Chapter 300

Throw down the dice, two plus three... Phew, it didn't enter the festoon area.

Then Natsuki watched with his own eyes Tachibana Aya cast a One Plus Six and stepped into his mansion area...

Calculated according to the rules, it is now No. 20 with three circles, which is 23 times the penalty. The housing in the luxury area has a low price of 20.00, and each townhouse has an additional 23%, which is... [-], multiplied by [-]...

While trying to recall the calculation method, Xia Zhi calculated on the calculator on the phone, and the result was... 64.Not to mention that there are not so many banknotes at all, even if there are, it is impossible for all of them to be in Tachibana. She began to sell the house with a painful expression.

After selling the house in bankruptcy, the second-level foundation was worth [-], and an additional [-] would be given for each additional building. Tachibana Aya calculated it, while twitching at the corner of her eyes, she handed over all her land except the mansion area to the state, and then spent the money to buy the house. Handed it to Natsuki... But as I said before, there is simply not so much money in this game. Tachibana Aya skillfully wrote the amount of the debt on the sticky note next to it and handed it to Natsuki. The garbage next to it was There is already a lot in the basket, which is the garbage left over from the end of the previous round.

The current situation on the field is... Xia Zhi's future is clear. At least there will be no problems in the four rounds of dice, and Tachibana Aya has just stepped into Xia Zhi's danger zone... The outcome is already obvious. .

"Ugh! This time doesn't count, let's do it again!"

"Come on your head."

Xia Zhi picked up the water glass next to him and took a sip, but he didn't feel the water flowing into his mouth.Who knows when the water will be finished.

Xia Zhi turned off the calculator in the phone, and as expected, it is already past eleven o'clock in the evening and it will soon be twelve o'clock.After spending so long on her, this rich man is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

The map is very big. Normally, one person would have to throw two dice for ten to twenty rounds to complete a circle. This is not a map that is suitable for two people to play. It would be enough to double the number of people.This Monopoly is not an orthodox physical work. The character models and prop cards are all self-created. It is not surprising that a board game like Monopoly is being modeled.

However, the producer of this game has very thoughtfully increased the amount of data. He also kindly uses instructions to indicate how much the houses will sell for, the stamping rules and costs, the rate of bankruptcy and sale, and the game's speed-up mechanism is also very complete. The rate is calculated according to the fastest player, and doubled at the end of a lap.

When Aya Tachibana took this thing apart, Xia Zhi really thought she had bought something interesting. This was also the case when she first started playing, because this Monopoly is indeed much better to play than the previous dark flying chess.But - these are all illusions.

Natsuki and Tachibana Aya played this board game. The map was too big. It was okay at first. It didn’t hurt even if you stepped on it once or twice. It was quite fun. However, it took about 10 minutes to walk around. It ranges from 15 minutes to [-] minutes, and more than half of the time is spent counting on fingers how much money has been gained or lost in this step.

It’s only been two laps, and I’ve bought seven or eight houses on the map, which is almost it. Then the game has changed from a Monopoly board game to a simple math test. It only takes two or three seconds to throw the dice, and then move. It took two or three seconds to get the chess piece, and then it took more than ten seconds to count seven or eight, and then the difficulty gradually escalated.

The difficulty that was once solved with a little mental calculation has become difficult to calculate accurately and quickly without using paper money. For the sake of convenience, Xia Zhi turned on the calculator function of his mobile phone and put it next to him. Who knew that the game would end? More than half of the time is spent pressing the phone screen.

This feels different from the Monopoly I imagined.

However, the first game ended quite quickly. It only took you almost an hour. Because of bad luck, or because Tachibana Aya's luck suddenly exploded, Xia Zhi directly destroyed a street of five houses. After buying it, two conjoined mansions followed. Xia Zhi jumped inside and went bankrupt, ending the first game.

By the second game, the true nature of this garbage game became apparent.

First, I walked around two times without incident and bought a house sporadically, and then I stepped around. Buying a house here is fixed, and stamping on the other side has a fixed algorithm. Each stamping is 30.00% of the total value. Xia Zhidu had calculated this too many times, and Xia Zhidu listed a piece of paper next to him and wrote down how many times it would cost to build a house at each level, as well as how much money would be lost if he stepped on it.

