Chiba Salted Fish Legend

Chapter 358: Is it okay to scare them?

Chapter 358: Is it okay to scare them back?
Xia Zhi was startled when he saw the group of people suddenly rushing out of the room, but Tachibana Aya's words "It seems interesting" shattered the atmosphere that Xia Zhi had created in his heart. It's really worthy of him. is the source of happiness.

"What should I do now, run with them? You also said just now that it might be a chase or something."

"Wait until you see something before running away. Usually there will always be some clues in this kind of accident scene. When they are scared, they will leave the clues. Only those who have the courage to return to this place again will Clues to get the qualifications." Tachibana Aya gave a theory that seemed very reliable.

Natsuki didn't care. Anyway, the boldest Tachibana Aya was here. If he followed the others and ran around, he might be scared to death by his seniors who wanted to cause trouble.Following Tachibana Aya is the safest thing to do.

"Let's take a look at the front together." Xia Zhi said.

"I don't know if it will be a failure if caught by a ghost. If not, I want to search the whole thing."

"Calm down, it's impossible to search everything, right?"

Tachibana Aya pushed open the door and walked in. Xia Zhi quickly followed. Tachibana Aya stood at the door after taking only two steps. Xia Zhi almost bumped into him. Fortunately, he was not fast.Just as Xia Zhi was about to ask what was going on, Tachibana Aya said "oh" in front of him.

Xia Zhi tilted his head and looked inside from a place not blocked by Tachibana Aya.A "ghost" with very weird makeup all over her body is staying inside. On her head is a wig that can be dragged on the ground. She is covered in pale white clothes stained with large areas of bright red. She looks like It's like blood stains.It's just that her current movements don't match the clothes.

Natsuki happened to see her take a few steps back and lean against the wall because she was startled by Tachibana Aya.In her hand she also held a stuffed doll with its head twisted off. It looked quite like a stuffed bear, and the cotton inside was about to come out.

"Is there a clue in that?" Tachibana Aya asked straight to the point.

The ghost holding the severed doll seemed to hesitate for a while, then raised his hands in the air while making scary movements, and also made a cooperating sound that is usually used to scare people in movies.But... Xia Zhi thought it was better for her not to make any noise, as that would be more scary.

"Wow, the voice is so cute. She must be a very cute girl, right?" Tachibana Aya started chatting directly.

"I, I..." The ghost began to be at a loss.

"How about showing me her true face? She must be very cute. I like cute girls best."

"No, no..." The cute ghost began to retreat, but there was already a wall behind her, and she had no way to retreat now.Just like a poor girl who was cornered by bad guys, she is indeed a poor girl who was cornered by bad guys.

"Stop making trouble, I'm in a hurry." Xia Zhi couldn't stand it anymore, and walked past Tachibana Aya towards the female ghost: "I'm sorry she scared you, I will teach her a lesson later. But we are now I'm in a hurry, so can I trouble Senior to give us that puppet? Anyway, we saw it too."

She was hesitating, probably unable to make a decision on her own.

"If you don't hand it over, you can show me your true face!" Tachibana Aya was particularly excited.

"Hey!" Senior Ghost became even more frightened.

Xia Zhi turned around and glared at Tachibana Aya, not knowing whether she could see it or not: "If you say one more word, your dinner today will be gone."

"Hey!" Tachibana Aya was also scared.

Xia Zhi turned to look at Senior Ghost again, preparing to continue persuading her, but before she could speak, she had already handed the doll over, and then said very nervously: "Please, please take it."

Are there any such cute seniors in the senior year of high school?Xia Zhi felt a little incredible.He thought that only in the lower grades would there be girls who could even talk so cutely, like little angels...

Xia Zhi took the puppet and thanked him.

"It's so dark, can you turn on the light?" Tachibana Aya is a typical pushover, but Xia Zhi is not such a lack of sense.

