Chapter 299

In the evening, Mayumi had gone back, and the store manager also left after cooking dinner.Fortunately, he left, otherwise he might have transformed into Shura when he heard Tachibana Aya say, "It doesn't seem very delicious. Did the store manager cut corners?"

"You are too picky. Isn't the food cooked by the store manager very good? The customers also like it very much."

Although this person has made fewer moves, the store manager's cooking skills are not that bad at all.Although Sayuri-san is running the house and probably doing the cooking, the store manager is idle (that's right), but he does get to cook in the kitchen quite a few times.

"How should I put it? It always feels like something is missing. It's similar to the food in the restaurant."

"It's similar to what's in the restaurant, isn't that nice?"

"So I always feel that something is missing, like there is no soul." Tachibana Aya gestured with her hands, trying to describe the reason, but Xia Zhi just felt that she was rubbing the Rasengan...

At least it's of the same standard as the restaurant. Xia Zhi himself is at the home cooking level. If this thing has a grade, Xia Zhi is probably at the silver level.Tachibana Aya hasn't even reached the level where she can play ranked matches, it's just so true.

As for Shiraishi Reika's genuine top-notch cooking skills... Xia Zhi could only think about it.

"If you want to eat food with soul, then you should learn to cook it yourself."

"That's so tiring. Besides, isn't there you? There is a saying called division of labor and cooperation. You are responsible for cooking and I am responsible for eating. Isn't it nice?"

"It's a beautiful thought." Xia Zhi snorted.

"Isn't it almost done now? I feel quite satisfied."

"I can change it back anytime if I want."

"No! You changed where I go to eat."

"You didn't starve to death before."

"I'm going to starve to death now!"

If you say so, is it still my fault?Xia Zhi thought with a raised eyebrow.

"If you pay a commission, I might consider it."

"Ah?" Tachibana Aya looked at Xia Zhi doubtfully: "Does it mean that as long as I give you money, you will cook for me for the rest of your life?"

"Me!" Xia Zhi raised his hand again, and Tachibana Aya hugged his head.

"No! Stop, my friend, please stop!"

Absolutely, why did the Daqin dialect come out.

"Stop making trouble and stay quiet."


Tachibana picked up the cup and drank the drink again.Xiao Xi had already eaten enough, and Tachibana Aya placed her on the stool next to her. She also carefully found Xia Zhi for paper and wiped Xiao Xi's paws.Now he is lying on his stomach, closing his eyes and wagging his tail, almost falling asleep.

"By the way, Xia Zhi, do you like playing Monopoly?"

"Monopoly? What's wrong?"

"I found something that seemed interesting in the store I went to before, so I bought it. Let's go back and play!"

"It's fun to play..." Xia Zhi thought of the flying chess he had played with Tachibana Aya before, and the painful memories came back to him: "You are a rich man, you can't go to where you bought the flying chess before. Bar?"

"Yes, there are a lot of interesting things in that store. The Ludo chess piece I bought before was a hit, but it was only popular for a short period of time, but the Monopoly I just bought is different! It seems to have been selling like hotcakes for several years. It's been a month, and it looked interesting, so I bought it." Tachibana Aya's eyes seemed to be sparkling: "So, let's go back and play?"

"Let's play, let's play... But if it's similar to that flying chess, then there's no need to play. It's too tiring."

"No. That flying chess became so long because we changed the rules. It wasn't that expensive originally. But even if we don't change the rules, it won't take much longer. After all, that's what the flying chess is. Well."

There were only two people playing Ludo for two or three hours in a game. Xia Zhi no longer wanted to have such miserable memories.

"Then it's almost time to go back."

"Huh? Are you going back so early today? It's really strange."

It seems to be less than seven o'clock in the evening, which is indeed a rare thing for Tachibana Aya. After all, Xia Zhidu is used to not being alone when he goes home every night, and at around eleven o'clock in the evening It’s time to go out to the rhythm of life.

"Huh? Why don't you go back together?"

"It's not time to get off work yet, how can I go back?"

