Chiba Salted Fish Legend

Chapter 474 Why are you so careless?

Chapter 474 Why are you so careless?
Xia Zhi walked back to his apartment, opened the door and shouted "I'm back" again, but received no response.Xia Zhi thought that Xia Meng had fallen asleep again, so he took off his shoes and walked inside, and then saw Xia Meng sleeping on the sofa.Xia Zhi was a little helpless, it was still a bit cold now. Xia Meng fell asleep holding Wandering Soul, curled up, wondering if it was a bit cold.Although I have planned to buy a thinner quilt, I haven’t had time to buy it yet...

Xia Zhi put his schoolbag on the ground, walked quietly to the front of the sofa, took the ghost away from Xia Meng's hand, and put it on the other side of the sofa. He reached out and hooked Xia Meng's neck and legs, and just put it on She picked him up and prepared to carry him into the room.Xia Meng is not heavy at all, so light that it feels like she will be blown away by the wind. People like Xia Zhi who don't exercise often can pick her up easily.Xia Zhi was still a little worried about whether she would wake up Xia Meng, but after taking a few steps, Xia Meng showed no signs of waking up. She was probably sleeping soundly.

However, when Xia Zhi walked to the door, he wanted to slap himself.Both hands were used to hold Xia Meng, but the bedroom door was closed and the handle was not too low. What should I use to open the door?Use your head?
How about putting Xia Meng back and opening the door first before taking her in?This is too retarded.

Xia Zhi held Xia Meng and hesitated at first. Then Xia Zhi felt the girl in his arms move. He looked down and saw that although he felt a little dazed, Xia Meng had already opened his eyes.

"What are you doing?" Xia Meng asked directly without moving.

"Well... I saw Mengmeng that you were sleeping on the sofa, and I was afraid that you would catch a cold, so I wanted to carry you to the room to sleep..." Xia Zhi chose to tell the truth, but for some reason, Xia Meng's face changed. The redness rose, then faded quickly.

"Then what are you doing standing here?"

"...The door to the room hasn't been opened yet."

Xia Zhi felt that Xia Meng's originally kind eyes suddenly turned into looking at someone... Forget it, to save some face for herself, it's better not to say this word.

Then Xia Meng, who was being held by Xia Zhi, stretched out her hand and opened the door to the room.Looking into Xia Zhi's eyes, Xia Zhi already knew what she wanted to say, so she continued to carefully hold Xia Meng and walk inside.Arriving at the bedside, Xia Zhi gently put Xia Meng on the bed, and was about to reach out to pull the quilt, and then Xia Meng sat up.

"No, I still want to continue reading."


If you want to read a book, why do you want me to carry you over? ?

Of course, Xia Zhi didn't dare to ask this, so he walked towards the living room and said, "I'll get it for you, but it's better not to look at it for too long at this late hour."

"I'll just read another ten or so pages."

Xia Zhi walked out of the room and found the book next to the sofa. Well... it was about the size of a magazine and the thickness of a dictionary. Words the size of rice grains were densely arranged, and there were not even a few pictures.Xia Zhi felt that if he read it, he didn't know if he could finish reading these ten pages in one day.Returned to the room with the book.

"The characters in this book are too small, Mengmeng, you'd better read it during the day."

"It's just for entertainment. If you don't read, you won't be able to sleep at night."

Perhaps this is the difference between a proud man and a salted fish.Xia Zhi also knew that he couldn't persuade her, so he handed her the book and told her to read in a well-lit place before returning to the living room. He still had a lot of things to do.

However, when Xia Zhi walked to the dining table, he didn't see the rest of the dishes. Did Xia Meng take them to the kitchen?So Xia Zhi walked towards the kitchen.Although there were still no traces of used tableware, Xia Zhi saw another scene.

There are water stains on the kitchen table, which are traces left by someone who didn't wipe them dry. There are also sporadic water droplets on the kitchen floor. They haven't dried yet. It looks like it has been mopped once. However, because of the water absorbed Too much, and the remaining water droplets cannot be sucked away.Xia Zhi looked through the cupboard and found the tableware inside that he should have washed.The bowls are stacked one after another. Although they look a little crooked compared to the ones stacked next to them, they are indeed stacked.

Xia Zhi giggled as he took out the crookedly stacked bowls, checked whether they were washed, and then stacked them up again.

If Xia Meng hadn't done this, Xia Zhi would have dared to stand on his head and have diarrhea without leaving any escape route. He was so confident.

How could there be such a good girl in this world?I am so lucky to have a sister like Xia Meng.

Although Xia Zhi still needs to go to the bathroom to take out the mop and mop up the water stains on the floor, this is just a lack of experience. Xia Meng will definitely do better in the future.Who in this world is so lucky to marry such an outstanding girl?
If he dared to let Xia Meng clean the house, Xia Zhi vowed to smash his head and feed it to the fish.

I’ll wash an apple for Xia Meng later.

Uh-huh?What about Apple?

Xia Zhi looked around, but still found no sign of Apple.Where did the apple go?

Xia Zhi carefully recalled what happened. When he came out of the store, he still remembered that the big bag of apples was in his own hands. Then, because there were too many apples and it was a bit heavy, he wanted to change them. One hand continued to take it, and then...then Tachibana Aya took it away! ?

Xia Zhidu no longer knew what to say.If nothing else, Tachibana Aya is probably on her way here now. After she comes here, she will hand the apple to her, and then she can justifiably accuse herself of forgetting to pick up the apple and asking her to deliver it to her.How could Xia Zhi refute this?

Where did she get all these fantastic ideas?
Buckle buckle.

There was a knock on the fantasy door, Xia Zhi's eyes twitched, and then he walked towards the entrance.Even through a door, Natsuchi seemed to have seen Tachibana Aya looking at him with a smug expression on her face.

After opening the door, my imagination and reality overlapped.

"Why are you so careless? You even forgot to take the apples and you asked me to bring them to you."

Even with the words of accusation, Xia Zhi saw a smile on her face, without any sign of anger or trouble.

The corners of Xia Zhi's eyes twitched violently.

"……come in."

(End of this chapter)

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