Only for conjoined households, because the situation is different, it would be faster to just use a calculator to calculate, so I didn’t write it down.

Even so, this set of arithmetic problems was done quite thoroughly.

Since when did playing a board game include doing arithmetic problems?Although Monopoly is indeed a very classic board game, if you continue to do arithmetic problems like this, you may not become a master of mental arithmetic.Xia Zhi began to wonder if the popular board game Tachibana Aya mentioned was because other people's parents bought this board game to give them mental arithmetic exercises.

Mom promises to buy you Dark Souls III, but you have to promise her that if you die once, you will do 5 minutes of exercises.jpg
In this second game, after playing for more than an hour, Tachibana Aya stepped on Xia Zhi's top-level conjoined mansion and died instantly.

In the third game, we played longer and played until just after the end. There were several near misses from heaven to hell and then to heaven again. The Monopoly bank ran out of cash, and Natsuki and Tachibana Aya had to write notes themselves. Write money on it.This Monopoly bank is really incompetent.

Xia Zhi stood up, and before he could stand still, he found that his legs were a little numb. He sat back instantly, and then straightened his legs while resisting the pleasant numbness.Tachibana Aya opposite saw Natsuki's movements, and her eyes shone.
Xia Zhi knew what she wanted to do, and before he could stop her, Tachibana Aya stood up, and then with a malicious smile... gradually became stiff.

Xia Zhi looked at her standing there, still thinking about what she wanted to do, and then realized what she was doing.

I have been sitting cross-legged for so long, isn’t this lunatic also sitting cross-legged for so long?Her legs were numb, how could she run?
Xia Zhi sneered, because of the pride in his heart, even the soreness and numbness in his legs had reduced a lot.

"Aren't you proud? What's wrong now?"

"What do you want to do? I'm warning you not to mess around!"

Tachibana Aya stood there with quite a look of horror on her face.Only those who have experienced it personally can understand the fear caused by leg numbness.

However, it seems pretty good to see this expression.

Xia Zhi just sneered twice, and then ignored her.

After you're done, go find yourself some water.

"Do you want some water?"

"Yes! Is there any juice?"


After pouring the last bit of water in the bottle to Tachibana Aya, Natsuki threw the bottle into the trash can.I have to do some shopping when I get back.For example, the ingredients for tomorrow's breakfast, drinks, etc.

"Another round?"

"Look at what time it is. Let's take a rest and get ready to go back."

"Hey... I don't want to go back yet."

"If you don't obey me, I won't play with you next time."

"Is it so vicious?"

Tachibana's leg finally recovered, she patted the non-existent ash, and jumped again.

"Don't dance. It's late at night."

"Alright alright."

Tachibana Aya drank all the water in the water glass in one go and put the glass on the kitchen counter.

"I'm ready."

"Okay, let's go."

Tachibana Aya walked towards the entrance, and the corners of Xia Zhi's eyes twitched again.

"If you don't take the board game box, forget it. Don't you even want to take Xiaoxi with you?"

"Oh! I forgot."

Tachibana Aya came back again.

Fortunately, Xiao Xi was asleep and didn't notice, otherwise she would have been so sad and might have run away from home.

Tachibana Aya gently picked up Xiao Xi and put her in her arms. She looked around again to make sure nothing was left behind before walking towards the Mengmen door again.Xia Zhi washed the quilt and put it away before following him out.

It’s not warm at night in Chiba right now, so it’s best to go back quickly if you can.

It was late at night again as always, and there were not many people on the street.

"Do you have to walk so far home at this time every day? Otherwise, Xia Zhi, why don't you rent a house somewhere else?"

"You put it simply. If I change places, where can I go?"

"For example, my apartment?"

Tachibana Aya came up with a bad idea.

"I don't have the money to live anywhere."

Moreover, even if he had the money, Xia Zhi was not prepared to move.I originally chose to live here for convenience. It is very close to coffee shops and schools. There is also a 24-hour convenience store next to it. There is also a tram stop not far away. This is already a very good living environment.Moreover, the rent was quite cheap, so Xia Zhi couldn't find any reason to move to another place.

