacher Sakuraba seemed quite excited, but considering that the school festival teacher didn't seem to have to work, she seemed to understand.

Xia Zhi held his head in his hands, ready to hear what his classmates wanted to do.

The first person to raise his hand was Qingfeng, who was sitting a few seats behind Xia Zhi. It seemed that he hadn't been seen on stage for a long time.

"Hi! I think we should open a haunted house! Just like the haunted house our seniors opened a few years ago, it will definitely become famous in no time!"

Qingfeng's suggestion was immediately approved by several people, all of whom were boys.It seems they had planned it before.Although there are only four or five people, it is already very good in this small class.

As for the girls, a girl whom Xia Zhi was familiar with but whose name he couldn't quite name raised her hand and said in a soft tone: "Well, what do I think about setting up a coffee shop? It doesn't require a lot. It’s easy to prepare, it’s not a lot of work, and you can wear nice clothes.”

Then the girls camp, which made up the majority of the class, all agreed, saying things like "I think it's good", "I want to wear nice clothes", "It's easy if it's a coffee shop", basically One-sided.Ryoko Yamamoto even shouted: "A school festival without a coffee shop is soulless!" or something like that.

So, in fact, the girls’ camp has already discussed it?That's right, after all, the news about the school festival spread from her mouth, so the girls might have discussed it earlier.

However, most of the so-called high school boys are blindly pursuing things like fun and excitement. Qingfeng shouted: "Coffee shops are boring, they are just opening a shop..."

Before he could finish his words, the girl who had just stood up turned her head and faced Qingfeng with a smile that didn't look like a smile at all: "Qingfeng-san, if you get in the way, you will die."

"Hey!" Qingfeng sat down.

This is too scary!

"Then, if the minority obeys the majority, it will be decided to be a coffee shop, right?"

All the girls in the class answered in the affirmative without exception. Although Lihua seemed to be just smiling bitterly, Ryoko Yamamoto, who was the leader of the booing, was having a great time.

Xia Zhi always felt that something was not right, because whether it was a novel, comic or animation, deciding on the theme of the school festival always took a long time, because everyone has things they want to do and things they don't want to do.However, it seemed surprisingly peaceful here, and the entire decision-making process didn't even take more than three minutes... Xia Zhi had a vague premonition of something bad.

"But if we want to build a cafe, will anyone be able to make it? For example, coffee, or snacks or something."

Qingfeng stood up "without giving up", and Xia Zhi glanced back, as if he was encouraged by his male companions nearby, with a slightly frightened look on his face.But the problem he mentioned is indeed very realistic. If no one knows how to make coffee and make snacks, no matter how much you like the idea, then this coffee shop will still open... no... get up... get up...

Natsuki took a breath of air and turned to look to the left. It happened that Ryoko Yamamoto and the girls next to her were turning their heads to look at her.It's over.

"Hey!" Ryoko Yamamoto raised her hand, and then quickly stood up: "As for the coffee, there is no problem at all. Xia Zhijun is an excellent clerk who has worked in the coffee shop for a long time, so this little problem must not be a problem. his."

"So Xia Zhijun works in a coffee shop? It's great."

"Xia Zhijun will definitely help, right?"

Rather than saying that they were "surprised" that Yu Xiazhi worked in a coffee shop and had relevant experience, it would be better to say that they just wanted to pretend to be a surprise because they "knew about it in advance".Natsuki understood that the information that he was working in a coffee shop was probably leaked by Ryoko Yamamoto.

In other words, why I decided to open a coffee shop is basically a hole I dug for myself, just waiting to push myself to bury it.Although he didn't mind helping and he was ready, but just being tricked in like this, Xia Zhi felt that his thoughts must not be clear.

"As for drinks, it would be no problem if you have equipment or tools. I don't know how to make snacks or other food at all."

"Yes, that's right! Isn't it too shabby for a coffee shop to only sell coffee?"

Xia Zhi felt the grateful glances from Qingfeng and others behind him.

"Wouldn't it be easier to solve the problem of snacks?" Ryoko Yamamoto was already prepared. She turned around and pointed at a certain onlooker who was watching the development of the matter with a wry smile: "Lihua can make a lot of snacks! And there are also Super delicious!”

"Eh!?" Shiraishi Lihua was stunned there.

Xia Zhi also fully understood that he had indeed been tricked by Yamamoto Ryoko again.Lihua has already been involved. If she can't figure out what Ryoko Yamamoto's purpose is, then she can no longer be described as stupid.But all the girls in this class firmly insist on opening a coffee shop. In other words...have all the girls in the class become her companions?

Xia Zhi suddenly covered his liver with a painful expression on his face.

Sure enough, as a foreigner, he couldn't beat the locals.Yoshito Yamamoto, I have to admit that you are stronger now.

"That's right! Lihua's dim sum is delicious!"

"Then there's no problem at all!"

The rest of the sounds are just the acting skills the girls put on to do the whole thing.As for the originally grateful eyes behind Xia Zhi, they seemed to have noticed something because of this wonderful atmosphere, and their grateful eyes were suddenly filled with murderous intent.

I don't want to care about it anymore, I'm so tired of living.

"Hey! Wait a minute!" Shiraishi Lihua made a voice, but her voice was completely drowned.