"Let's go." He took Tachibana Aya's hand and walked out.Before Xia Zhi walked a few steps, he heard some sounds, like the sound of something sliding, just like the secret passage in the movie.

"Ning Ning! Woohoo, it's so scary! Woohoo."

"It's alright, it's alright."

Natsuki felt a little embarrassed, but Tachibana Aya thought of something else.

"Sure enough, they have a special channel for employees. How about we force them to get a special channel?"

"That will result in a loss. Please be more honest."

Even Xia Zhi didn't know that such a realistic haunted house game could have such evil gameplay.

Natsuki pulled Tachibana Aya and walked, originally planning to return to the place where there was a passage on the left and right at the beginning, but not long after walking, Natsuki frowned: "So this road is like this Of?"

In his memory, the passage that originally had several turns, Xia Zhi and the two walked for a long time and only made two turns.

"The road was changed? Such a big deal?" Tachibana Aya was also surprised.

"After all, the entire third grade of high school did it together, but isn't this a bit exaggerated? How did they do it?"

Xia Zhi observed the surroundings. Due to the lack of light in the entire passage, other than barely being able to avoid hitting the wall, nothing else could be seen.Now it seems that this should be designed, and it is not just a lighting effect used to create an atmosphere.

"Anyway, let's continue down. If you don't continue, you won't be able to pass the level, right?"

"Not necessarily. Since they changed the passage, if we can figure out how they changed the passage, maybe we can clear the haunted house without decrypting it?" Tachibana Aya said with a sudden thought.

"You can be a human being."

Xia Zhi obviously wouldn't let her break the rules of the game like this, so he continued to pull her towards the only direction given by this road.Not long after walking, Xia Zhi heard noisy sounds again. He knew it was the sound of a group of people running wildly.Wouldn't that five-person group be scared again?Natsuki thought so, and then pulled Tachibana Aya to lean against the wall.

"Those children seem to be scared again?" Tachibana Aya guessed about the same as me.

"Maybe. I don't know if standing here will scare them." After all, it's so dark that you might not be able to see the face clearly. Even if you can see it clearly, you may not be able to recognize it. The possibility of scaring people is quite high.

"But there's no other place for us to hide's just this one road."

As soon as Tachibana Aya finished speaking, Xia Zhi heard something different.I seemed to have heard this voice somewhere before. It was a bit familiar, and... it was very close, as if it was coming from behind me.Natsuki glanced at Tachibana Aya, who was also looking at him with a puzzled expression.

If it’s not Tachibana color, what is that?Xia Zhi turned to look at the wall that was originally behind him. It was opened, opened, opened in front of him.



Xia Zhi looked at the familiar white figure who had just opened the door and looked a little struggling, and the other person looked at him as if he had been petrified.Natsuki didn't know if it was appropriate to say "We meet again" at this time, but Tachibana Aya, who belongs to the action group, approached Oni-senpai the moment she saw him.

"Wow! This is fate! Sure enough, cute girls are attracted to each other."

It turns out that the cute girl is a substitute messenger?

"Hey!" Oni-senpai was frightened by Tachibana Aya and took a few steps back, then leaned against the wall behind him again.In a short period of time, she was forced into a desperate situation for the second time.

Xia Zhi quickly pulled away the tachibana: "Stop making trouble, what are you going to do with me if you scare seniors?"

"I'm your senior, and I'm the same age as me." Tachibana Aya defended, but that was not the point of the problem at all.

Now that things have happened, Xia Zhi no longer has to think about what is appropriate or inappropriate.

"We meet again, senior."

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" Senior Ghost was sobbing softly. He was obviously wearing terrible clothes and terrible makeup, but his movements were extremely cute.

Xia Zhi did not forget the five-person group that was approaching rapidly.

"Well, senior, how about you finish your work first and then we can talk?"

Xia Zhi made suggestions and removed himself from the group that needed to be frightened by the other party.Senior Ghost was still scared, leaning against the thick wall and shivering.

