Chapter 301

As always, today he was woken up by the alarm clock on the bedside table. While reaching out to turn off the alarm clock, Xia Zhi remembered that a long time ago, he could actually wake up before the alarm clock rang... As for why, Xia Zhi also knew it very well, but he just didn't want to say it out.

This is all Tachibana Aya’s fault!

Oh, I still said it.

He got up and washed up, and made a casual breakfast. If it wasn't for the cold weather now, he always wanted to eat some warm food. Xia Zhi felt that he would even go directly to the convenience store to buy two rice balls for lunch.Anyway, rice balls usually come with some seaweed and some salt. If you are not looking for any enjoyment, rice balls alone are enough.

After making a breakfast and lunch that didn't look too shabby for the time being, Xia Zhi put away the lunch, put on his schoolbag and went out to school.At this time, although it is still a bit cold in the early morning, it is not as cold as when we first arrived in Chiba. It is estimated that it will warm up to spring in the near future.

The four seasons of the island country feel like they come and go quickly. Although it may be just an illusion, the feeling of the four seasons in Japan is not particularly obvious.

Walking all the way to school, there was an acquaintance standing at the school gate.

"Good morning."

"Oh, good morning. You came very early today too."

Wu Heyuan also said hello to Xia Zhi.

"Aren't you earlier than me?"

"Well, it's work after all."

As for whether the work of the disciplinary committee can be called work, Xia Zhi didn't know.

"Oh, by the way, the school festival is coming soon. What are your class going to do, Itsuka?"

"Our class wants to hold a book club or something, where everyone brings some books and reads them together. To be honest, it's quite boring, but there's nothing we can do about it, because everyone in the class has a lot of club activities. , and the school festival club will also participate, so we can’t prepare well for class activities.”

Wu Heyuan sighed.

"Book club... this is my first time to participate in such a shabby activity, but there are quite a lot of benefits, because you don't need to do anything. The classmates in the class just take turns to be on duty, and you can visit other classes or club activities, or It’s quite interesting. Anyway, this is the first year’s school festival, so I think it’s pretty much it.”

If his class could organize this, Xia Zhi felt that he would be very happy, because the reading club sounds very casual, and there is no need to worry about it at all. There is still a lot of free time to visit other places.But for locals who are used to participating in lively activities, this should be regarded as a pity.

"If you have time, you can come to our class to play. They sell delicious snacks."

"Well, there will always be a chance. During the school festival, the Disciplinary Committee and the Student Council will be on patrol, and I don't know if there will be a break. But I'm in a lower grade, so it shouldn't be a problem."

"Then come over with Amamiya then."

"Ah." Wuhe blinked: "I almost forgot about this. But I often saw the child looking in my direction when I was in the classroom. I wanted to go up and strike up a conversation, but... Class is about to begin.”

"Yumiya is rather shy, please talk to her when the time comes."

"You really care about her. Do you really like that child?"

Wu Heyuan looked suspiciously.Xia Zhi felt that he should explain.

"Don't you think that child is a little reassuring?"

Wuheyuan stopped, and thought for a while: "What you said seems to make sense."

Although Wuhe Yuan could understand what he meant without too much explanation, Xia Zhi felt that it was a little sad.Fortunately, what I am doing now is solving this sad situation.

"But that child doesn't seem to talk much, and it seems difficult to strike up a conversation."

"It's just shy. It's easy to talk to her when you want to talk. Before, I was wondering if she would be bullied because she was too talkative, but later I realized that she didn't even have a chance to be bullied." Xia Zhi said. Tanshou: "So I'm helping her find a friend she can talk to, that's about it."

"To put it simply, you are just minding your own business. You are really free."

"That child is a bit like my sister. It seems that there is nothing wrong with saying that she is nosy."

"As for the standard ending... I'm also thinking that if I had a sister, it would be like that. If nothing happens then, I will talk to her and see. After all, there is an isolated girl in the class as a discipline The committee members can’t stand it.”

