Chiba Salted Fish Legend

Chapter 348 In comics or novels

Chapter 348 In comics or novels...

Shiraishi Rika plucked up the courage to speak out her thoughts, and then seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, becoming relaxed again.She turned her attention to the bento on her lap and ate it slowly.

As for Natsuhi...he was also eating a bento, but it was slightly different from Shiraishi Rika who was enjoying the delicious food. Natsuhi was just eating, and his mind was not here at all.

Only ghosts can exist here.

At this moment, two rapidly expanding emotions were merging and converging in Xia Zhi's mind. One was the huge embarrassment caused by someone seeing through the plan that he thought was well hidden, and this embarrassment was caused by another. It is continuing to expand due to unknown factors.The other one is a huge feeling of guilt that comes equally inexplicably.It can't be said that it is completely inexplicable. Xia Zhi is very clear about the fundamental origin of this feeling, but there is no corresponding interpersonal relationship as a basis... It is as if it appears out of thin air.

However, this is not incomprehensible. On the contrary, Xia Zhi probably has the same idea as Shiraishi Rika.Just imagine if a person asks you to go out to play together, but he has already arranged a project for another person in advance, and the projects you play with are relatively "leftovers", regardless of the situation. In either position, the parties involved will probably not be in a good mood.

What's worse is that the other party wanted to hide this incident, and the impact of being discovered by oneself is obviously much greater than the other party's own admission of the related matters in advance.

This matter was very thoughtless - only now did Xia Zhi realize this fact that should not be ignored.Regardless of whether this matter was discovered from beginning to end, it cannot change the fact that this matter was indeed very poorly thought out.

Baishi Lihua should be very angry now, right?

Although she said it was okay and forgave him, is it really that simple?The world is very complicated, and relationships are not as simple as black and white. Whether it is your parents, sister, friends, classmates or the world, you have taught yourself this countless times. As long as you are still a human being, you will make mistakes. .

Making mistakes is not terrible. Everyone makes mistakes. How to correct after making a mistake and how to deal with the negative impact of this mistake are the most important.

The root of the problem is already obvious. It has nothing to do with one's position. It's just people who think they're smart who are bringing it upon themselves.

In short, you have to apologize first.Although there are many ways to apologize, the only one that works for Xia Zhi is to rely on his own mouth.Xia Zhi doesn't have the ability or speaking skills to talk sweet words and strong arguments, and probably as smart as Shiraishi Reika can easily see through it, but it will only have the opposite effect.

Then no more bells and whistles.

Xia Zhi put down the slightly boring bento in her hand and took a deep breath like Shiraishi Rika. Shiraishi Rika noticed Xia Zhi's little movement and turned to look at Xia Zhi with some doubts on her face.

The words that Xia Zhi spent a short time organizing were broken down again when Shiraishi Lihua looked at her side.But it’s not okay to just be stuck doing nothing.Shiraishi Rika can speak her mind after taking a deep breath, and Vayne can turn invisible by taking a deep breath. There is no reason why she can't do it herself.

"Um..." Even though Xia Zhi was a little nervous, he suppressed his nervousness and didn't show it.He didn't know how long it had been since he was as nervous as he was now. Sure enough, living a salty life was the fastest way to corrode a person.

Probably having a premonition that Xia Zhi wanted to say something more serious, Shiraishi Lihua put down her chopsticks again, swallowed all the food in her mouth, and waited quietly for Xia Zhi to speak.However, she didn't seem to think that her attention once again gave Xia Zhi extremely strong pressure, and the words that were not easy to organize were once again broken into pieces.

There is no time to hesitate anymore...

"About today's matter, I was too inconsiderate. I'm sorry."

In short, if you don't apologize, things won't be able to continue. What's more, Xia Zhi is indeed at fault. This "sorry" cannot be avoided regardless of circumstances or reason.Shiraishi Rika didn't say anything or did anything, so Xia Zhi took it as her acquiescence and continued.

