Chiba Salted Fish Legend

Chapter 349 Am I Such a Person!

Chapter 349 Am I Such a Person!
In any case, the agreement with Shiraishi Rika was finalized.Judging from the current situation, Xia Zhi will probably go to the amusement park with Shiraishi Rika one day in the future. By the way, Xia Zhi will be responsible for the lunch lunch. In an instant, he has lost a source of happiness. This is probably It was the biggest punishment for Xia Zhi, but other things... didn't change much.

Although there is no delicious food, if Shiraishi Rika can be forgiven, the results will be very good, and Natsuki is not greedy enough to ask for more.

"Then Lihua, will you go to the haunted house with me next time?"

"Originally I'm not very good at haunted houses, and Natsuki-kun doesn't like troublesome things. Let's go with Natsuki-san and Tachibana-senpai in the afternoon. I'm already very happy today, and the coffee shop is very busy today. To be honest, I'm a little worried about what's going on in the kitchen. I want to go over and help see if I can handle it."

Xia Zhi also remembered the busy figures of the girls in the class when they returned to the home economics classroom at noon: "It seems to be really busy today, I don't know why... I probably know."

Whether it was Lishi and Wuhe's help in publicity yesterday, or the promotion of coupons distributed, or Shiraishi Lihua's declaration of winning the cooking competition today, or people's word of mouth, it is well-known. Well, either one counts as a promotional event.As for these many publicity activities, even if each one has little effect, the minimum amount will still have some effect.

"In this case, I really want to go back and help. I don't know if Qingfeng Tendou can withstand it."

"Qingfeng and Tendo-san are fine. When I went to get Xia Zhijun's lunch box, I saw that they were quite relaxed. I really wish that Ryusei-san also went over to help. Xia Zhijun can have a good rest today."

"If you put it that way, it's actually the same in the home economics classroom. Although it's a little busy, it still seems like it can be taken care of."

"Hee. I'm not here. The other girls actually don't have much experience in cooking, not to mention that Ryoko is still causing trouble for them. I can imagine what the home economics classroom is like now. It's all pretty good now. It’s the limit, if I don’t go back, if I make a slight mistake, it will become a big problem.”

Although Shiraishi Rika spoke politely, she has always been very clear that she is indeed standing in a very important position and has corresponding awareness.She will not regard herself as the only important factor, but she will never underestimate herself and retain considerable self-confidence. This is the truest portrayal of Shiraishi Rika standing here.

"But I don't have anything to do if I don't go back." Xia Zhi scratched his head. Things that were difficult to explain at first became more relaxed after he talked about it: "Lihua, you go back to help, that guy Tachibana wants to I can’t come over until school is over in the afternoon. To be honest, it’s quite boring to go to such an event alone.”

Although the projects that are interesting in themselves are also important, more often than not, the factor that determines a person's happiness is not just the amusement projects, and sometimes it is not even the most important one.The project of the game is not very important, what is important is the atmosphere that can make people enjoy it.

Even if the game is interesting, if there is no atmosphere to enjoy the game, the fun of the players will be greatly reduced.On the contrary, if the game is not interesting, but the player can discover and enjoy the atmosphere, then he will not feel bored.For example, the Dark Flying Chess Competition, although it was a rubbish game, Xia Zhi did enjoy it when he played it for the first time.

"Is that so? That's really distressing." Even so, Xia Zhi did not see from Shiraishi Rika's expression that she wanted to express sadness. Instead, she wanted to laugh but held back the same expression. .Xia Zhi never thought that Shiraishi Lihua also had a hidden setting with similar evil intentions.

"However, this is something that Xia Zhijun needs to consider. Xia Zhijun needs to think about it himself." This was the advice given by Shiraishi Lihua.Xia Zhi sighed helplessly, maybe it would be good to just find a place to kill some time.

"I'll take a look around the school festival by myself. Maybe I can find something more interesting."

