nursery rhymes

Chapter 12 The Relationship Between Them

Chapter 12 The Relationship Between Them

Zhuge Yang has always felt that when two people get married, they will have a relationship of equality and complementarity.

Even if the wife has no financial resources to take care of the children at home, her contribution is no less than that of the husband.

The way the couple Yang Meiling and Feng Yaozhong got along reminded Zhuge Yang of a sentence: From the perspective of interpersonal relationships, there are very few interpersonal relationships that cannot distinguish between strong and weak. There is no absolute, equal relationship at all times. of.

In marriage, love and economic relationships, the determination of the strength of a relationship is determined by the relationship between supply and demand.If the relationship between husband and wife is equal, the strength of the reaction will depend on the economic status.

Feng Yaozhong is in a strong position at home, while Yang Meiling, who has no financial resources, is in a weak position.The weak never dare to resist against the strong.

Yang Meiling's character is the kind of person who is content with the status quo and refuses to take a step forward, so she accepts everything Feng Yaozhong brings to her.

Feng Yaozhong abused her children, but she could bear it.She could tolerate Feng Yaozhong's domestic violence against her.The most important thing is that she actually taught her children to endure the abuse.

If Zhuge Yang didn't still have some sense to understand why he came to Yang Meiling today, he would have slapped the table and scolded her.

After asking what should be asked, he turned and left very impolitely with a cold face.After leaving the hotel door, he immediately kicked the stone pier by the side of the road.

He walked around the stone pier twice with his hands on his hips, then took out his car keys and drove back.

The news that the boy Jiang Jiang has been found has been released, and the rumors have been temporarily stopped. How will the murderer of the murder feel at this moment?

Zhuge Yang turned the steering wheel and took a different route to the hotel where sisters He Ya lived.

It is still unclear what the murderer's purpose was, and the end of the rumors may not prevent the other party from committing crimes again.He felt that he was getting closer and closer to the truth, so he had to seize the time.

Linhai Hotel, second floor, door 207.Zhuge Yang leaned forward and looked at the noisy people in the room.

He Ya's hair was loose, and his blue-and-white checkered shirt jacket was pulled by someone.The hand pulling the sleeve was a middle-aged short-haired woman with her back to the door.

He Zhi still wore her high ponytail, her face flushed and she was arguing loudly with the middle-aged woman.

"I told you to let go of my sister, don't you understand human language?"

"Shut up, there's no place for you to speak here. What did you two sisters do to my son? Tell me, why did Mingyang come to Beidaihe by himself? Why was he killed? Tell me clearly. "Then there was the sound of crying and howling, which shook the heaven and the earth.

The hotel waiter came forward to persuade, and five or six guests from the next room also came out to watch.

In the end, the middle-aged woman stayed in the room and cried to the waiter about the pain of losing her son.The two sisters, He Ya, came to the window at the end of the corridor on the second floor, away from the crying.

Standing behind the two of them, Zhuge Yang asked them in a calm but determined tone: "Fu Mingyang has been violent to you, right?"

He Ya looked out the window and did not move, but He Zhi turned to look at him.

"Have you ever posted videos of domestic violence?"

"No." Heya still didn't look back.

Zhuge Yang cast his gaze on He Zhi's face, whose anger had subsided, and asked again: "What about you, have you ever released a video of your sister being domestically abused?"

He Zhi raised his chin and answered eagerly: "Me neither."

Zhuge Yang took a deep look at He Zhi, nodded, and walked back to room 207 first.

At this time, there was one more person in the room, Yin Zihe.He was half-crouching and explaining to Fu Mingyang's mother: "You also hope that we will find the murderer as soon as possible and bring him to justice. Therefore, sisters Heya will leave behind to provide us with useful clues at any time. We have already investigated. Fu Mingyang's murder had nothing to do with Sister Heya. I know your heart is breaking, but the truth is more important. Fu Mingyang was killed for no reason. You must hope that the murderer will be brought to justice as soon as possible, right? ?”

Zhuge Yang stopped for a while and went downstairs first without saying hello to Yin Zihe.

Sitting in the car, I opened my notebook and recorded the news I got from Sister Heya.Zhuge Yang's eyes flashed when he caught a glimpse of the word "Little Tiger" above.

He had studied that nursery rhyme no less than a hundred times. "Five guys fighting a tiger"

Five young men, Feng Yaozhong's five broken fingers.Fighting tigers, Feng Yaozhong abused his son, and his son's nickname was Xiaohu.

Who would know the nickname of Feng Yaozhong’s son?

Acquaintances, people who are familiar with Feng Yaozhong and Yang Meiling.

After putting away the notebook and starting the car, a figure ran over in the rearview mirror.

"Captain Yang, wait for me, together." Yin Zihe opened the door and got into the passenger seat.

Just when Yin Zihe pulled out his seat belt and was about to fasten it, Zhuge Yang suddenly spoke and asked him to get out of the car.Yin Zihe groaned in bitterness and hatred: "Captain Yang, I just ran here. There are no free cars in the bureau. Just take me back."

Zhuge Yang reached out and patted his shoulder heavily. "Yin Zihe, I will assign you a task."

Hezhi still needs a breakthrough.

Zhuge Yang returned to the bureau and once again screened the interpersonal relationships of Feng Yaozhong that he had investigated before, this time focusing on the list of people who had close relationships with the couple.

After searching, he realized a key issue.

The person who knew about Feng Yaozhong's child abuse and the child's nickname was the same person who knew about Fu Mingyang's domestic violence against his wife.Moreover, judging from the clues of the flowerpot-soled shoes, most of them are women.

If Hezhi once posted a video of her sister being domestically abused, people who knew both families at the same time would become thousands of netizens.

Feng Yaozhong is in BJ and Fu Mingyang is in Tianjin. There is no other connection between the two.As for the connection, the only thing is child abuse and domestic violence against wives.

Zhuge Yang immediately threw down the information in his hand, called Yang Meiling and asked her to come to the police station.

Although the videos Yang Meiling once posted have been deleted, her account has not been canceled.Export the contact list and chat history from it and check them one by one.

From this list, we found that there are five accounts that have added Yang Meiling as friends, and their IP addresses are all in QHD City.

During further investigation, Zhuge Yang found that an account named "Hard-working Sunflower" was the most suspicious.

In the short video, the image created by the hard-working Sunflower is that of a single mother with a child.Most of the videos posted are about daily cooking and happy moments with children, but their faces are not shown.

After this hard-working Sunflower added Yang Meiling as a friend, she first expressed her understanding and sympathy by asking for help, and also asked whether Xiaohu's father often abused Xiaohu.

The two had the most chat records, and they gradually talked about Feng Yaozhong's career, bad habits and other private information.

When Zhuge Yang saw this, he was basically sure that the suspect was this hard-working sunflower. 'First, I obtained information and found out everything about Feng Yaozhong and the child's nickname.

Next, wait for Feng Yaozhong's mobile phone data to be restored and check whether the 'hard-working sunflower' is among the contacts in the short video. The evidence will be conclusive.

(End of this chapter)

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