Chiba Salted Fish Legend

Chapter 359 What is that?

Chapter 359 What is that?
After bidding farewell to Oni-senpai, Natsuki and Tachibana Aya headed towards the direction where the three people who had just been scared away fled. Along the way, she introduced to Natsuki the scary things that might appear along the way. location, and then she used various methods to cover up her embarrassment after she found out that everything was business as usual.

But thanks to her, Xia Zhi has at least understood that the most important part and core content of this haunted house is not actually scary, but should be decrypted - if you choose to use that senior to scare people, this is indeed the case.Perhaps the seniors in high school have also considered the characteristics of Japanese culture and want to add cute elements at any time and anywhere. I have to say that they have indeed succeeded.

After seeing the ghost senior, Xia Zhi's fear of this haunted house instantly dropped to a slightly unpleasant level, even though there was a senior who later put on slightly scarier makeup and used lights to enhance the atmosphere. It was scary, but Xia Zhi wasn't scared at all, but the other party was really scared by Li Huacai.

Can you imagine what it would be like when a ghost jumps out of a dark corner to scare you, and someone jumps against the ghost in front of it?She even scared the other party into confusion. Tachibana Aya simply refreshed the limits of her knowledge of haunted houses.But these are all trivial matters, and Xia Zhi doesn't really care about them.

After experiencing two or three various "scary" places, Xia Zhi also guessed why the three people were running around yelling. Although he couldn't empathize with it because of Tachibana Aya, but one after another Being frightened is indeed a scary thing.

Natsuki and Tachibana Aya finally saw the room where this road here should be.

"Hey, let me tell you, I guess they are ready to scare people now. When they jump out to scare us later, can we dance with them together? It should be very interesting." Li Huacai suggested Said, and it was obviously a bad idea, Xia Zhi flatly refused.

"No. Don't make a fuss. If you still want that puppet, don't do these superfluous things. Take the clues quickly and continue walking. I don't know what happened to the eight people in such a big place. He ran somewhere and can't even hear the sound." Xia Zhi felt quite strange.

"It's quite quiet now. Although it's unlikely, it might be some kind of soundproofing material used."

"Maybe." Xia Zhi nodded, then opened the door to Le's room and walked in.

Unlike before, this room is bright, which means that the scary thing has not been triggered yet. Someone may jump out and scare people later.Xia Zhi thought so, but the reality was different from what he imagined.

Xia Zhi looked at the ghost senior whom he met for the third time and was speechless.

Fate?Maybe so.But this is too coincidental.

"Oh, we meet again." Although Tachibana Aya looked very surprised, she restrained herself in the end and did not go up to ask questions.Probably dinner is indeed an irreplaceable thing for her.

"Hmph." Senior Ghost snorted softly, but her expression was blocked by the long hair of the prop. Xia Zhi couldn't see her expression, but it was not difficult to imagine: "Ningning told me, anyway, they I can’t scare you two anymore, and the others have been arranged to scare others, so let me wait for you here and then give you the clues directly. I didn’t mean to wait for you here.”

"Wow..." Li Huacai exclaimed, almost drooling.

Xia Zhi hesitated for a moment: "Isn't it bad to do this?"

"Ningning said it didn't matter. She said it would be difficult to solve the clues and find the intersection anyway, so she wasn't worried."

This sentence was obviously not meant for myself.Sure enough, the moment Oni-senpai finished speaking, Xia Zhi heard a very weak "Idiot!", and Tachibana Aya and Oni-senpai seemed to have heard it too.Senior Ghost looked around: "Ning Ning seems to be calling me?"

"...If you are sure it is for calling someone."

"Only Ning Ning would call me that. I'll give you the clue. I'll leave first. Goodbye."

She waved to Natsuchi and Tachibana Aya, then forcefully pulled open a wall behind her. She entered what should be the employee passage in front of Natsuchi and Tachibana Aya, and then worked very hard to pull the wall open. Went back.There is insufficient light at the cracks in the wall, so it should not be visible unless you look very carefully.

Xia Zhi felt that Senior Gui should have gone back to be scolded, but he had just received a benefit from someone, so it seemed not good to just ignore it, so Xia Zhi silently prayed for Senior Gui in his heart for a while, and then continued Looking at Tachibana Aya: "So it seems that we have collected all the clues?"

"Maybe... but is it really okay for the process to be so short? It's only been 10 minutes since I came in and I'm exhausted."

"It would be a bit short if we were scared and ran around like the other eight people, instead of dancing against the seniors like you."

15 minutes is neither too short nor too long. If they had followed a more normal pace, Natsuki and Tachibana Aya probably wouldn't have been able to get the clues so easily.Probably, it's just a matter of being bolder and having better luck.

The clue left by Senior Ghost was something Xia Zhi had already anticipated - the head of the headless puppet.Of course, clues must be used together to be useful. Scattered clues are just making things difficult for people.Not everyone can be like a famous detective who can combine clues that seem unrelated but are actually not very related. If it takes 5 minutes to find the clues and 25 minutes to decrypt it, the challenge will end. The reputation of this haunted house This is probably the end.

Tachibana Aya held up the bear head and turned it up and down towards the light: "There doesn't seem to be anything strange about it. Do you want to connect it?"

"How are you going to do this? Isn't it too hardcore to find a clue in a haunted house and have to sew it up with needlework?"

If this is really the case, I'm afraid I still have to find a sewing kit.In this way, you can basically say goodbye to the jackpot.Moreover, this is a little unreasonable. Although Natsuki knows some needlework skills because he lives alone, but if someone like Tachibana Aya comes, won't even the method of clearing the customs be completely blocked?They shouldn't be so stupid.

So, either there's more than one way to beat the level, or the bear doesn't actually need to be sewn up.