Although the apartment is indeed a bit old, Xia Zhi has gotten used to it.

"Then, how about I move here with you?"

"No, please don't." Perhaps he heard that Tachibana Aya was not joking, and the corners of Xia Zhi's eyes twitched.

If she came to live, that would be fine.I'm afraid I won't be able to play until [-] or [-] o'clock every day and refuse to take a rest. Although it's about the same now, it's not impossible to make it worse.

Who can stand this?

Xia Zhi rejected her without thinking.

"I was just joking. You asked me to live here. I paid half a year's rent for the apartment over there in advance. If you can't get it back, it's my fault... But you refuse like this, and I'm still a little sad."

Xia Zhi could not detect any sadness in her words.

"Oh, by the way, although I said that I want to play together tomorrow, where can I find you guys? Do you want me to go directly to your school to block you?"

"Don't use the term "blocking". I don't even know what to say." Xia Zhi remembered the incident when Tachibana Aya blocked him just after leaving school. This guy actually lied about being sick to skip class and block people. , Xia Zhi didn’t even know what to say.

"Let's do this, you will still be in the store tomorrow, and I will bring them over to make peace with you later."

"Sigh. It's convenient to be in the same school... I don't even have classmates to go to and from school with."

"Isn't Mayumi from the same school as you?" Xia Zhi wondered: "Come to think of it, it's a shame that you guys are obviously from the same school and you have to go to the same place after school, but you didn't even come with Mayumi?"

"There is a deep reason for this. If Mayumi and I come here together, it will cause a lot of trouble for the child." Tachibana Aya sighed: "This is the heavy thing that a celebrity has to bear."

Xia Zhi chuckled twice.

"I know if you don't believe it, many of Mayumi's friends are juniors from the same club as mine, and they often go home from school together. If Mayumi and I came here together, wouldn't those kids know where I am? Even if they don't know , they will also ask Mayumi, the child will be very troubled."

Natsuki suddenly remembered that Tachibana Aya had indeed said before that she didn't want students from the same school to know her whereabouts?Mayumi... was a beautiful accident, but Mayumi was also asked by Tachibana not to reveal what she was doing, which made Mayumi very distressed.

"So why are you so mysterious...don't you like being popular?"

"That's not true. Rather, I hope to be popular. It's almost the same as now, but a little different." Tachibana thought for a while: "There is no conflict between liking to be popular and not liking to be disturbed, right?"

"It's not a conflict, but it's not a conflict." Xia Zhi saw a bit of his sister in her... Of course, it was just in the aspect of not having any friends.However, in Tachibana Aya's case, it's not that similar. After all, she still has friends, but not many.

Xia Zhi started to worry again...

"Well, this is the trouble that outstanding people have to face." Tachibana Aya became proud instead.

"Then you are too good."

Because they lived quite close to each other, Xia Zhi saw the brightly lit high-end apartment building where Tachibana Aya lived not long after walking.

"Okay, just send it here. Then see you tomorrow?"

"see you tomorrow."

Tachibana Aya hugged Xiao Xi and ran towards the apartment where she lived. After a while, she had already run downstairs of her apartment.Before entering the building, he turned around and waved to Xia Zhi, telling him that he could go, and then walked upstairs.

It is gratifying to be polite, but Xia Zhi will not forget the fact and reason why he appeared here in the middle of the night.After turning around and leaving, Xia Zhi still had to go to the convenience store to buy things for the next day, and it was already late at night, so there was no time or reason to linger here.

Going back, Xia Zhi walked to the convenience store. There were a lot of things to buy, but he had already thought about what he needed to buy before, so it was not too troublesome to choose. A box of eggs, a bag of salt, and a bottle of mineral water. , plus watermelon juice... To be honest, Xia Zhi didn't want to buy this at first, because the weather is cold now, and Xia Zhi has no place to put it except the refrigerator.

But that guy Tachibana will definitely yell afterward, buying it should make her quiet...


(End of this chapter)

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