In addition to the items on the card, there are actually many other items in the school festival, and the food stall that I never saw was broken along the way is one of them.Xia Zhi can eat for an entire afternoon, of course, if the money is available.

"There are many interesting items in the school festival. Xia Zhijun can try to find them. I actually hope that Xia Zhijun can go to the school festival. Even if you go alone, it is actually quite interesting." Shiraishi Rikaqing He closed the lunch box lightly: "Xia Zhijun, do you need me to help you take the lunch box back?"

"No, let's forget it..." Xia Zhi thought about what Shiraishi Lihua did before to help him get the lunch box, and felt that it would be better for him to put it away himself: "Let's go back together, I probably have to follow Qingfeng by the way. Let Tendo and the others explain the misunderstanding and see if they want my help."

Shiraishi Lihua also remembered what she had done, and her face turned slightly red: "Okay."

The two of them returned to the classroom together, but the situation was a little beyond their expectations...

Xia Zhi glanced at the long queue that had reached the position of the two classes next door, and then glanced at Baishi Lihua who was stunned: "Is this true?"

"It should be true, right?" Shiraishi Rika wasn't too sure: "I think I have to go to the home economics classroom first and have a look. See you, Xia Zhijun."


After saying goodbye to Natsuki, Shiraishi Rika hurriedly walked towards the home economics classroom.And Xia Zhi... originally just wanted to put a lunch box and sneak out to play by himself, but now it seems that there is no such opportunity.

"Excuse me, please give way. I'm a staff member."

Xia Zhi spent some time to successfully pass through the crowd and walked into the classroom. Of course, the space was already full of people, and there were still people queuing up in front of the counter, probably buying snacks or something.Because there were too many people at the front door, the back door connected to the counter area had been opened, probably for the convenience of delivering snacks or something.

Xia Zhi thought he would be welcomed by Qingfeng and the others when he came in, but he didn't expect that they were all busy doing their own things and didn't see him.Only Long Shi saw Xia Zhi and walked over: "This classmate, please line up..."

Xia Zhi left him with a twitching expression at the corner of his eye.

"What, it turns out to be Xia Zhi. Aren't you dating Shiraishi?"

"Don't talk nonsense, we are just playing together." Xia Zhi glared at him: "I will put down the lunch box when I come back and stop by to help you."

"Going out with a girl is already considered a date... You have already understood this, so just admit it, how tiring it is."

"I'm not, I'm not."

"Forget it, we can't control your affairs. Whatever you do is your own business. But why are you back?"

Xia Zhi rolled his eyes: "I told you, I came back to put the lunch boxes, so I stopped by to help."

"If you want to put the lunch box, go ahead and help. We can still take care of it here."

"Are you sure you can take care of him?" Xia Zhi expressed doubts about what he said.

"Because the store is only so big, we can still take care of this number of people. Moreover, Qingfeng and Tendo have become much more skilled, so it would be a good idea to take this opportunity to let them practice more." Ryushi spread his hands and said: " And the two of them were originally on duty today, which is what they should do. I just don’t know why so many customers suddenly came today. Did you and Shiraishi do something? "

"...Let's just consider it as a way to promote it while playing."

"Although I don't know how you promoted it, you have obviously succeeded. There is actually no problem in the classroom now. We only need to take care of the ordering and clean up the desktop. Our work is actually relatively easy. But I don't know about the girls." Long Shi looked at the people still queuing at the door: "Most people don't actually stay in the store. If there is a seat, they will choose to sit down, but very few. Most of the customers I always come here and buy a cup of coffee and a snack before leaving. It’s really great that I bought a disposable cup.”

"But with such a large flow of customers, the inventory has begun to be tight. Nagahara and Mai just came over to do statistics and found that both the raw materials for making snacks and the raw materials for making coffee were not enough, so they asked me to call After I went to Suigo, Kudo and Hasegawa, the girls also called some people to go pick up goods quickly. Fortunately, everyone is in school, otherwise there would be insufficient manpower. "

"It's already a problem with such a tight manpower... By the way, you should give me a call."

