Chapter 476

Xia Zhi took out a few apples from a plastic bag and washed them briefly, then put them on the plate and walked out of the kitchen.One above and three below, a typical method of stacking round objects.

Although Xia Zhi also wanted to wash all the apples and find a place to put them away, but it would be difficult to finish eating so many apples in a short time, so Xia Zhi had to give up this plan.

As soon as Natsuchi put the plate with apples on the kotatsu table, Tachibana Aya reached over and picked one up to nibble on.The floor that was originally planned to be mopped was also dried up in a short time, so Xia Zhi no longer had to continue cleaning.He also took an apple, turned around and walked towards the bedroom door.

You just brought Xia Meng over, she shouldn't go to sleep so soon, right?

Xia Zhi opened the bedroom door and saw Xia Meng looking towards him through the crack of the door, with no expression on his face.The scene of quietly opening the door that is often played in TV dramas does not happen in reality.

After Xia Zhi knew that he had been discovered, he simply pushed the door open and walked in.

"Mengmeng, do you want to eat an apple? This apple is very sweet."

"Yes." Xia Meng, who was sitting on the bed and looking down at the book, nodded. She was leaning on the bed now, and the book was open on the quilt. Xia Meng's eyesight was pretty good. If Xia Zhilai Look, it's probably hard to see the small words in the book clearly from such a distance.I love reading so much and my eyesight is so good, which is exactly the opposite of me not loving reading and my eyesight is not very good either. It’s a sad story.

Xia Zhi handed her the apple. Xia Meng stretched out his hands to catch the apple, and then nibbled it in small bites. There was no emotional change in the whole process. Trying to read her current thoughts from her expression was simply a mistake. An impossible thing.Xia Zhi decided to ask her personally.

"what do you think?"

"The taste is okay." Xia Meng replied. Xia Zhi continued to wait for her to speak, but after waiting for a while, she realized that that was all she felt.

Well, actually, it’s better to keep my feelings simple. After all, if you like it, you just like it, and if you don’t like it, you don’t like it. There are so many reasons why.

"Has that girl named Tachibana Aya come here again?" Xia Zhi, who didn't continue to worry about the apples, asked about Tachibana Aya. It was probably because she spoke too loudly just now and Xia Meng heard her. I have to talk to her nicely.But it’s not a big deal, after all, there is always some movement in and out.Activities quietly or something like that... It's not like being a thief, that would be too much.

Xia Zhi nodded: "I forgot about the apple when I came back, so she brought it to me."

"It's such a simple and easy-to-understand idea." Xia Meng lowered her head, nibbling on an apple and reading a book: "I'm too lazy to get out of bed. I'll remember to send her back later. It's not safe to stay outside so late. .”

Xia Zhi smiled slightly: "I know, I'm familiar with this."

As soon as he finished speaking, Xia Meng raised his head and stared at himself.Xia Zhi mentally slapped himself, then pretended not to notice and walked out of the room and closed the door.

Therefore, when encountering such a situation, it is yes to answer all questions, but when answering, you must filter what you want to say, and don't let extra things be exposed and become trouble for you.This is a necessary method to avoid making Xia Meng angry. Being angry is not good for your health. This is because you care about her.

How can you call him a scumbag if he cares about his sister?

And whether it is with his sister or with Tachibana Aya, neither side can form such a relationship, so Natsuki can be forgiven for doing this.Um.

"What did Mengmeng say?" Tachibana Aya, who was sitting next to the kotatsu table, asked. She had already sat in the kotatsu in the most comfortable position, with her back against Kumamon.Kumamon has become Tachibana Aya’s new favorite after the Akita Inu.

"The taste is okay, that's what she said." Xia Zhi finished on the opposite side of her and took an apple from the plate. There were originally five apples in total. After Xia Zhi took away one, there were only two left. .Tachibana Aya had already started chewing an apple.

This apple is indeed quite sweet, and seems to be more popular among girls who like sweet things.

"Then ask the store manager to buy some. Apples shouldn't be very expensive anyway." Tachibana Aya calculated.

However, Xia Zhi was not as optimistic as she was: "For such a big apple and it's sweet, I think the price might be a bit outrageous. I'll make a plan after asking the store manager about the specific price."

"It doesn't matter. As long as it doesn't exceed five thousand yen, it won't be a problem."

Xia Zhi glared at her: "That's not how you use your money! A prodigal child. I said I wanted to make money before, but now I'm squandering it. How can I save money?"

Is a five thousand yen apple a golden apple that makes you invincible for a few seconds?Tachibana Aya's perseverance is as unreliable as her bragging.

"Hmm...Okay. You decide." Tachibana Aya shook her head from side to side, leaving the choice to Xia Zhi, while she gnawed on the apple in her hand.

"Do you have any apples in your apartment? Some of the apples the store manager gave you were given to you."

Tachibana Aya shook her head: "All the apples are here."

"Then I'll go find a bag and take it back with you when you go back."

"There's no need to go to such trouble," Tachibana Aya stopped Natsuki: "If I want to eat, I can just come over and eat. If I take the apples back to the apartment, I'll probably finish them all in a day or two."

Xia Zhi blinked: "Can't you control yourself?"

"The thing I'm worst at is controlling myself." Tachibana Aya said pointedly, "Especially when it comes to things I like."

Xia Zhi subconsciously remembered what he had just thought of, and the corners of his eyes twitched uncontrollably.

"If you want to rob my sister, there is no way. If you mess around again, be careful and I will beat you up."

Tachibana Aya snorted: "I'm not messing around. Silly goose."

This was just a tough talk after the plot was discovered. Xia Zhi would not be deceived by her at all.He hummed softly and ate the apple.

"I'll take you back after you finish eating the apple. I have something to do later."

After hearing this, Tachibana Aya was stunned for a moment, then she held the apple in one hand and pulled the plate with apples on the kotatsu table towards her with the other hand.


"Leave one more for Mengmeng."

Natsuki took out one of the two apples left on the plate, and Tachibana looked at Natsuki with his mouth bulging.

"Bad man."

(End of this chapter)

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