"No need, look." Tachibana Aya said, holding the puppet's body in her left hand and the puppet's head in her right hand. Then she aligned the broken parts slightly and snapped them shut: "Isn't this the answer?"

"Do you think things will be that simple?"

"It's not bad." Tachibana Aya grabbed the puppet's body and shook it. Xia Zhi was surprised to find that the puppet's head was not shaken off: "Look, isn't this pretty good?"

"What did you do?" Normally speaking, there shouldn't be a puppet that has been twisted like that and can be connected together after random splicing, right?It's not a lotus root, it can be broken and the silk cannot be connected.

"I didn't do anything, it was just like this." Tachibana Aya tugged on it in a performative manner. Although it didn't use much force, it was indeed not able to pull it off.

Xia Zhi felt strange and took the puppet from Tachibana Aya's hand. He also tried to gently tug it, and found that the puppet did have a resistance that would not allow him to separate it... What the hell?Could it be that they made a living puppet?This is obviously unlikely.

Natsuki didn't want to understand, and Tachibana Aya started to suggest again: "I'm a little curious about how they did it, let me see it again."

Although her instinct told her that Tachibana Aya might be doing something sexy, Xia Zhi still handed it to her.Xia Zhi himself was quite curious.

As a result, as soon as Tachibana Aya took over the stuffed bear, she turned against the bear. No, she started to use violence as if she had turned against the bear. She didn't use force just now, so the head and body of the puppet were not separated again, but if Tachibana Aya used force, Even if the bear was still properly connected, it would probably be torn in half by Tachibana Aya.

Then Tachibana Aya really did this. She grabbed the bear's body with one hand and the bear's head with the other, and pulled hard... The puppets separated again. Xia Zhi felt that this was not possible for a normal girl. It's still too violent, I need to mention it to Tachibana Aya properly later.

However, thanks to her, the little secret just now was directly exposed.

"I see." Tachibana Aya glanced at it, with a slightly disappointed expression on her face: "Although it's cleverly hidden, it's actually a pretty simple mechanism."

"Being able to skillfully use things in life is a very amazing skill." Xia Zhi tried to correct her thinking and looked at the place where the puppet was broken.Then, Natsuki understood why Tachibana Aya showed such an expression.

It is indeed a very simple mechanism.Xia Zhi looked at the two U-shaped magnets that were connected and could not be separated, and was speechless.There is also a lot of cotton on it.The magnet in the body is still inside the body, so the cotton that was brought out should be inside the head.

If it were the suction force of a U-shaped magnet, it would really not be able to be shaken out if I flicked it like before.

"But... this should be considered a bad thing, right? I have to apologize properly when I go out later. Do you understand?"

"Huh? You are obviously involved in this matter! You even acquiesced!"

"But it was you who broke it, not me." Xia Zhi spread his hands: "We can't shirk responsibility."

"I..." Tachibana Aya glared at Natsuki: "Forget it, I can still accept a little sex and naughtiness. After all, it's cuter this way."

"What nonsense are you talking about? Now that the puppet is broken, do we destroy the props to pass the level, so we can't pass the level?"

"No, in addition to the magnet and cotton, there is also a small note that was just exposed. The clues should not be broken." Tachibana Aya took out the note from the cotton: "How come the cotton in the mouth is also exposed? Pulled it out?"

"Did you use too much force? Look, even the inside of your mouth is split. I have to apologize properly later, do you understand?"

"Hey." Tachibana Aya smashed her mouth, no longer caring about the head that was mostly made of cotton and even slightly damaged, and looked at the note in her hand: "Well, what is written on it... Congratulations on passing the level. Please stand at the entrance and call the staff and show this note..."



"what did you just say?"

"It seems we have cleared the level?" Tachibana Aya asked uncertainly.

"Show me the note." Xia Zhi reached out to Tachibana Aya for the note. After taking the note from her hand, Xia Zhi read it carefully: "Congratulations on passing the customs. Please stand at the entrance and call for work. The officer will show this note as proof of customs clearance. Please do not disclose information about customs clearance methods to others, thank you."

"This should be considered the kind of approach that wants to do the opposite and use facts to prove that the most dangerous place is the safest place?" Tachibana Aya made a bold guess.

"...I don't know." Xia Zhi was no longer able to make a fair and reasonable judgment on this matter. Many insulting words were replayed in his brain, and he was trying hard to control himself not to say them out loud.

"It's so boring... Although I met a very cute girl and frightened the staff by dancing, but is this haunted house really a haunted house?"

"……do not know."

"Forget it, if we go over now, we can get the first prize. Today is a great harvest, so we won't pursue this matter."

Xia Zhi held the bear's head and the note in his hand, and was pushed back by Li Huacai. He quickly walked to the entrance room with passages on both sides and summoned the staff.After confirming the slip of paper presented, he checked the watch in his hand.

"13 minutes... I didn't expect that someone could actually find a way to clear the level so quickly. No one has successfully cleared the level before." The other party scratched his head in distress.

"You lied to me, right?"

"No, no, you are indeed the first person to successfully walk out within 15 minutes. And I didn't hear that big noise... But forget it, the rules are the rules and will not be changed. This is for Your customs clearance certificate.”

The other party handed over something like a badge with the number 1 engraved on it. It should be a small handmade prize or something like that.

"Take this thing to the booth and you can get the top prizes and seals."

"Great!" Tachibana Aya was very happy.

"Oh, by the way, please give me the puppets, keys, maps, necklaces, photos and notebooks you found so that I can have someone set up the next game."



Natsuki and Tachibana Aya looked at him with extremely doubtful eyes.

"What it is?"

Tachibana Aya asked directly.

 It's late, it's time for dinner~
(End of this chapter)

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