"Yeah. If you come for snacks then, I'll treat you to something delicious."

"If you don't keep your word, you will be punished by the Disciplinary Committee."

"That's really scary."

After Xia Zhi said goodbye to her, he walked towards the teaching building and found himself in a familiar environment. Although he spent a little time at the school gate today, Shiraishi Rika hasn't come to the classroom yet, but it shouldn't be long. .

Because something happened yesterday, Xia Zhi is a little nervous about Baishi Lihua's arrival now.He is not a liar who specializes in deceiving others. After doing such a thing behind others' backs, he can continue to talk as if nothing happened. Xia Zhi has not yet developed such a thick skin, and he does not really hope that he can develop it.

After sitting and resting for a while, the classroom door was opened.When Xia Zhi heard the news, he became nervous and blurted out "Good morning".The person who just walked into the classroom was obviously stunned for a moment, and then he spoke: "Good morning. But you scared me by suddenly saying good morning."

Is this the voice of Shiraishi Rika?Something always feels wrong.Xia Zhi came to her senses and found that the person standing at the door was not the person she expected to arrive, but her "close" friend, Ryoko Yamamoto.

"Why did you come so early today?"

"I always arrive at school at this time, oh... didn't you say good morning to me just now? No wonder I heard it as soon as I opened the door. However, I have to be scared even if it is Lihua. It's gone." She didn't go back to her seat, and walked over to Xia Zhi directly: "I'm very angry! I'm very angry! I was shocked when I heard the good morning this morning. Isn't this good morning?" Tell me. How are you going to make it up to me?"

Xia Zhi replied calmly with an emotionless "Good morning."

"The difference in your treatment is too obvious. I will cry." Ryoko Yamamoto walked towards her seat.

"What did you do yesterday?"

Xia Zhi asked casually, and Ryoko Yamamoto, who had just walked away, kicked on the desk when she walked through the desks and chairs, making a loud noise and a cool-sounding "hiss— —".

"Are you okay?" It sounded painful, but luckily it wasn't me who kicked the table.

"It's okay, it's okay...why do you ask?"

Damn it!Didn't he find out?Then am I dead?Pills, pills pills pills pills…

"It's nothing. I already said what happened yesterday, so there shouldn't be any big problem. I was wondering if there would be any mistakes here. After all, you... are really not reassuring."

"How rude! I won't fail!"

Only Yamamoto Ryoko knew that she almost broke out in cold sweat when she shouted this sentence.Sure enough, as long as people do receive some degree of suffering without discovering it, their intuition will become extremely sensitive.

Lihua already knew about yesterday's incident, so she was able to get over it by talking nonsense, and it was mainly because Xia Zhi didn't know about it, so although Shiraishi Lihua was shy, she still didn't get angry.If Xia Zhi found out... then Lihua was so thin-skinned that she couldn't kill herself to cover up and apologize?Will Xia Zhi stop her?I'm afraid I won't laugh out loud when I'm nailed in the coffin.Could she let something like this happen?
No, death is impossible.

"Really? That's fine..."

Xia Zhi is no longer entangled, because it is Ryoko Yamamoto's work, and she is the one who is most concerned about this matter, so there should be no big oolong like failure.

"Speaking of which, where is Li Hua?" Ryoko Yamamoto tried to change the subject.

"I don't know, I haven't come to school yet."

"Really, this is really rare. She usually comes to school very early. Could it be something happened on the way?"

"Probably not." Xia Zhi thought of the expressionless elder sister who led him yesterday: "As for Lihua, isn't there a driver and bodyguard? It seems that Miss Tangman was called to pick her up?"

"You actually even know this... That's right, I saw you coming from the other side together yesterday."

"What did you say?"

Natsuki felt that he had heard something wrong, so he confirmed it to Ryoko Yamamoto.

"Huh? Huh!? I said that since you went to Lihua's house yesterday, it seems not impossible that you will meet Sister Yueyue. After all, she often appears near Lihua's house."

