Chiba Salted Fish Legend

Chapter 475 I will help you keep your secret

Chapter 475 I will help you keep your secret
Li Huacai came in from the door, handed the apple in her hand to Xia Zhi, turned around and closed the door deftly, then quickly took off her shoes with her heels, and jumped onto the entrance.

Xia Zhi looked at the large number of apples in the plastic bag. This was evidence of his negligence and he had to leave a deep impression.However, Xia Zhi felt that he couldn't blame himself for not being very smart, it was just because the enemy was too cunning. How could an honest and friendly person like Xia Zhi be able to fight against the Routine star who was full of tricks?It's definitely impossible to fight.

Natsuki was looking for reasons for herself here, while Tachibana Aya stood aside and looked towards the facade of the living room.

"Where's Mengmeng? This apple is really sweet. Ask her to come out and eat the apple."

"Because I fell asleep on the sofa just now, and I carried her into the room to sleep. Keep your voice down, so as not to disturb her."

Xia Zhi warned her, then turned around and headed towards the kitchen. He wanted to wash the apples first.But when he turned his head, he saw Li Huacai's undisguised envious gaze, and this gaze was directed at him, which made Xia Zhi feel very uncomfortable.

"Did you enter the room with Mengmeng in your arms? A princess hug?"

"Then how else can I hug..."

Are there still werewolves in this world who can hug people and take them away at the same time?Then let's be ruthless.

"I want this too." Tachibana Aya said to Natsuki, her eyes full of seriousness.

Does she want this too?After hearing Tachibana Aya's words, Natsuki began to think deeply.

Ever since she showed Tachibana Aya a photo of Xia Meng, she has always been interested in her sister, and unabashedly called Xia Meng her sister.She actually wants this with herself now?Her meaning was already obvious.

Xia Zhi sighed, why didn't he find out until now?
Xia Meng is very cute, the cutest in the world. No one can compare with Xia Meng. She is the sister she is most proud of.Such an outstanding girl will naturally be liked by most people in the world, and even girls cannot resist her charm.Tachibana Aya is no exception. Ever since she saw Xia Meng's photos, she has been very interested in them. This is the best proof.

In the long time since I met her until now, Xia Zhi has never seen Tachibana Aya interact with any other men, at most she can speak a few words with an acquaintance like the store manager, and never I have never heard of Tachibana having a man who is more concerned about, she is single until now.While this is normal, it is not so normal in Japan.For more than half a year, the sensitivity and interest of the people around me, including Li Huacai, to the topic of love far exceeded my imagination, as if this issue was the top priority in their lives. Not wrong, but the time and place were wrong, and they were still very wrong.

It can be said that Shiraishi Rika's tutoring is relatively strict. Most high school boys don't have the courage to strike up a conversation. Shiraishi Rika herself is also working hard to become an excellent capitalist and chef. It's normal to not be interested in such things. ; And Tachibana Aya, who is as outstanding as Shiraishi Rika, has never said that she has someone she likes. This is obviously not normal.This person is very courageous and is also very interested in the topic of love, but why haven't I heard of anyone she likes?
Considering that Tachibana is studying in a girls' high school, and considering Tachibana's status in their school and his attitude towards the girls in their school, Xia Zhi came to a conclusion.

Tachibana Aya actually likes girls, that is, the yuri girl that Natsuki once thought could only appear in novels or anime.Holy shit.

Li Huacai fell in love with Xia Meng, and Xia Zhi felt his scalp tingling.

In the past, because Xia Meng was not here, she could bear it, but Xia Meng is here now, feeling the charm of the cute incarnation so closely, how could Li Huacai resist it?This also explains why she was so anxious to establish a good relationship with Xia Meng before.It's really a good idea to get the moon first if you are close to the water, Li Huacai.

Xia Zhi shrunk his nose, but luckily no nosebleed.Although I imagined it, the picture seemed pretty good, but Xia Meng is my only baby sister, and she still shoulders the heavy responsibility of leading the world to the future. It is absolutely impossible for Xia Zhi to let her go on this wrong path. It's a pity. Yes, your scheme has been seen through by me, Sherlock.However, I won't hate you because of this. Although I don't want to admit it, we have been friends for more than half a year.

Xia Zhi took out a hand and patted Tachibana on the shoulder, with an expression of understanding and comfort on his face: "I will not hand over my sister to you. But don't worry, I won't hate you because of it." Yours, I will keep your secret for you, don't worry."


"What did you say? What secret?" Tachibana Aya had confusion written on her face.

Xia Zhi had already seen through her stubbornness and did not expose her. He just gave her a look of "come on and live on" to let her realize it, and then walked into the kitchen with the apple.

If Li Huacai has an idea about Xia Meng, it must be impossible to succeed, because Xia Zhi knows better than anyone what kind of personality, Li Huacai is still interested in the topic of love, and as long as someone dares When it comes to talking about love in front of Xia Meng, it is impossible for Xia Meng to give him a good face. Xia Zhi has already experienced this for himself. The grounds were beaten.Xia Meng now hates the topic of love, and it is absolutely impossible for Tachibana Aya to succeed.

Haha, another poor man surrendering in front of the most adorable girl in the world.

"Hey! Don't just tell half of what you said! Tell me what the secret is! Why don't I know it myself!?"

Tachibana Aya asked loudly, and Natsuki turned around and told her to keep her voice down.Tachibana Aya now felt as uncomfortable as eating a fly.It's been a long time since this feeling of being tantalized, she was eager to know what the secret Xia Zhi was talking about, but Xia Zhi didn't seem to want to continue talking.Who is this! ?

Tachibana Aya was puzzled, but Xia Zhi had already walked into the kitchen and washed the apples. Tachibana Aya couldn't speak loudly now, for fear of disturbing Sir Xia Meng and criticizing herself, which would be very uncomfortable.No matter what game you are in, it is very necessary to increase your favorability before doing whatever you want.Tachibana Aya quietly sat in her favorite spot beside the kotatsu.

(End of this chapter)

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