"He will be killed by Nagahara." Ryusei said seriously.

Xia Zhi was filled with questions.

"In short, there is no problem with the operation of the store. Although those two idiots are not very good at studying, they have good physical strength from running around all the time. There is no problem. Just put the lunch box and go on the date. That's right. Don't feel any psychological pressure or anything, after all, this is how shifts are arranged. If there are really not enough manpower, we will call you ourselves."

"I'm alone now, Shiraishi has already gone to help in the kitchen."


Long Shi looked at Xia Zhi: "Didn't you have a good time? Why did it suddenly disband?"

"When I came back to put the lunch boxes, I suddenly saw so many customers queuing up. Shiraishi was worried that there were not enough people, so he went back to help. Same as me."

Long Shi glanced at Xia Zhi with disdain: "I guess you must have come to ask for help after Bai Shi went to help."

"You talk nonsense!" Xia Zhi glared at him: "Am I such a person?"

"Who just said you were stopping by to help?"

"That was just a slip of the tongue." Xia Zhi tried to cover it up, but the effect was not obvious.

"But now that Shiraishi has passed, you have nothing to do, right? Come over and help. To be honest, it's a bit tiring with so many people."

So these people no longer have any obvious expression fluctuations when they are lying?Who said just now that you can take care of it?Easy?

They are all liars.

"But the fact that there are so many customers now is just because it's lunch break time. It should be much better if it's later. Just stay and help them get back to Suigang."

"Okay. I'm not someone who likes to ask for overtime work."

"You can't become a qualified adult if you act like this."

"Do you have any strange misunderstandings about qualified adults?"

Their world is too precocious and cruel, Xia Zhi thought a little pitifully.

"Then Xia Zhi, please go to the door and arrange the queue first. Let the customers who want to dine in the store continue to line up, and bring in the customers who left after buying the goods. By the way, maintain order, there are a little too many people now. , if it is too chaotic, it will be noticed by the Discipline Committee and the Executive Committee. Although it is not a big deal, it is still quite troublesome."


It's really not a good idea to have a messy queue when queuing up, so don't increase the workload for Wuhe and the others. At least there are kind-hearted people who have helped publicize it.

"Wait, wait!" Tiantong, who was making coffee, noticed Xia Zhi who was communicating with Longshi: "Since Xia Zhi, if you want to help, come and change shifts with me. I'm tired of staying here, I want to go Move your hands and feet at the door."

It's okay to move my hands and feet.

"Are you trying to cause an incident?"

"Literally moving your hands and feet, you bastard! Long Shi, come and replace Qingfeng. It's too tiring to do the same job all the time."

"I don't care..." Long Shi looked at Qingfeng.

"Then Dragon Stone, come and stand for a while, I'm almost numb."

Qingfeng was so stupid to change such an easy job at the counter.Senior counter clerk Xia Zhi thought so.

"Okay, okay. Hurry up and don't keep the guests waiting too long."

After exchanging work for a while, the four of them started to get busy again.

"Ah, sure enough Xia Zhi is here too."

Hearing Wuhe's voice, Xia Zhi looked towards the back door of the classroom.Besides Itsuka, Mai was also there, both of them holding bags with snacks in their hands.

"I obviously let you and Lihua have fun, why did you come back suddenly? But Lihua's sudden return is really a big help."

"It's a long story." Now is not the time for small talk.

"Here, these are the snacks that were just made."

Long Shi took the snack and handed it to Xia Zhi, asking Xia Zhi to put it on the shelf next to it.

"We're going back."

There was not much communication. The two delivered the goods and returned directly.It can be seen that they are also quite busy there.

Long Shi also sighed: "When I usually work in a convenience store, I have never been so tired as I am today."

"Come on."

Xia Zhi didn't know what to say, so they encouraged each other, and then started their own work.

 Chapter says!My source of joy!All gone! 1551
(End of this chapter)

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