"It seems that I have said so."

Xia Zhi stared at her, feeling a little uneasy.

"Don't worry. If it's Sister Yueyue, Lihua will definitely be fine."

"Lihua should be fine, but I'm wondering if something will happen to you now. Liangzi, did you know?" Xia Zhi narrowed his eyes: "When you lie to others, you will subconsciously look to the side. "

What! ?I actually have that habit?Yamamoto Ryoko suddenly felt a huge shock in her heart, but she did not show it on her face. She no longer changes her expression significantly for these small things. She often missed things because of this in the past.

She thought about it carefully and realized that she probably didn't have this habit.Because when I lie, in order to enhance my persuasiveness and credibility, I will choose to stare into the eyes of the other party. As the saying goes, the most dangerous place is the safest place!

so!Xia Zhi is lying to me!

Yamamoto Ryoko, who instantly understood Xia Zhi's purpose, snorted coldly in her heart, and then looked at Xia Zhi with extremely "sincere" eyes: "I didn't make a mistake, don't worry. If I make a mistake, let Lihua go." So, don’t I have to be sad to death?”


Let it be.

Although Ryoko Yamamoto's actions do always make people feel uneasy, they should still be able to distinguish between big and small things.Only by doing what needs to be done can people escape.

"However, Lihua came really slowly today. I'll call and ask."

Yamamoto Ryoko sat in her seat, took out her mobile phone from her pocket and called Shiraishi Rika.A few seconds later, Xia Zhi heard some sounds, but they were not coming from Yamamoto Ryoko's cell phone. Her cell phone did not have such a loud sound.Xia Zhi looked in the direction of the sound. It was the sound coming from the door.

Not huge, but not diminished.Although there is a wall next to me, there is probably only a wall between me and the sound...



Natsuki and Yamamoto Ryoko both looked towards the door of the classroom. The sound sounded for about ten seconds before it was turned off. At the same time, Yamamoto Ryoko lowered his head and looked at the hung up call displayed on his mobile phone. The corners of his mouth twitched unconsciously.

Xia Zhi watched as the classroom door was slowly opened, and then a familiar but strange girl poked her head in.

That should be Rika Shiraishi... right?

"Morning... good morning."

She looked a little nervous, but the voice should belong to Shiraishi Rika, and Natsuki couldn't even distinguish the voice of her friend who had been with her for so long.But... is this really Rika Shiraishi?

The girl walked in from the door, and it really gave Xia Zhi an incomparable sense of familiarity, whether it was the shape of her face, her movements, her height, her figure... ahem.In short, she must be Shiraishi Rika.However, it's a little different from usual.

Originally, Xia Zhi remembered very clearly that the side ponytail on his head that had become a symbol of the other person to him was missing, but was replaced by... straight hair that was almost completely different from the original style, that is, traditional In the sense of being black and straight, the rest has not changed much, but Xia Zhi feels that her whole person has changed a lot.

More beautiful?It doesn't seem right, because she is already very beautiful, and this kind of thing should not change casually, so it feels a bit wrong to say this.

Temperament changed?It also feels like it’s a bit out of point.But something did change, Xia Zhi couldn't tell.

Natsuki didn't know what to say here, and it took him a while to come back to his senses, but his first reaction was to look at Yamamoto Ryoko, only to find that Yamamoto Ryoko was also looking at the bewildered figure standing at the door with a shocked look on his face. Shiraishi Reika, Shiraishi Reika's face was so red that it looked like it was filled with blood.

Xia Zhi turned around again and was silent for a while before saying: "...Good morning."

"I go out for a while!"

Shiraishi Rika quickly closed the classroom door and disappeared from the eyes of Natsuki and Yamamoto Ryoko.

"Just now... was that Lihua?"

"...That should be it?" Ryoko Yamamoto asked uncertainly.

Xia Zhi felt speechless.

(End of this chapter)

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