"I chose to conceal things that should have been explained in advance because of my own judgment. This is undoubtedly wrong. Although it is due to various things that led to the current result, if I do it wrong, I do it wrong. , there is no need for me to quibble. So... I'm really sorry."

An apology is a compensatory word or deed that needs to be made to the person concerned after having a negative impact on one's words and deeds and regretting it. Generally speaking, the act of apologizing will remain verbal most of the time, with the weaker party subduing and admitting their mistakes. end, and sometimes you need to use your body to match your language.As for the second method, Xia Zhi has learned and used it proficiently during the years of getting along with Xia Meng, and he can be called a master of apology.

Xia Zhi lowered his head slightly, because there was no crown or anything like that on his head, so Xia Zhi's head was lowered so that there was no pressure.

"It's okay to raise your head. Xia Zhijun didn't do anything that required bowing your head to apologize." Shiraishi Lihua, who was considerate and too gentle, said: "And I'm not angry with Xia Zhijun. Regarding this matter, I'm not It’s going to be a lie.”

"But what I did was indeed wrong. This is a fact." Xia Zhi shook his head.

"...Xia Zhijun is more stubborn than I thought. If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have said it."

"That would make me feel even more uncomfortable."

Although I don’t want to be a person who blindly accommodates others, I also don’t want to be a person who is always accommodated by others.When getting along with others, there are many things that if they are not explained clearly, neither party will feel good.

"Then let's do this." Shiraishi Lihua clapped her hands, as if she had come up with a good idea: "If Xia Zhijun can agree to me a condition, I will completely forgive you, how about it?"

Although Xia Zhi feels that Shiraishi Rika's current state is no different from complete forgiveness, Xia Zhi needs not only Shiraishi Rika's forgiveness, but also a profound lesson for herself, so that she can remember better and not make similar mistakes again. .Xia Zhi nodded.

"Don't worry, let me tell you my conditions first." Shiraishi Lihua looked around, maybe looking for her so-called conditions. She probably had no similar preparations from the beginning. This condition is likely to come from Shiraishi. Lihua's tenderness.

"Yes. Next time we can go somewhere else to play alone, like an amusement park or something like that. This should be okay, right?"

Lihua Baishi would say that such a condition is actually not difficult to imagine, and there is no problem with the thinking circuit.Since this time I was incidental, it would be nice to do it again if I can satisfy myself.Although this matter was very simple, Xia Zhi thought about it and shook his head.

"Isn't it really possible? Then..."

"Didn't you say that we wanted to go to the amusement park together before? Lihua, do you want to go twice?" Xia Zhi, who was a little more relaxed, tried to make a joke. Unexpectedly, Shiraishi Lihua was stunned after hearing her joke. For a moment.

"What's wrong?" Did he say the wrong thing again?When did it become so difficult to be a human being...

"No. I just thought you had forgotten about it, Xia Zhijun."

"I will never forget what I have agreed to do."

Although the main reason is that this incident was actually just mentioned not long ago, so Xia Zhi's memory has not become blurry yet.People will always remember things that are related to themselves more clearly.If you can barely remember the times that are related to you... For now, amnesia can only be alleviated but not cured.

"That's it, that's it..." Shiraishi Rika muttered, and when Xia Zhi thought she had suddenly awakened to the essential attributes of human beings, she laughed happily.Although he was smiling at first, he was obviously much happier now than before: "If this is the case, then there is nothing we can do about it. Really, Xia Zhijun usually looks very honest, but at this time he becomes so... cunning."

Although Shiraishi Rika seems to be in a good mood now, Xia Zhi does not understand the reason why her mood has improved. Although this is actually not bad, after all, making Shiraishi Rika happy is already very profitable, but Xia Zhi The questions that popped up in my heart finally overflowed from my body and appeared on my face.

"It's been half a year, but Xia Zhijun hasn't changed much."

"Is that a compliment?"