Seeing her blushing, Xia Zhi also understood that she seemed to be one of the victims who was kept in the dark by Ryoko Yamamoto.So is this best friend really okay?Baishi Lihua is too pitiful.

There is also the little move by Ryoko Yamamoto who might want to keep her here because she will study abroad. Xia Zhi can no longer guess whether their relationship is good or not.

Teacher Sakuraba was wearing her clothes on the podium watching the excitement, but she seemed to have noticed something, and looked back and forth at Natsuki and Shiraishi Rika with a smile that she couldn't hide.Xia Zhi now just wants to huddle in the drawer, not wanting to see or listen to anything.

"Then it's decided. However, it will be very hard to build a coffee shop. Although there are relatively few things to decorate, and many things can be borrowed from the school, there are still many things that you need to buy yourself. These are It's up to you to discuss it, and the menu will be made according to the opinions of Shiraishi-san and Natsuki-san, and other students should also work hard."

"There is still a lot of time, so let's continue with class."

"No, Teacher Sakuraba, I think we still have many things that need to be discussed in detail!" Yamamoto Ryoko stood up directly, her intention was extremely obvious, and Teacher Sakuraba naturally would not let her succeed: "The details of what follows Let’s discuss the situation later, because we won’t be able to come up with a result after a while, and there are still four or five days left, so don’t worry. Then let’s start class.”

This class was only delayed for a few minutes, which was simply a disgrace to the class meeting.It was a pleasant class time until noon.

During lunch time, as soon as Xia Zhi took out the bento, Yamamoto Ryoko, who was sighing next to her, was brought over by Shiraishi Rika.

"I'm sorry, I seem to have caused you trouble." Shiraishi Lihua said apologetically.

"It's okay. To be honest, I'm not surprised that it turned out like this. I seem to be used to it." Xia Zhi waved his hand.

"Look, Xia Zhi said it's all right, Li Hua, don't be angry."

"It's not because you always cause trouble to others." Shiraishi Lihua glared at Yamamoto Ryoko again. The latter shrank, and then stuck to her very intimately: "Lihua, Lihua, I was wrong, please forgive me. Well."

Yamamoto Ryoko changed into a special... indescribable tone, and Xia Zhi felt goosebumps rising on his body.Shiraishi Lihua seemed to be disgusted, so she took two steps back in disgust: "Don't be like this."

Is Ryoko Yamamoto an ordinary person?Obviously not, she just continued to approach him, with a coy look on her face: "If you forgive me, I won't be like this."

"Ah, stop it! I forgive you, stay away from me!"

"...Reika, what you said is so hurtful." Ryoko Yamamoto turned back to a normal person with a complex expression.

"It's not all because of you!"

"Forget it, let's sit down and eat." Xia Zhi greeted the two of them to sit down. It seemed interesting to continue to enjoy the two of them bickering, but Xia Zhi had something to do later, so he had to hurry up and eat. Just finish the meal.

"Xia Zhidu said that we should sit down to eat, why don't Lihua hurry up and sit down."

Ryoko Yamamoto sat down and stared at Xia Zhi's bento box, "Xia Zhi, what good things did you bring today?"

"It's just very simple cooking. Instead of expecting mine, you should look forward to Lihua's cooking." Xia Zhi opened the lunch box, which contained simple stir-fried vegetables and rice. It was almost the same as before. It didn't look special because of the loss. The temperature is low and there is no fragrance. It may feel a little surprising when you eat it, but Xia Zhi has long been used to it.

After making such a simple dish so many times, you can always make something fancy, right?

"Although Lihua's food looks, smells, and even tastes better than yours, but after eating too much high-end food, I always want to eat something different. Maybe this is human nature."

" can really talk."

But what he said was indeed true, and he admitted it, so there was no dissatisfaction at all.If possible, I would like to do better, but there is a serious lack of time, energy, and even the most fundamental motivation. This matter can only be discussed later.

"Ryoko, you can't say such rude things."

Shiraishi Lihua sat down next to her.

"I don't care anymore. After all, Lihua's cooking skills are indeed very high."

"Xia Zhijun's cooking is also delicious."

Although I have heard these words of comfort many times, it is amazing that I never get tired of hearing them.

"That kind of thing doesn't matter anymore! Lihua, show me what delicious food you brought!"

He reached out and opened Shi Lihua's lunch box.Probably among the eldest ladies from wealthy families, Shiraishi Rika was the only one who could tolerate Yamamoto Ryoko's rude behavior.Although he doesn't seem to be able to tolerate it completely.

"Ouch." Ryoko Yamamoto protected her hand that was slapped away: "Why did you hit me?"

"Be polite! Girls can't be so lavish. Do you know that it is a very bad behavior to directly reach out and touch other people's things?" Rika Shiraishi scolded her, but there was no trace of frustration on Ryoko Yamamoto's face.

"I know, because only Lihua doesn't hate me! It doesn't matter! I'll open my lunch box for you too."

After speaking, he pushed his bento box to Baishi Lihua, and changed the other party's bento box before Baishi Lihua recovered.

"that's it."

"That's not allowed!"

Shiraishi Rika couldn't help but stretched out her hands to pull Yamamoto Ryoko's cheeks. Yamamoto Ryoko struggled and began to beg for mercy.

This is probably the heaviest punishment Shiraishi Rika has ever known.

(End of this chapter)

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