"But, isn't it almost eight o'clock now?"



Xia Zhi looked at his mobile phone. It was 53:[-] in the evening. Even if he erased a fraction of the time, there was still a full hour until he got off work. How could it be that it was almost eight o'clock?
"Is the time on your mobile phone slow? It's already 54:54 here." Tachibana turned on her mobile phone and faced Xia Zhi, and Xia Zhi actually saw [-]:[-].Weird...

"Your phone must be slow, let's go back." Tachibana Aya encouraged Xia Zhi to go back quickly, but Xia Zhi didn't believe what she said.Just in time, the door of the coffee shop was pushed open, and the familiar sound of wind chimes rang.

Xia Zhi glanced at the other party: "Good evening, Miss Nishikawa."

"Good evening, I'm the same as before." Miss Nishikawa came over.

"Please wait a moment. But can I ask what time it is?"

"Now? Let me take a look..."

Tachibana Aya's expression immediately changed, she turned around furtively, ready to stand up and run away.

"It's six fifty-seven now."

"Understood." Xia Zhi turned to look at Li Huacai: "Hehe."

"There's just something wrong with the phone!" After realizing that Xia Zhi had no intention of taking action, she turned around and shouted confidently.

"It seems like I really want to disturb you?"

"Nothing, please don't worry about it. This is the coffee you ordered."

"Oh, thank you."

Miss Nishikawa took out four hundred yen coins from her pocket and handed them to Xia Zhi, who took them.

"Oh, by the way, I got it during the day today, and I'll give it to you."

Miss Nishikawa handed over three discount coupons that Xia Zhi was familiar with.

"Although I already have a lot... Miss Nishikawa, don't you use it?"

"I rarely buy things and rarely use them. Aren't you going to hold a school festival soon? You may be able to use this thing, so I'll give it to you."

"Ah, thank you, Miss Nishikawa."

"You're welcome. Thanks to you, I still have a lot of time to relax every day, which is great. Now I'm busy writing papers and looking for a job every day, and I'm exhausted."

Miss Nishikawa sighed about life.

"Miss Nishikawa's words will definitely be fine." Xia Zhi comforted her.

"Thank you for your comfort." Miss Nishikawa smiled.

"By the way, Miss Nishikawa, which university are you studying at? Tokyo University?"

"I can't go to such a good school. Tachibana-chan seems to be very good at studying, so I might as well give it a try."

"Me?" Tachibana Aya pointed at herself: "Although I can definitely get in...but I want to go to Chiba University."

"Chiba University? Then I will be your senior."

"Is Miss Nishikawa also a student of Chiba University?" Xia Zhi, who was listening to the two people talking next to him, was a little surprised.

"Yeah. At first I chose Chiba University because it would be convenient to be closer to home, but now that I think about it, I decided to go to Chiba University. It's really good. Oh yes, if Xia Zhi, you also want to go to Chiba University If so, let me tell you in detail, there are many Chinese students at Chiba University, you should be able to chat."

Xia Zhi didn't care much about this.It is not unusual for a school like Chiba University to have international students, not to mention the populous country right next to it. Not to mention other things, the number of Chinese students studying abroad can be said to be all-pervasive. Chiba University is like this It is not surprising that excellent universities in China will naturally have international students from China.

Although it is indeed a joy to meet an old acquaintance in a foreign land, firstly, Xia Zhi has only been here for a few days, so he has no idea. This definition will only get bigger and bigger.Even though they are from the same country, if they are from the same country, it’s okay if they have a good relationship with people they don’t know. Maybe there are some things we can talk about, so we can take care of each other outside.If even the provinces are different... then I'm afraid it's not as close as Tachibana Aya and Shiraishi Rika.

Even if you are away from home and are from the same hometown, it is better not to be too eager, because it may cause a lot of inconvenience to others.To be honest, Xia Zhi wasn't very interested in the international students Miss Nishikawa was talking about.