Without a clear context, Xia Zhi couldn't figure out whether "no change" was a compliment or a derogation. It could be understood as a positive meaning of maintaining the original state, or it could be understood as showing no signs of growth at all.Therefore, the key to things like language still depends on the context and how the speaker operates.

"It's okay to take it as a compliment."

Shiraishi Rika chose to give an ambiguous answer.Although he was somewhat helpless, this was not the focus of the problem in the first place, so Xia Zhi didn't care so much.

"So, Lihua, what are your conditions?"

"I'm thinking about it. It's still difficult to come up with a better condition. Obviously if Xia Zhijun pretends not to know, things will be much easier to deal with."

"If you still think about cheating and cheating at this time and situation, you will end up dying miserably."

People who are prudent have a way of living prudent, but Xia Zhi does not have such ability, nor does he want to live so shrewdly. Although he does not want to be deceived by Shinobu using phone scams or other things, but if he lives too shrewdly, It seems to be quite tiring.Measure everything with vested interests and losses... Life is not a game, and you don't need to be so careful about your calculations.

And now there aren’t that many games that require careful budgeting. Everyone can just spend money and be done with it.

"Today I suddenly feel that it is quite difficult to find a good condition. Otherwise, Xia Zhijun, you can make the decision."

"I'm not the type to come up with ideas."

"If Ryoko is here, maybe she will have some good ideas."

"…Are you sure that's a good idea?"

"Sometimes you have some good ideas." She defended her unconventional friend: "It's only been less than half a month since I left school. Even if I want to wait until the holidays to play, it will take a long time. So. , how about Xia Zhijun inviting me to dinner again?"

"Obviously, with your cooking skills, even dozens of me combined can't compare to you. Lihua, you are quite strange too."

Whether it’s Rika Shiraishi or Aya Tachibana, even though they can eat better and more delicious food than what they cook, they still have such great interest in the simple dishes they cook. Natsuki Tomo I almost have the illusion that I actually have the ability to match a five-star chef.

"But you just like what you like. If you, Xia Zhijun, were eating Manchu banquet every day, wouldn't you want to eat takoyaki?"

"What an example of luxury." And unfortunately, due to lack of practical experience and rich imagination, Xia Zhi couldn't come up with a definite answer, so he could only sit there in silence.And this silence was regarded as acquiescence by Shiraishi Lihua.

"No matter how delicious the food is, no matter how good the cooking is, I think it doesn't really matter. As long as it satisfies you and is liked by others, that's enough. Maybe it's because you're interested. I went to study how to cook, but no matter what, my original intention has not changed.”

"Just like what is said in comics or novels, a person's cooking will contain the intention of the creator. Unlike the messy cooking I make myself, although Xia Zhijun's cooking is relatively simple, it also contains Xia Zhijun's simple intentions. , this kind of cuisine is my favorite.”

Xia Zhi didn't know whether Shiraishi Lihua was saying that he was a simple person or scolding him for being a simple person. She had mixed feelings.Moreover, sometimes the humble words Shiraishi Rika said could actually be very hurtful. Natsuki's heart was about to bleed when he knew that his cooking was far inferior to what others called "mess".

"You just like what you like."

Shiraishi Rika said it again.

It's a pity that Xia Zhi doesn't have a deep understanding and experience of this sentence.Society is the rules that restrict people. If there were no such rules and everyone would do what they like, then the world would probably be in chaos.

In fact, most people in this world are not that happy. People's dreams will be bound and consumed by reality, and then fill themselves into places that need to be squeezed in, operate in ways they have never thought of, and then end My whole life has been replaced as a discarded part.Only a few people can sharpen themselves through such experience to compete for tickets that can enter the field they like.

It is unrealistic to be allowed to do something just because you like it, and for Xia Zhi, this is almost not allowed.Xia Zhi does not have the power to control the trajectory of his life.

This comes from a fundamental difference in stance.

(End of this chapter)

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