It's causing trouble for others... Xia Zhi thought helplessly, and then thought of a solution in the next moment.

"Since you appear here, are you trying to scare those people who are coming in front?" Xia Zhi looked at Tachibana Aya: "Tachibana, go and scare them back."


"Although what you said seems interesting, I don't have any makeup. How can I scare people if I'm so cute?"

"Just think of it like a long time ago, suddenly jump out of a dark place and make a sound. People who are greatly frightened don't have the ability to distinguish."

"It seems to make sense. Then shall I go?"

Xia Zhi nodded, and then asked Senior Gui for his opinion: "Is it okay to scare them back? Senior."

The ghost senior, who was shivering and confused, nodded.



Tachibana Aya immediately ran away with a look of joy on her face, and then hid in a shadow where she would not be easily seen.

As Tachibana Aya, who has been scared twice in this way, Natsuki certainly understands how much fear it can bring to be scared in this way, so he has no fear at all. But from Tachibana Aya's side, what needs to be dealt with now is the senior's side. things.

"I'm sorry for scaring senior again. I'll apologize to senior on behalf of that guy." He bent down slightly.

"No, it's okay. I wasn't scared." Although she was still shivering, for the sake of her dignity as a senior, she tried to control herself and comforted Xia Zhi.What a nice guy.

"Actually, senior, you don't need to be afraid of her. She is quite courageous and does things casually, but she is still a very good person. If you should be scared, just keep scaring her. Don't be afraid of her." Xia Zhi imparted his experience to her .

"I'm not afraid!" Senior Ghost emphasized, and in order to strengthen her persuasion, she even waved her fist.

Just think of it as such. Anyway, the prompts that need to be given are over.


Another very sharp scream came from the side, even more piercing than the screams Natsumi and Tachibana Aya heard on the other side before. Tachibana Aya must have succeeded.And Xia Zhi also saw the envious expression of his senior from under the floor-length hair because of the lights in this space.

Xia Zhi began to suspect that this was not a haunted house, but should be called a cute house.

"I succeeded!" Tachibana Aya ran over happily: "Praise me, praise me!"

"Well done." Xia Zhi praised her.

Judging from their screams, Tachibana Aya was very successful in frightening them this time. Of course, it also highlighted how frightened Xia Zhi was at that time.

Tachibana Aya was very happy. Oni-senpai said something that Xia Zhi had heard countless times: "The relationship is really good."

At this point, Xia Zhi no longer goes back to refute such a trivial matter.

"Oh, by the way, it wasn't the five kids from your school that I scared back just now, it was those three troublesome guys."

Xia Zhi's face showed confusion.

"Why are they? Aren't they supposed to be on the other side?"

After all, we had just seen a group of five people instead of a group of three, and there was only one way, so they entered at about the same time.Xia Zhi still thought that they should have left separately, but was he wrong?

"The route should have been changed, and the passages inside have been connected." Tachibana Aya knocked on the wall: "But since those three people were scared from the other side, they will be scared back here. If so, then there should be clues in the front and back that we can get. The back is where we came from, and we have already got the clues, so we just keep going forward."

It turned out to be the case.

"Then let's set off." Xia Zhi turned to look at Senior Ghost: "Then let's go. Senior, please come on."

"Oh, you, come on, too." Senior Oni's voice was still trembling a little. It seemed that Tachibana Aya left a big shadow on her soul.

Then she pushed the opened door and bet on the passage again.

"Hmm... I really want to go in and see what the employee passage looks like."

"Stop talking nonsense and let's go. If we go over now, we might be able to catch them in time to release clues, which will save us time in looking for clues."

Xia Zhi walked forward.

"I'm coming."

Tachibana Aya also quickly followed.

Now that things have happened, Xia Zhi is no longer prepared to think about things related to this haunted house in the usual way of playing games.

Tachibana Aya, who can complete the discussion of evil in the haunted house, is indeed a rare talent.

(End of this chapter)

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