"Well, you can just go and see for yourself when the time comes." Miss Nishikawa didn't really care about this, and turned to look at Tachibana Aya: "On the contrary, Tachibana-chan, Uka Aya's name is very important, and there are many names every year. People will go to Tokyo University, but do you really want to get into Chiba University?"

"Well, it's been decided. Because Xia knows where to go."

"Oh, my. Is that so?"

Miss Nishikawa laughed next to her again, just like usual.

This guy always says things that are easily misunderstood.

"Be honest with me."

Tachibana Aya looked at Xia Zhi aggrievedly and went to fiddle with her phone.

"However, Natsuki, it's actually good if you want to take the Chiba University exam. Although Chiba University's exam is a bit difficult, it's still relatively easy to get into if you work hard. And there are many activities at Chiba University, which are quite interesting. "

"Yeah." Xia Zhi nodded.

"Since you have all decided to take the Chiba University exam, you should have known about this school. I really don't need to say anything more. If you have anything you want to ask, you can ask me. Anyway, I am very free now... ..."

Miss Nishikawa sighed again.

"It's really difficult to find a suitable job now... I'm still thinking about whether I should just continue studying, hang out for a few more years, and then find a suitable job."

It can probably be understood as wanting to continue studying for graduate school and find a suitable job in the process.

It is a little different. Although there are graduate students in Japanese universities, they are slightly different from those in Chinese universities.

In China, after college students complete their undergraduate studies, they go through the postgraduate examination and interview and then re-enter the university to become graduate students. The graduate students here are called master students. We are accustomed to calling the higher-level doctoral students directly called PhD students. Doctoral students are also called doctoral students. graduate.

Japan is a little different.Japan has a "faculty graduate student" system, but the status of this graduate student is completely different from that of master's degree students and doctoral students. It is more like a preparatory course before studying for a master's degree.In Japan, master's degree students are called monks, and only after that do they have doctorates.

In other words, first to bachelor's degree, then to monk, and then to doctorate. It is no different from the degree levels in China, it is just a different title.

These are not things that Xia Zhi needs to consider. He has never thought about studying for a monk or anything from the beginning. For him, finishing college is actually enough, and he does not have to continue to study.No matter which country he is in, it is very strict and difficult to upgrade his degree. Xia Zhi knew that he did not have the corresponding patience and energy.

"What major does Miss Nishikawa major in?"

"Electronic technology or something...I originally thought it would be a relatively popular major, but I didn't expect it would be equally popular because of the difficulty of finding a job. Xia Zhi, definitely don't choose computer and electronic technology, absolutely not, otherwise you will definitely regret it."

Although he was threatened by Miss Nishikawa, Xia Zhi didn't care much.Anyway, he didn't plan to choose such a major.Once you have what you want to do, your goals will become clearer. Xia Zhi hopes to find a major that can provide him with professional knowledge.

But opening a coffee shop doesn’t require too much professional knowledge that you need to go to university to learn.

Moreover, it is still difficult to pass the exam for majors that are too popular.

Miss Nishikawa was sitting in front of the counter, tasting coffee, and took out a hand to touch Xiao Xi who was lying on the chair next to her. She received a "meow" sound in response that sounded very comfortable.Tachibana Aya watched Miss Nishikawa's movements with bright eyes, as if she wanted to ask for advice on how to play with cats.

Tachibana Aya and Miss Nishikawa were talking, and Natsuki was listening. This was probably the only sound coming from the store.

There are not many guests today. At this time, there is actually only Miss Nishikawa left as a real guest, which is even fewer than usual.surprisingly quiet...

Then Natsuki saw Tachibana Aya pick up the board game box that was in the paper bag at her feet.

"Let's play Monopoly! It's more lively when there are more people."

"Don't play in the store."

"What does it matter? There are no customers in the store anyway."

Next to you is the only customer in the store currently.

"No playing."


"You're not allowed to play even if you look at me with a shocked expression."

"...You will bully me. What can you gain by bullying me?"


Xia Zhi snorted softly.

Miss Nishikawa next to her was pretending to play with her mobile phone again and smiling happily.

(End of this chapter)

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